“Desecrating two churches that have borne witness to this nation's struggle for equality, tearing up and burning signs that simply assert that the lives of Black Americans matter—well, that's about as low as it gets,” says Chris Hayes. Aired on 12/15/2020.
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#BlackLivesMatter #DCChurches #MSNBC
‘As Low As It Gets’: Black Lives Matter Signs Destroyed At Historic D.C. Churches | All In | MSNBC
it was never about religion or vandalism. It was always about validating their hate.
@TheRealCellar Incel?

@CShield yes
@TheRealCellar I remember “I know you are but what am I ” from playgrounds at elementary schools. Now its a standard come back from trolls.
@The ‘Debate Me!’ Channel – DID NOT! burn down churches in Portland! Bibles were burned and windiw
Does this mean the Trump cultists detached from reality can finally stop ranting every day about the LOOTERS, ANTIFA, and RADICAL LEFT MOB?
@Dementia Joe Joe Biden is YOURS AND DONALD J TRUMP’S PRESIDENT!! Whether trump shows up or not!
Carry On Toilet Brush licker!!
NO! They will use that to justify what they are doing. Even though the protests of BLM ended months ago for the most part.
@Lonestar like all monsters and thugs . No words need to be spoken nod nod wink wink.
@Dementia Joe Now they follow president Biden.
hmm. We keep seeing that “OK” hand signal from the neo natzis. They do it in a very specific way. It’s very noticeable. So now, when we see cops and other city employees doing this same symbol…can we at least ask some questions?
I seen that too! I thought it was the “Upside Down
” that was KKK or Skin head thing?
The party of “life” and “family values” can’t stop spreading love.
Smh… Just pure hate and evil
@Evan Thomas
@TheRealCellar There’s literally footage, are you so brainwashed that you cant even acknowledge what your eyes are witnessing?
@TheRealCellar What tf is ” sayd ” ?
Trumpsters acting out… this is disgusting!
@Big Earl Big Pearl, I don’t think you know what fascism means!
@Dementia Joe What is soy ?
@Dementia Joe Lefties don’t even know what bathroom there supposed to use
@Timothy Johnson You know where you are supposed to have muscles, well for you its just soy!
Here comes the whataboutisms.
@Linda Scott thats not right
@The ‘Debate Me!’ Channel Cynthia Johnson didn’t threaten Trumpists; she warned the militant ones threatening her life that if they tried, it wouldn’t go well for them. She should have been offered a security detail, but was removed instead. Considering all of the incitement Trump has been doing, the double standard is glaring.
@The ‘Debate Me!’ Channel i don’t have time to educate you, son.
But here’s a hint. If you want to increase bipartisanism and reduce tribalism, maybe stop being a trolling alt-right tribal hate monger.
@AnythingAuto To be honest, both Biden supporters and Trump supporters do the same thing. They both use whataboutisms. You can list the terrible things democrats or BLM have done and people here would ignore those things if it meant their political parties looked bad. Same with Trump supporters.
You’re all incapable of looking at the truth because of your tribalism. Civil dialogue is a dying sentiment these days because of everyone’s tribal mentalities.
@kenpachi zaraki maybe because Democrats and BLM are far from perfect, but Trump and his cult are violent thugs. BLM protests were mostly peaceful, many BLM organizations condemned violence, yet here you are repeating alt right lies but claiming bipartisanship.
I was waiting on this! Hope that made them “proud”
@Dementia Joe How big of you to let everyone know that he’s not just your friend, but he’s your black friend. Maybe one day, he’ll just be your friend, and not your black friend.
@Big Earl Don’t be a MORON it was relevant to the point to say he is black. Democrats act like if you say something bad about a black man you are racist and that is just patronizing blacks and treating them as lesser than other people!
@Dementia Joe

