Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer discusses Obamacare, the Supreme Court and a range of public policies in an interview with MSNBC’s Ari Melber. The two also discuss reports of the GOP approach to a potentially contested election, and Schumer says he will “fight tooth and nail” to be more aggressive than past Democratic campaigns to ensure they do “not let Donald Trump steal the election.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 10/22/2020.
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About The Beat with Ari Melber: Former lawyer Ari Melber leads this show that provides in-depth analysis of the day's biggest news stories. ""The Beat"" features guest interviews in addition to reporting on stories from across the country. The stories that are covered span across the political spectrum. In addition to his law background, Melber is a former Senate staffer, giving him a unique perspective to share on the political happenings coming out of Washington, D.C.
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As Trump Implodes, Top Dem Schumer Preps 'Aggressive' Plan To Thwart Stealing The Race
America is
23 in education.
37 in healthcare.
34 in raising family index.
No high-speed train.
Highest number of homeless people.
Highest number of incarcerated people.
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.
Stock market is not economy of Americans! Where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of the population, it’s wallet for the rich.
Let’s talk like adults, instead of name calling.
I have left the proof on my playlist, if you would like to check!
Let’s make our country better together. .
Well put particularly re the stock market, stock prices only affect those with stocks which isn’t the average American.
Name 0ne better country?
I’ll wait.
@We The People
You forgot to mention that we are 1 of 3 “civilized advanced nation’s” in the World that does not have “single tier healthcare coverage” for their citizens.
In America our money covers all of the research and development for most immunizations and vaccines to save countless lives around the globe and we pay 200% to 2000% more then every other Country in the World.
Just disgusting! Thanks for sharing those figures!!!
@Victor Mason Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden… just to name a few
Biden/Harris 2020
@Martha Martha

Yes, vote early!
Time for joe to pack the SC.
too late
The only thing Joe is going to pack is a bag on his way to be cell mates with Bill Cosby.
Its not packing if its already packed.
@Noreb Thank you! I thought I was the only one that understood that. TRUMP packed the court and adding to the court would make it a neutral court.
Lovely, no Russian bots. I guess they’re all receiving their comment strategy for post debate trolling
I think it’s getting harder and harder for them to troll on Trump’s behalf. Trump is clearly a lunatic and he changes what he says every single day.
@JUST STOP suuuuuuuure kid. We all believe you.
@Noreb You guys are such good debaters! Way to prove me wrong! All you geniuses ever do is call everyone bots or racist or some other term you’ve totally corrupted the meaning of. Never actually refute anything I say tho. Pretty sad if you can’t out wit a “bot”.
@JUST STOP thats not how the world works little boy… you dont get to make unqualified statements based on nonsense and proven lies/disinformation and then tell other people to prove you wrong…. either prove your own point or shut up and stop pretending anyone outside of your echo chamber believes you. the world is laughing at you.
@JUST STOP go smoke some DMT and wake up, your in a cult
Vote Blue.. Save America

You will SINK America… TRUMP 2020!
Why isn’t the argument being made that the refusal to fund the states IS the Trump administration defunding the police as well as all other “essential agencies” Mr law and order should be first in line to send funding.
Good point.
lol Ironic!! They dont care. The stimulus pkg is being held up by mitch mcconnell because they say Dems want to spend too much!! Its funny how republicans get real FRUGAL when it comes to helping American citizens!!! Even if certain cities had to shutdown again… If they had the Covid Aid and protections there then it shouldnt be an issue.

He suks
@josef jerbils being mean is a yesterday thing go to fake Fox news.
Haha, no they don’t. America’s enemies love Joe Biden because they know he can be bought.
2020 Will go down in history. It feels like a drunk driver is driving while intoxicated! It’s so much wreckage everywhere. I’ll be so relieved! When Harris and Biden take the wheel.

bka Jennifer Sutton/Tokey
Yeah, let’s go on a road trip and we’ll let dementia Joe drive, everybody pile in!
@Cory Allen Get off youtube and go get your GED
@Cory Allen really go back to fox news nobody here cares what lies you believe..the fact you have to come up with the lies and misinformation Trump spews shows you cannot think for yourself
couldn’t agree more! 

A Harris/Biden campaign right
This won’t age well.
The Republican party is actively engaged in SUPPRESSING democracy. Think about that America!
Democracy? Find that word mentioned even once in the Constitution, it’s not there!
@Cory Allen So what? It’s a democratic republic. Of, for and by the people= democracy.
@Fortescue The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against …
press hard, sir.
Let hope in votes for a more stronger and democratic American and 2021!
Trump will FLEE , the USA in DECEMBER . He will do this in the way all dictators and despots flee , with a pallet full of YOUR TAX MONEY
Fine… let him go…. the sooner the better…
D. M I’m betting he heads to Brazil…
@Think About it Let’s hope so! VOTE,
The Republican Party is no longer a political party/movement. It’s a criminal organization
Joe and Hunter Biden say hi
This WH makes organized crime look good

JUST STOP they are democrats not Republicans
@Marina Moskaleva Exactly
Schumer…knows his stuff, extremely knowledgeable of Federal Government.
today he lead a political stunt involving putting real size photos of democrats in a US justice confirmation hearing, thats called bieng a clown
I am an American since birth and I am afraid of what is happening, very insecure in my ability to live.
Hang in there. We are all worried about our SS and Medicare.
Yes. Here. Here.
@margo sparkle don’t be afraid, try not to worry. Turn to King Jesus leaning on your faith, through your belief. Read 2 Chronicle 7:14. Remember King Jesus love you.
Margo Sparkle It’ll be okay. I promise.
Nina Johnson Wrong place for church blathering. Separation of church and state, remember? This is a discussion about politics and government. Quickest way to push people away from the word is to shove it in their faces. Congratulations… you are actually doing satan’s work… . . . . .
Wowwwww!!!! They gotta keep fighting!! Im doing my part by voting BLUE!!! Alot of those proposals sound good… I especially love the Student loan relief!! That would instantly change alot of lives!!
Yeah, the price of Bread, milk, energy, fuel, water would SKY R0cket
@Victor Mason but my fine arts degree bruuuuuhhhh what about the poor campus graduates ::(:(:(
Trump gotta go. He act like a lil b….!! Joe handled himself in debates like a true gentleman. Biden 2020
i dont want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle- Joe Biden 1973
We can’t let Donald Trump win.
Do not ever fail to call Moscow Mitch, Moscow Mitch. He deserves NO respect!