As He Eyes 2020 Run, Bloomberg Changes Course On Old Issue | Morning Joe | MSNBC

During a speech Sunday, former NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg reversed his support of the controversial stop-and-frisk policy. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 11/18/19.
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As He Eyes 2020 Run, Bloomberg Changes Course On Old Issue | Morning Joe | MSNBC

As He Eyes 2020 Run, Bloomberg Changes Course On Old Issue |  Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Tessmage Tessera, pointing finger to others doesn’t make the world better. Everyone has their part of job to be in this society. Without corporations the world will not better, without us the corporations can’t survive. Please don’t play like this assho president game. Or Bernie or Warren blaming games. The most important for our country NOW that is someone really know how to make BALANCE back on the tracks. Everything has 2 sides or depending how you see and how to control of it.

    2. @Chinese American To be a Billionaire one must only care about oneself !

      How is a 77yo Billionaire mentally equipped to address poverty ??
      Rich geriatric white guys are hopelessly out of touch with everyday reality !!
      His totally racist “Stop & Frisk” policy in NY tells you EVERYTHING about his world view !!

    3. @Snaggle Toothed, nobody like to be raise the taxes. But you want to improve life then you have something to pay for it. Nothing is for free. Do you want your state to be like those deep republicans poorest states or counties? At least Michael has the credibility to turn new York from deep debts to surplus, improve education, environment, transportation and health. and making the government department more effectively.

    4. @Snaggle Toothed, yes, right. As long as that it is in balance not being revenge. Because whatever Bernie or Warrant is same like trumpets who always pointing the finger to someone else but themselves. That’s how may the society sick.

  1. A few people in the country are billionaires. Why vote for someone who has not had your problems
    over someone who does.

    1. Why he didn’t came from rich family , he is a self made man . Went to ivy leagues by earning scholarships , worked in wall street.

  2. He’s wasting his money, trying to protect his money. His apology is Way to little, to late, and disingenuous is an understatement.

    1. That doesn’t change the fact that Michael Bloomberg is not a disreputable person like Trump. He was the mayor of NYC. Crime went down, although people of color and Latino are the most represented in the persons stopped and frisked. Areas with the most crime were likely to be less affluent except with drugs, that included a lot of sketchy young white men.

    2. @Anne Rodgers From what I hear he is a reputable person but not the kind of person most of us want to represent us as he has no idea what it’s like anymore to be one of us! If he is such a great person why does he have 50 billion dollars instead of helping people all over the world that are way less privileged than him?

    3. Bro self made billionaires knows how to make money. Tax increases doesn’t mean they will be poor they will lose just few billion such as cut 2 billion from 53 billion. He donated 8 billion in philanthropy from that 2 billion goes to Johns Hopkins . So they are not afraid of losing money they are afraid of losing influence .

  3. as a native new yorker, i’ll ask this. if he wasn’t so called running for president, would he be apologizing or acknowledging he was wrong? i don’t think so. no, sorry. i don’t buy it. moving on.

    1. People who are not from New York here stop and frisk and think it is just flat-out racist. As a white man who grew up and is from the Bronx it’s funny to hear a program that worked so well taking illegal Firearms off the streets be called racist. The defense is not the people carrying illegal firearms should have been allowed to do it it’s that you are racist for capturing the people while committing a crime. If you go on a street corner in the Arthur Avenue section where I grew up in the Bronx if there are 20 people on the street 18 of them are not Caucasian. Police have had cameras set up for years and some of these bad areas they will actually watch people commit a crime on camera and then pull up and arrest you for it race has nothing to do with it

    2. When is he going to apologize to the Exonerated Five (Central Park FIve) for fighting against them receiving the money they deserved for being wrongfully imprisoned? He didnt want to settle their lawsuit, it was Bill DeBlasio who promised to compensate them for the horrible injustice they suffered.

    3. @Ed Buckley Why has crime gone down under Bill DeBlasio if stop and frisk was an effective crime deterrent. As a researcher I can tell you that the number one deterrent to crime is anti-poverty initiatives. IF stop and frisk and mass incarceration worked then America would be the safest country in the world. Correlation is not causation so you shoud probably look at other factors that were present while the stop and frisk program was going on and see which of those factors remained positive in DeBlasio’s tenure to find out what caused crime to go down. My hypothesis would be economic factors because that tends to alleviate poverty. Also as a white man would you be happy to be subjected to stop and frisk every time you walked into a building because mass shooters are disproportionately white men? If there was a policy to search every white man entering a building there would be a decrease in mass shootings, however it would not be an effective policy because it isnt efficient.. Following your logic, the government should implement a police state where everyone is monitored and searched at all times to prevent crime. There is a balance between safety and freedom in a just society, peopel shouldnt have their freedom of mobility rights infringed on in order to create a false sense of safety with initiatives like stop and frisk that has been proven by research and not anecdotal data not to work. White privilege means you’re treated as an individual citizen with full rights, racism means Black ppl are treated as a monolith with few substantive rights.

    1. Sure unless you are trying to ease tention this guy is the king of the race vultures if there is a little opening he will tear it wide open and watch the body bleed to death

    2. @purple rain purple rain the dude blames white people for everything wrong in the black community the guy is worried about white extremists while not ever mentioning that there are more black hate groups with higher membership across America at least if you believe the ADL. He is a race vulture.

    3. If you are from New York you know Trump is a con man and Al Sharpton is a snitch who tried to set up people in the mafia for the feds

    4. @purple rain purple rain Al Sharpton tried to set up members of the mafia in federal stings after he got caught in a drug deal buying cocaine to save himself the guy is a rat and a piece of garbage.

  4. Also violent crime rates dropped all over the country when they were dropping in NYC so ‘stop and frisk’ really had little or no effect on crime rates. It did have an effect for those racists wanting to harass people with darker skin than theirs.

  5. When you focus 90% of your policing on a specific demographic it also skews the crime statistics.

    Just saying.

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