The New Yorker's David Remnick and the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson join a discussion on the president's Monday coronavirus briefing where Trump said he had absolute power to reopen states. Aired on 4/14/2020.
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As Trump Declares Absolute Power, Governors Move On Without Him | Morning Joe | MSNBC
King Donald thinks the presidency comes with a crown and a scepter. In reality what he needs is a pacifier and a rattle. Followed by a blindfold and a cigarette. In between some tar and feathers.
söder bröder I think your tune would change a little if you actually lived out in the country for a little while. People who are different than you are not your enemy. Not to mention metropolitan areas are so divorced from nature and peace that they may harden the heart.
love your comments. thx
Kick trump out of america no one will take him in strand him on an island and give him bleach to drink like he told us to do
@Susan Sullivan And replaced by whom? Biden? Really? Biden and his identity politics running mate. Imagine that.
@Sicklady Tyranny? Please explain what you mean by “tyranny”.
Trump: I have absolute power.
Also Trump: I’m not taking responsibility for anything.
@Jenelle Jackson Well said !
We all know how President Trump likes to talk on TV and flex his muscles. Right now, we just need to continue to protect ourselves, get through this pandemic; COVID 19 and look forward to the change of the “Guard” in November.
That’s all I’ll say.
@dozzer009 Bannon wants a “restart”. To let the virus “wash over” America is a good start to a “cleansing” Armageddon.
@Frances Wilson party loyalty is the nation’s downfall are u mad? The left and right are in the same club and he called that out!
Can you imagine the outcry if Obama had ever said that? The only positive thing Trump has done is made Barack Obama look really good
@B0omer96 oh freaking cry me a river.
@B0omer96 please tell me which time he said mexico would pay for a wall was taken out of context. Please. Honest to God you people are stupid.
@B0omer96 you hate commies? Trump loved them! Last I checked Russia and North Korea were communist. They’re his friends. Honest to God you are stupid
@Jim Brown The Russian Federation is a representative democracy, not communist. As for NK, nasty governments have to be dealt with in as civil a manner as possible sometimes. It seems YOU are stupid if you think Russia is STILL the Soviet Union.
@B0omer96 you have just relabeled communism with verbiage. They are communist. Do your homework. Honest to God you are stupid.
2016 – “I alone can fix it.” 2020 – “I am not responsible”.
trump. In a nutshell.
Now, what I want to know is, what have you done for your country? Show me how you have gathered your community to assemble and make decisions with your community? Have you allowed corrupt governments to rule you????
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He’s got to go. We have to get him out of our White House.
jane hyden ALL USA must or the US will be a State of Russia!
I rather hoped some mental guy would take him out when he first got in. Now, just need some someone with a solid moral attitude who will take the responsibility
Annamarie Galloway baaahhaaa FUNNY

that was a joke… right???
sounding and acting more n more like a D I C T A T O R
@Agolf Twittler That’s because you are ignorant to who exactly owns these media outlets he is talking about and unaware of the agenda they are pushing. For some reason you only have the capacity to see face value and dont see what they are doing.
He is right about these American traitors that don’t make decisions that are in the best interest for America. People who’s decisions and intelligence is based off of emotions rather than logic. I supposed you wanted to Hilary Clinton who praised a eugenicists in Margaret Sanger who was a racist and supported and praised by the actual Adolf Hitler.
@HuPoMeno All of what I listed was said by Trump himself, not by the media. You don’t even need the media in most cases, just read his tweets.
Bruce Smith *rightists
@Bruce Smith You are a simpleton.
“Another Hitler”
What system trump talking about, McDonald’s system
Blake still in the game I love their fries
The US will look back in years and decades to come and ask the question: how did we allow this to happen?
@Neddy It’s the GOP’s Ace in the Hole. The electoral college exists to serve corruption, & for no other logical reason. It was always a concept that seemed out of place, or counterintuitive to serving a Democratic Republic.
matthew martin what you don’t understand is that you are but the difference is you can make a change you can start by using your Stolen inheritance and give it back to the children of the slaves who you see that is broken and strip start and help protect the universe and your off spring from gods Recompense
matthew martin you are responsible by not saying or doing anything
@Aharon Yasharahla Excuse me…’not saying or doing anything’ ?? Why would you even say such a thing, when the TRUTH IS that you have no clue WHO I AM, or WHAT I DO? Be HONEST. You just HAVE TO HATE the US, which I ACTUALLY TOTALLY understand. I just DO NOT RESPECT anyone who stops judging Human beings INDIVIDUALLY, based upon understanding and compassion. You seem to be full of hate, & I’m sorry that you’ve lost touch with HUMANITY because of POLITICS & much worse, I think you’ve lost the person you were meant to be. God Bless you & your loved ones during these crazy times. I only have room in my heart for love at this point, hate begets hate…MLK
Then we will point our fingers at his base and the electoral college for it.
When are we gonna wake up… This man isn’t saying anything to help the people…
Take to your feet America start to fight back
it’s a pity that the Governors flocking together are mostly only Democrats. The others are afraid of losing their jobs
Massachusetts Governor is a Republican.
@D Nichols
Nailed it. They should never hold political office again. Sleazy bunch.
@D Nichols Really? …and where did you get these facts?