“I have a black friend so I can’t possibly be a racist”.
@Linda Scott You are a MORON I don’t care if you think I am racist. Like I said I I live in a small community and I am not collecting black friends as if they were just some sort of object like you probably do! I also know black people I can’t stand!
@Linda Scott Biden wrote the 1994 crime Bill that locked up many black people and even bragged about keeping people locked up for as long as possible! Biden was mentored by Robert Byrde a high ranking member of the KKK! Biden was for segregation and said that letting blacks go to school with whites would turn the school into a jungle! After getting booed by some black people,Dementia Joe Grand Wizard said he would put black people back in chains! Obama was the first clean intelligent black man! Vote for Dementia Joe Kid Touch or you ain’t black! DEMENTIA JOE FINGERS
I have a feeling that they can and probably will go lower, though. Something is broken òn the right, and I’ve no idea how to fix it
It can’t be fixed. Just like the Nazis in the past. It has to be razed to the ground. Terrifying and disgusting
We have some neo-Nazis in America, and there is no meaningful difference between Ku Kluxists and Nazis anymore.
The problem is one cannot “cure” hate.
@Alison Diaz the only one who can cure hate is the hater.
For who all Americans up stand up for the good not the bad we will win back the respect Our for the Good
Isn’t that bigotry and hateful vandalism , only the white can take destroy and expect no retaliation
BLM and ANTIFA have looted and burned areas in over 160 cities
@Marty methuselah my only pain is from seeing how pitiful you are.
@Linda Scott i aint black..
i will be alright..
i have god…remember
have a khan of nut butter
you just ain’t you with out your toppings..
or leggings..koran
@Marty methuselah ” i teach you class..” lmao
@Timothy Johnson you been taught plenty class already
fricking dumby
How many cowards does it take to burn signs? Obviously all of them.
@L T its rude to erase people’s comments!
@Dementia Joe lol. You’re 5’6″ and the 300 pounds is blubber.
Strong men don’t have the need to be internet bullies.
@Linda Scott Little baby girl!

@Dementia Joe calling women little girls is something else strong men don’t do.
Night night little snowflake. Cry into your pillow now.
@ElSmusso Dimentia Joe started his account here 14 days ago just to be a troll. Ignore him, he’s just hot air.
Disgusting. Beautiful churches.
These are Hate Crimes sanctioned by Drumpf. Federal Crimes….so they’re thinking…in a mobster accent “Yeah…so whaddda you gonnagoabbouddit”?
We’d best do something.
Thug mentality. Thank you Mr Trump.
BLM is a hate group!
@The Truth Is Out 777 <-----1 week old tRoll account.
Thug mentality – phuck you Trump!
@john smith I find it ironic that Douglass talked about ending segregation there, meanwhile the Marxist leaders of BLM wanted to bring segregation back.
It’s even stranger that such a sign like BLM would be posted there.
Martin Luther king believed in peaceful nonviolent approaches while BLM took a very violent and extreme approaches.
When the capital hill autonomous zone was captured by Antifa and BLM members, one of the first things they did in that zone was incorporate segregation. As for one of their demands from the government, they wanted to enact segregation policies.
Segregation is indeed a hateful agenda to pursue. I prefer a diverse society where cultures and races are allowed to intermingle. Don’t you?
Why Trump lost reason #957,531
Vandalism on holy ground?
Says enuogh in itself!
Makes you wonder if this is “Racism”, or “Satanism”!
And these are “The Holy Ones” that chose Trump to save America?
Vandalism on any ground is reprehensible, that magic spells are chanted there doesn’t make it more so.
Strange how they spoke of Civil war, and the first thing they do is attack a black church.
I hope they realize that Black and White Soldiers fought together in the Civil War?
You think they learned that in History 101?
@AnythingAuto Trumps Bum Brigade thinks their the Confederate Army..
Their very flawed people.
I find it ironic that Douglass talked about ending segregation there, meanwhile the Marxist leaders of BLM wanted to bring segregation back.
It’s even stranger that such a sign like BLM would be posted there.
When the capital hill autonomous zone was captured by Antifa and BLM members, one of the first things they did in that zone was incorporate segregation. As for one of their demands from the government, they wanted to enact segregation policies.
Can you imagine how small and weak a man’s mind must be in order to do that?
Like BLM and ANTIFA who are terrorizing America.
@The Truth Is Out 777
example of a small and weak mind.
So, the police decided to sit this one out. I wonder why….
Sad thing is the black Mayor and the black Attorney General sat it out too. Should have called in the National Guard.
They’re afraid of those wobbly beer guts and mean looking beards.