As Trump Crashes, Niece Warns Of Danger In Post-Election ‘Hit List’ | The Beat With Ari Melber

A little more than a week out from Election Day, Trump's niece Mary Trump joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber to discuss a new Axios report claiming Trump has what amounts to a political "hit list" and wants to remove the FBI director, CIA director and Defense Secretary after the election for refusing to use their powers to go after his “political enemies.” She provides insight into Trump’s mindset and asserts Americans “should be very worried” Trump’s efforts to dismantle American democracy will “increase exponentially" if he's re-elected. Mary Trump also adds Trump and his associates are "unwilling to do the hard work" needed for the country.(This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 10/26/2020.
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As Trump Crashes, Niece Warns Of Danger In Post-Election 'Hit List' | The Beat With Ari Melber

As Trump Crashes, Niece Warns Of Danger In Post-Election 'Hit List' | The Beat With Ari Melber


  1. America is

    23 in education.
    25 in democracy index.
    34 in raising a family index.
    37 in healthcare.
    No high speed train.
    Highest number of homeless people.
    Highest number of incarcerated people.
    78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.

    Stock market is not economy of Americans, where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of population, it’s wallet of the rich!

    Let’s talk like adults, instead of name calling!

    I have left ample of proof on my playlist, if you would like to check.

    Let’s make our country better together …

    1. @Becky Mayfield your sick. Trumps America. Trumps Presidency. Trumps death count. And its 225,000 plus. Stop defending this liar. He is responsible .

    2. Yes America will be the best from the bottom to the top in a few years. Soon we will hear that we don’t have bullet trains because China stolen our technology. Live to see. Regards

    1. Literally too! Notice that there’s a Covid surge in his wake. Wow..”SIR you win the Covid awards”!

    2. Donald Trump ————————————————– OUT —————————————————————–

    3. The Panic here is palpable. I have a feeling the Deep State Swamp will become self draining on Nov. 4th! Wonder how many will be left here @MSNBC? Anybody taking bets?

    4. Notice all these comments attacking Joe Biden instead of defending Trump. Because they can’t defend Trump. If they weren’t scared, they wouldn’t care enough to comment. They’re terrified.

    5. Tired of seeing The entire Trump Family Talking like The Most Seasoned Individuals…Well ..I recognize
      When I make a mistake..

  2. Come back Richard Nixon, all’s forgiven. We were wrong, you’re not the worst possible man for the job……

    1. @Shannon Frattura I see many name-calling throughout this thread. If you cant take it, dont dish it Snowflake.

    1. @DUMDEMO CRATS if you think Trump is such a patriot, why did he take. Putin’s word over his own DNl Dan Coats? Because he is an autocrat who doesn’t even like democracy. He wants to be king. Mad King Donald l. This is not an autocracy. Vote him out. It may be the last time we have a free election.

    2. The Panic here is palpable. I have a feeling the Deep State Swamp will become self draining on Nov. 4th! Wonder how many will be left here @MSNBC? Anybody taking bets?

    3. @jeremiah sams You have no idea what socialism really is if you believe Biden is a socialist. Why don’t you go read up on what socialism is before writing something that makes you look stupid. Do everyone a favor, and stop spreading your ridiculously ignorant propaganda.

  3. If Trump loses election Twitter should ban or suspend his account. And Media should ban all his speeches. He will try to incite violence in the country.

    1. The Panic here is palpable. I have a feeling the Deep State Swamp will become self draining on Nov. 4th! Wonder how many will be left here @MSNBC? Anybody taking bets?

    2. Notice these comments attacking Biden & Dems instead of defending Trump. Because they can’t defend Trump. If they weren’t scared, they wouldn’t care enough to comment. They’re terrified.

    3. We don’t need to censor Trump… we simply need to lock him in prison for the rest of his miserable life.

  4. Herd Immunity = Genocide by another name – from Genocide: Trump’s Final Solution To Immigrants And Minorities, “According to the United Nation’s Genocide Convention, the perpetration of genocide requires an “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” Since the White House itself has acknowledged the disproportionate deadly effects of the virus on minority communities, the intent can no longer be denied.” Dr. Bandy X. Lee (Yale School of Medicine) in CD Reports, May, 2020. I would add older & disabled Americans.

    1. Genocide Design Courtesy of Consulting Racist, Stephen Miller. Let us NEVER forget that evil man is standing behind the President as his Senior Racist Advisor. I know there seem to be plenty of racists to go around, but Stephen Miller is a nut case. See when he had to be forcibly removed from CNN’s studio because he froths like a mad dog.

    2. It also reminds me of the Aztec and Mayan’s sacrifice to a God who would protect them. In America’s case, it’s the God of Greed that compels the Republicans to murder maybe millions of people.

    3. Exactly right Trump is a Racist dog and I Hope pays dearly for his Evil intentions. Trump wants to blame everybody but himself.

    1. @BW Batman But Biden isn’t running against Trump.. he’s running against George Bush now. For the Senate seat.

      You must not have heard Joe’s speech last night.

    2. wow looks like i turned over a rock with a bunch of russian bot conservative loonytunes in here lookit em all scurryin around, they all so clever and witty hehe

    3. @Glenda Lewman The Senate majority headed by the sleazebag McConnell listened, and this is what they wanted. The majority of Americans will do what’s needed to correct that mistake.

    1. Exactly that’s why we are voting! Vote Blue!!! 💙💙💙🇺🇸💙💙💙 This man is insane!! tRump Dictatorship at its finest!!!

    2. Lol. Like dictators allow firearm ownership.

      We know you inbreeding Democratic cultists hate guns.

      Kyle Rittenhouse proved that we need AR15’S

  5. Don the Demon apparently hasn’t heard the saying “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

    1. Maybe that’s the real game being played by the deep state? There is not such thing as Dems vs reps, is all set up

  6. IF he looses, maybe the named people like the CIA MIGHT USE THEIR POWERS. So he is not well. We KNOW that. He is actually (sorry Mary) INSANE!!! He lives in a different world than we do! Period.

  7. Trump is a ravaging spoiled kid, but those allowing him to conduct such criminal activities are just as bad.

    1. Notice all these comments from Trump supporters. They don’t watch but always comment! If they weren’t scared, they wouldn’t care enough to comment. They’re terrified. Like coward Trump who runs away from questions.

    2. @DUMDEMO CRATS I don’t remember seeing any of Obama’s relatives saying bad things about him on TV. So do you think you know Trump better than his own niece and sister do..? Think carefully now.

    1. @honey badger Of the truth 2020 Have you ever looked at google earth? Check it out and then get back to me. Last I looked on the map, both cities were still standing. Don’t buy the hype.

    2. @86HMann I’m not dirty or perverted I’m not a Democrat you Democrats like the azz play like your boy Hunter and sniffy hairy leg Uncle Joe

    3. @Mondfischli ,and the entire country and the entire european continent in ruin’s. Don’t forget to add that to.

    4. @Gregory Robinson Fraudulent mail in ballots aren’t going to count in this election because if they do there’s going to be a war over them.

    1. Yes. Vote Trump! Because all of our lives depend on it! Yay Amy Coney Barrett. Yay President Donald J Trump. 💞🇺🇸

    1. It’s clear he enjoys spreading the virus. Now that it’s completely out of control he figures his work is more or less done.

    1. Because your system of presidential governance has no real checks and balances in place it relies on a gentleman’s agreement.

    2. The Panic here is palpable. I have a feeling the Deep State Swamp will become self draining on Nov. 4th! Wonder how many will be left here @MSNBC? Anybody taking bets?

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