*Mostly* Democrats. A friend and I checked the list of governors who’d shut down their states to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. Although the ones who shut their states down were heavily Democrats, there were some Republican governors doing the right thing, too. As of March 30th at least 6 Republican governors had issued “stay at home” orders, and within a day or two the number rose to 9 Republican governors, of Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. By April 7th many of those governors had issued orders or extensions keeping the shutdown in place into May.
This is sad and very very scary!! I pray and hope all Americans stay safe!
Sad and Scary? How about Getting angry and motivated!!!!
We all could be safe if we follow the WHO recommendations of staying home if possible, hand washing, wearing masks , keep distance when in groceries line, etc. The US has not reached the contamination peak to promote “back to normal” activities. It’s simply irresponsible.
chronicman06 I live in Canada. I’m definitely angry for you and hope this motivates you to vote him out!!
Yes the cabal government designed it to be scary…The government and business should have never been shut down and the sheeply should not have agreed.
Imagine a White House press conference with no reporters, no journalists , only empty chairs. That would be priceless. Forget the Clown and go after what really matters ; data from epidemiologists, infectious diseases experts , emergency room and ICU personnel . That’s what people should be informed about.
@Shane Shoemake he doesn’t support us and that’s against his oath. Supporting the potus is neither required nor is a lack thereof against ANY law. He is supposed to be held to a higher standard and his “supporters” are in rapture about him behaving like meth head with dementia. Wtf
Imagine a White House press conference with a president who tells the truth. Who honestly answers press questions, and diligently works to protect the American people and stop the pandemic.
To do that, imagine a real president, like Barack Obama, who inherited a crisis and brought us out of it. But that would take someone with a brain capable of thinking about someone other than himself…
President Trump does answer question. Please start listening.
Imagine having reporter that actually did reporting and told the truth…
@Annamarie Galloway A REPORTER who actually told the truth, you say?
Something tells me you may have drunk the Chlorox…
“Yeah, whatever …” pretty much sums up my reaction to everything trump says during this pandemic. He’s so out of touch he is Mr. Irrelevant.
Can u explain how he irrelevant he is talking about corona virus give updates, try to solve the problems and jo Biden hiding in his home how that Irrelevant
Pls open ur ears and ur eye before you open your mouth
major tom Please open your eyes and your ears before your open your mouth and say something bad about our president you’re so blind
You do not have a clue of what is going on behind the scenes, do you?
Why does the press turn up to these “news briefings” just to be insulted? And there is no news, just a “Me Me, I’m not responsible” repeat fest.
@Bruce Smith Maybe to you. But to us older people, the Press is the only voice we have in keeping track on this self admitted Dictator. Many of us have had to raise their hand and swear allegiance to the United States of America–not to some God damned Dictator.
@Ken Buckley don’t you think it’s strange that ccn is loaded with CIA. Clapper, mudd, Brennan, even Anderson Cooper are connected to CIA. Do accept fisa warrants as ok, when it has been shown that FBI lied to get warrants with the intent of spying and entrapment? Do think it is ok for Biden to money through son from China and Ukraine????
@Bruce Smith Proof? No revisionist history!
@Ken Buckley ig and Barr have already filed charges on FBI staff who altered and lied to get fisa warrants. Now it’s shown Steele was connected to Kremlin. WaPo reported Hillary laundered money through Perkins/coi to pay for dossier. We need to revise msm news because it’s all wrong. Even maddov admitted the she fudges on truth, and her audience knows that.
@Ken Buckley The mainstream media is just another arm of the Democratic Party but you know that already that’s why you watch it you like what you hear You’re feeding your trump derangement syndrome
“Nobody knows the system better than me (I been cheating it my entire life!)”
IRS- all money went to England…Do you know the history of your nation?
But he’s been cheating it with the help of lawyers.. Now that he only consults his own idiotic self for advice, we get the Chlorox treatment. Hopefully, he’ll be the first to try it.
“We the people have the power also.”
With all respect to the gorverment but Not just one man in the United States runs this country.
Hahaha ok u go get them bad guys lol
Angel your statement is very wise! Please join the communities who take this responsibility seriously…
Free Conference Call HD (605)313-5140 Please Join your community today, Wednesday 4/29/20 at 7:00 pm Mountain time Your host for the Evening is Ann
Dial-in number: (605) 313-5140
Participant Code: 953205
Playback number: (605) 313-5153
Lol Trump thinks he’s living in Viking age lol. “I’m the King”. Maybe a new Hitler? “ I have the absolute power”
@Rabbit not true I’m a member of the working class thanks to him I have health care
@Joe Defrancia so who pays for it? Can u choose your own doctor?
If I didn’t have health insurance and had to go to the er tax payers would pay for that either way tax payers pay for it
@Carolyn Botkin trump is not a conservative the word is incompetant
@Joe Defrancia ok fine and that’s ok, you’re American but those benefits were given to illegal immigrants as well
“It is easier to fool someone than to convince them They Have been Fooled”~Marl Twain
A man ahead of –his– *_our_* time *_:’ (_*
“I’m scared” Trump he’s the power the press the red button, send radiation all over & then say the light will make everything go away like a miracle.
the CORONA POTUS is the ugliest person that ever lived .