MSNBC’s Ari Melber traces how today's anti-vax attacks draw on a Republican playbook dating back to Ronald Reagan, which has laundered and mainlined conspiratorial thinking and deep skepticism of fairly conventional parts of empirical science. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ).
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#MSNBC #GOP #Covid
I can’t believe the stupidity, I just can’t.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt, Abraham Lincoln
seems like todays GQP havent learned from their forefathers
@Bryan most educated does not equate to most intelligent. anyone can get a degree these days
You are naive to believe that 600,000 plus Americans actually died from coronavirus. At least 95% of those deaths were people with underlying conditions. Most of them were already unhealthy to begin with. At least 80% of those deaths were elderly. I don’t believe that every single person who allegedly died from covid only died from covid. Yes, it’s possible that 600,000 Americans who have died in the last year had covid in their system, but I can guarantee you that covid did not take every single one of them. If somebody dies of a drug overdose and they do an autopsy and discover that the person had coronavirus in his or her system at the time of his or her death, it will be labeled as a covid death even though it wasn’t covid that took his or her life. A person who is dying of cancer and contracts covid and dies, that person gets counted as a covid death even though he or she were already dying of cancer or whatever terminal illness that he or she was already dealing with. Most of the 600,000 people were already going to die anyway. Covid just exasperated the dying process. If you compare the death rate of 2019 and 2020, there is no significant increase in deaths. It is only slightly higher but virtually the same.
@Kyle Albanese OK buddy, how do you count for the spike in deaths in 2020 much more than any other year. I will swing by the CDC website and get actual figures, I suggest you do the same too.
Believe it
Anyone else notice that all these dudes named Ducey or Doucy are douchy?
@John Quinn

@Rugged Demeanor
You’re archaic.
ARCHAIC ——> very old or old-fashioned.
I notice you’re a Dilbert.
They are a deuce for sure! Someone needs to flush and get rid of these floaters
Or doofy
Those people should not be allowed to spread that nonsense! He did a good job at telling them to NOT take the vaccine and now he can’t take it back! Alex Jones is done with 45 over the vaccine.
These experimental RNA vaccines are big business. Phizer is going to make 33.5 billion in 2021. And they cant be sued if you die or have a bad reaction. They have complete liability protection and immunity. Question everything these people are telling you
Imagine having constant historical records of your political party being on the wrong side of history so consistently, being born, growing up and being like “Thats the party for me!”
I know. Freeing the slaves. Passing the equal rights act. So horrible. Imagine being a lib that spent 100K for a college education that now makes coffee for a living.

@Mike Johnson Thanks Obama. He let kids who needed help stay in school. Just look at The Parkland kid
@Bob Smith ?????????????
@Mike Johnson Can’t read. Did the CIA do the drugs? No difference than the Democrats brainwashing minorities for votes.
@Bonerjamz 03 it’s amazing how they don’t see that
You could save 50,000 lives by stapling Carlsons lips together and another 100 000 by doing the same to the governor’s of Florida and Texas. That way if you staple both lips and noses there fear of a mask wouldn’t be a problem.
@Colin Levasseur Really? – You stupid enough to think Trump cared about anyone but US citizens? (and even then only the ones who voted for him…). Under Trump this would have been a bigger mess still – and would have already happened and been over with thousands of Afghans who helped us already dead.
His plans were sketchy and more hurried still than Biden’s. Taliban soldiers were already released under Trump with minimal guarantees given by the Taliban -> the failures already started. If you need someone to blame other than Trump – blame Pompeo.
@Colin Levasseur he negotiated this withdrawal duh
@Beverley Ibrahim umm, Biden let the taliban advance. He was given important intelligence he ignored. Biden isn’t running the show. Administration is, but he ignored this and left 80 billion in weapons and vehicles. Trump would never do that.
So you don’t believe in freedom of speech? When the democrats get voted out 2022 and 2024 your not going to like it.
