As President Trump takes a victory lap following a U.S. raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, House Democrats will vote on a resolution to formalize the impeachment inquiry. While Democrats maintain that the resolution is not necessary to conduct impeachment hearings, it will undercut the GOP’s argument that the inquiry is illegitimate without approval of the full House. The vote will be held on Thursday. Aired on 10/29/19.
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As Trump Takes Victory Lap, Dems To Vote To Move Forward With Impeachment – The Day That Was | MSNBC
I hope that the “Everything leads to Putin” comment was a hint of what they are going to charge him with.
That’s really stupid. But good luck with that.
Giorge Leedy’s English Mastery could be, we’ll see
@Cornelius Vath …really instead of following the rules of engagement by alerting Pelosi of the attack on the leader of ISIS he tells daddy PUTIN hate to say it… actually i don’t YOUR DEAR LEADER IS A RUSSIAN ASSET
The russian trolls are out full force
@Don Williams I’m stealing your job since I’m an illegal immigrant.
@Toxic Grunt

stop it. You’re too much. So funny! 

never heard that one before
Freddy Tapia hmmm well i’m 52 and been retired for 6 years sooooooooooo
You are the embodiment of dumb.
It amazes me how the same people who decry the impeachment “process” as if it denies Donald Trump the ability to defend himself don’t seem to have a problem with the White House “process” of ignoring subpoenas and obstructing congress….
@googlesucks you sonats. Which stands for socialist nationalists because Nazis has too much taboo already.
@adam latham
said the ISIS supporter!
@yellow dog POLL: Brainwashed Liberals Love The CIA Most!
@Gabriel Harris No thanks. But enjoy the Trump rally on the 7th. Should be the best on yet, lots to celebrate!
Right before Halloween

let’s Flush the Dump he’s so nasty
@Toxic Grunt
LAME,. Stop betraying your Country. America doesn’t deserve this Criminal president.
Your special education and 68 IQ is shining through today. I’m proud of you…
Dutch Farmers Begin Mass Protest Against Green Fascism …
Toxic Grunt shut up fascist scum
People like Bannon are the hatred that stokes this presidency!
Bannon is a very unhappy man. Thrown out of Italy as well.
ISIS supporters said what?
Dutch Farmers Begin Mass Protest Against Green Fascism …
Crystal Giddens ho away .. take your conspiracy and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine
How has a lifetime of chronic, habitual lying working out for you donny, now that you would give anything for people to take you at your word?
Pathological liars like Trump can’t help themselves. It’s all a part of Trump psychotic personality.
@John Swofford
CNN trained you well. Your mushy brain absorbed that garbage quickly…
Prove one lie.
Love to see the reception drumpf got in a real public event. Not his staged Rally’s. America spoke freaking loud that day!
@michelle belle Absolutely agree he has a cult. Folks that refuse to listen to other sides and just have drumpf blinders on. This is not about right or left, it should be about correct or incorrect…
@J lock Staged in the sense that only the cultists attend. You can call me a fool all you want. Insults are like water off a duck’s back or Russian pee in drumpfs open mouth
@Oscar Molina Extinction Rebellion Climate Activists Tossed Out Of In-N-Out Burger
Trump: this is nonsense because there’s been no House vote.
Pelosi: Why, thanks for reminding me! Hold my coffee.
@ruth depew Dutch Farmers Begin Mass Protest Against Green Fascism …
@Toxic Grunt You are definitely right and certainly not correct.
@Toxic Grunt You are definitely right, but certainly not correct.
@Toxic Grunt Yup, 54 years ago I came up four points short of 1400 on my SAT (before they dumbed the test down several times).
@Crystal Giddens Yes ma’am, there are ignorant people the world over, many of whom project their own fascism in an inane spew.
The stable genius has no idea how screwed he is. His alternate reality is about to meet reality. He has run his game for quite awhile now, but the wheels of justice are about to run him down.
His misinformed supporters ignore his missteps and claim victory out of Trump’s losses. They will be as shocked as Trump when he makes history by becoming the third POTUS to ever be impeached.
@John Swofford if obama did this i would feel the same way its not about color, its not about democrats or republicans its about knowing politics and having compassion for people, which this president dont know either
The Democrats will not impeach the President because they don’t have the votes in the House. Wait and see.
@Toxic Grunt what house you talking about? They didnt have to take a vote there taking a vote just so the Whitehouse cant stop saying they wont comply with a fake impeachment inquiry, Nancy Pelosi is nipping the orange crash dummy in the bud
@Ron Walker
I know this is a stretch for your limited intellect & 67 IQ but the House votes on the Articles of Impeachment. Do you need a coloring book…
somebody bring the popcorn this gonna be a good *Netflix Documentary*
Laci Adams Yeah. Guess we need people like Bernie and Warren and Pelosi and AOC to rewrite it huh? WOW.
@Laci Adams Planned Parenthood is nothing short of a Corprocratic Sacrificial Temple with Fedex trucks trucking out baby parts as if Planned Parenthood was simply a grocery store butcher.
@Don Williams What we don’t need is people like you who are RUSSIAN TROLLS….defending the indefensible ……..TAN SUIT.. TAN SUIT …TAN SUIT ….

@Crystal Giddens GASLIGHT MUCH…..PP is WOMEN’S A HEALTH ORG……not a baby chop shop…..abortion is less than 5% of what they do…….but if a conservative can find a way to twist it until it fits……….ARE YOU GONNA TAKE CARE OF THOSE UNWANTED CHILDREN?
@Don Williams those are your words not mine!! Don’t think I even mentioned any specific names… Probably shouldnt assume..
Whenever Trump says he’s not taking a government salary, remember this:
Government officials have visited Trump properties 1,502 times.
Trump has been president for 1,011 days.
That’s nearly 1.5 visits each day Trump has been in office.
Taking office has actually HURT the President’s brand. Operating revenue at Trump Doral in Miami has plummeted 69 percent in the past two years, according to a new report from the Washington Post. *The Post notes that, according to internal documents, revenue also fell at three Trump hotels in New York and Chicago after their namesake entered the presidential race.* There are some Trump Organization properties that are faring well. For the most part, they’re the ones that DON’T bear the president’s name.
@Cool Breeze Doral lost its PGA tour game to Mexico City. Trump’s fall off in business is eating Trump’s lunch and he’s attempting to use the power of his office to make up the difference.
Yeah its true he does make up for whatever little loss i bet campaign funds hes pocketing it i believe so
Boo ! Boo ! Boo ! Trump lock him up ! lock him up !

Yes for our Special Ops Military personnel
Remember Trump in “Helsinki ” !!!!
Oh ghee, Bannon … he needs to go to AA to wake up to his own hatred!
Time to impeach this madman.
I guarantee he’s not going to get impeached
They weren’t booing! They were “oooh” ing. Just being near me you can sense how majestic I am!
We want them to boo. They are the swamp that we are draining.
Impeach, then bleach the White House.
I know, Michelle Obama peed all over the toilet when he stood over it…
Wow, if this is the “stable genius” imagine the unstable one.
GOP’s Frankenstein they created has run amok.
Throw him in prison.
He will never be handcuffed or put in jail. Mainstream media is just playing you gullible ignoramuses for the fools you are. It’s funny though. And good for Trump campaign donations too!