You are naive to believe that 600,000 plus Americans actually died from coronavirus. At least 95% of those deaths were people with underlying conditions. Most of them were already unhealthy to begin with. At least 80% of those deaths were elderly. I don’t believe that every single person who allegedly died from covid only died from covid. Yes, it’s possible that 600,000 Americans who have died in the last year had covid in their system, but I can guarantee you that covid did not take every single one of them. If somebody dies of a drug overdose and they do an autopsy and discover that the person had coronavirus in his or her system at the time of his or her death, it will be labeled as a covid death even though it wasn’t covid that took his or her life. A person who is dying of cancer and contracts covid and dies, that person gets counted as a covid death even though he or she were already dying of cancer or whatever terminal illness that he or she was already dealing with. Most of the 600,000 people were already going to die anyway. Covid just exasperated the dying process. If you compare the death rate of 2019 and 2020, there is no significant increase in deaths. It is only slightly higher but virtually the same.
“EDUCATED PEOPLE DON’T VOTE REPUBLICAN “, Rick Santorum republican presidential candidate said it.
Most educated wht people don’t vote Republican, but educated koons do
@YYY-GUY bingo.
I remember one of trump’s rallies I was watching, I forget which state, but he told the people there flat out “you’re all stupid” and every single one of them just friggin sat there and accepted what he said. He even waited a short time before he said more, and not one peep out of that big crowd.
Least they know what they are, I guess.
@MIke Trusky i dont know what comment you’re responding to?
@Julie you remember or forget? Did you watch it live or a couple seconds the news showed you? Did you remember anything else from the 2 hr speech? Why would his rallies have more people than any president if the most news worthy moment was that?
Trump’s endorsement of the vaccine was rather like saying, “You got your freedoms. I recommend that you don’t drive drunk, but you got your freedom. You go ahead and drive drunk if you like, because you got your freedoms.”
@Colin Levasseur there is some truth in that for sure
@Jaja Nyan You have no idea what Marxism is, do you. Just a word you know. SCARY.
@Scott Harrison A “threapy” that’s been thoroughly debunked and disproved. Don’t take your medical advice from politicians or youtube. I don’t know about you but no amount of masks on my face or vaccines in my shoulder could ever control me. Some folks are just weak and stupid. Incompatible with living.
@Gulf Marine – you could have just Google’d it and saved face.

Bye mmoorroonnn
@Scott Harrison Anyone taking medical advice from Google is a moron. Isn’t there a real doctor who will speak with you? I’m just a veterinarian. Vaccines are the best protection by far.
weather vs climate, how embarrassing for him showcasing his ignorance
@Survivor Kip ~ I’m not enraged at all. I do my best when I’m engaged with people who have no common sense. They reveal they only want to argue but have no data to prove their words. It’s easy to see how they have been used as puppets. They always end up running away. My logic doesn’t need explaining. I can hold my own. I don’t need to be enraged and I’m certainly not enraged.
@Evert Morse In addition, an estimated 50% of the worlds animal species have gone extinct in the last forty years. No worries, humans aren’t another of the animal species that inhabit the earth, clean air and water are soo very overated. Drill baby drill, windmill noise causes cancer and high efficiency lightbulbs turned the clown
These experimental RNA vaccines are big business. Phizer is going to make 33.5 billion in 2021. And they cant be sued if you die or have a bad reaction. They have complete liability protection and immunity. Question everything these people are telling you
@My Name What liability protections due you have from Covid without any vaccine?
@Evert Morse More power to you then. I will admit that I still occasionally reply to some comments for the fun of it. It’s especially fun to steal their thunder by telling them what their response back to me will be. I can tell when I hit a nerve by their 2 or 3 word insult followed by silence.
Trump got booed for the one time he did the right thing. Just like Trump telling so many lies, the MAGA mob has heard so many lies they’ve lost touch with reality. The mob isn’t used to hearing the right thing, so booing is the knee-jerk reaction when they get confused and don’t know how to process the truth.
So true
These experimental RNA vaccines are big business. Phizer is going to make 33.5 billion in 2021. And they cant be sued if you die or have a bad reaction. They have complete liability protection and immunity. Question everything these people are telling you
Simple, use reverse psychology. Just tell them ” THAT ONLY DEMOCRATS ” are going to be vaccinated.
The next day the lines would be down the road. Also to get treatment at hospitals you have to prove you have been vaccinated.
We have plenty of right wingers in my country with the same stupid ideas. Open the borders I want to go on holiday, the only mistake that Jacinder Adern made was open the border, now we are in lock down with Delta from Australia .
Science gets in the way of politicians road to riches.
It’s hard to evaluate science that has NO BACKGROUND!!! It’s not allowed to question something that nobody has ever done before?
That and a frightening percentage of high level GOP elected officials are utter religious nutjobs, believing the world has to end for Jesus to come back and make everything better. They are not interesting in helping future generations to survive, they WANT things to come to a disastrous last showdown. Cause their book tells them it’s the only way.
These experimental RNA vaccines are big business. Phizer is going to make 33.5 billion in 2021. And they cant be sued if you die or have a bad reaction. They have complete liability protection and immunity. Question everything these people are telling you
Nobody’s talking about the bio lab in Wuhan. Or controlling the border. This isn’t about public safety it’s about govt control over you
@MusicStudent1 And the media can’t stand the idea of people standing up for individual human rights.
The intelligent person with integrity will admit to not knowing everything, adapt to data; while the insecure less intelligent person believes they know everything and has nothing left to learn
Dunning-Kruger effect in action. Republicans live by it and their constituents are to dumb to see it.
You just described INSECURE LESS INTELLIGENT Anthony Fauci perfectly.
@Dickie Moe75 Democrats are dumber than a toilet brush.
It’s ironic that the people who say “Evolution is just a theory*” are getting a first hand lesson in how the theory *works.*
(*Just a note for those _still_ using this argument: When *you* say “theory,” you mean a guess. When a _scientist_ says “theory,” they mean an explanation of the working mechanisms of a natural phenomena that is consistent with the evidence.
A scientific theory is the highest level of evidentiary analysis you can get. It’s what you arrive at at the _end_ of the scientific process. They don’t hand out Nobel Prizes for guessing.
The quantum electrons running your computer right now are a theory. Gravity that holds you to the ground and makes the planets orbit the sun is a theory. The cells that make up your body are a theory. The different air pressures on a wing that keep an aeroplane flying are a theory.
These are all theories. What makes it *GO.)*
Thanks, I’m sick of having to repeat this. It goes;
Conjecture – we have an idea.
Hypothesis- so how does the idea work?
Theory – _thats_ how it works!
These experimental RNA vaccines are big business. Phizer is going to make 33.5 billion in 2021. And they cant be sued if you die or have a bad reaction. They have complete liability protection and immunity. Question everything these people are telling you
@My Name I got the Moderna vaccine and it was free. MRNA is not new, what is new is that it works. When hundreds of millions get vaccinated it is not experimental anymore. I live with an EMT who got Covid in March 20, got the vaccine months before I was eligible. By the time I got it millions already did.
Look closely at their Foxy eyes, they know they’re lying. Laura just is too angry to care.
These experimental RNA vaccines are big business. Phizer is going to make 33.5 billion in 2021. And they cant be sued if you die or have a bad reaction. They have complete liability protection and immunity. Question everything these people are telling you
“Just because a bunch of scientists say something doesn’t make it true.”
“Hey, we could make a religion out of this.”
“No, conservatives, don’t make a religion out of this.”
“how about I do ANYWAYYYYY?”
With the midterms right around the corner, why would anyone vote for a party that puts the lives of our children at risk. Seems they gamble on our future for immediate political gratification.
So many lives lost or ruined due to mindless faith in MAGA.
Sucks to be Republicans these days.
Keep up the good work Fox “News” of wiping out Red voters, we love ya for truly MAGA.
People love “truth is stranger than fiction” and conspiracies, especially ones that validate what they already think. Vast numbers of the GQP – elected, civilians, media – play to this and the fact that so many in the public base their world views on TV shows and movies!
Ari, you said the magic words, “COMMON SENSE!”