Army Secretary says readiness at stake in weighing risks of training during COVID-19.
RELATED: Trump updates on coronavirus vaccine
Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy says he believes the Army is capable of training and deploying troops while keeping them safe from coronavirus.
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# For contest
প্রিয় _ছবি।
জয়ী হওয়া বড় কথা না।অন্তত গ্রুপের ট্রেন্ড ফলো করে গ্রুপ কে এগিয়ে যেতে সহযোগিতা করা উচিত।পরিচিত অপরিচিত সবার উচিত অংশগ্রহণ করা।
Yeah, right! Just like they took care if the soldiers with the Gulf War Syndrome.
Up to Minute 0:14
<-- okay to show them here in this video.
Sorry, I tend to favor God's Commandment:
"Thou Shall Not Kill"
"We do not touch the unclean thing"
Quote from the movie:

To the hate comments:
And I was the one in therapy most of my life. Wow, just wow.
Love inside
You know, it occurs to me that police arrest people if weapons shown here are in the hands of non-military personnel.
But, it’s perfectly
At least some of the gov. seems to understand testing is important. It’s really the only safe way back for our country with tracing. A nationwide system sure would be nice.
America strong!
In Russia, the police openly say that if they are ordered to shoot citizens, they will do it. This is illegal, inconsistency with the duties of a policeman. Police in Russia carry out illegal orders. The constitution is violated. Instead of the police, we have invaders, fascists, murderers and criminals.
If they tell you otherwise, then they lie to you. Russia is occupied by police and bandit groups, which include Putin.
Maybe all the military should be marched, face to face, in front of the “Commander-in-Thief” inside the White House. Testing would be insured!
Dont go to the usa. The Mcvirus
YouTube the dollar vigilante and the Fullerton informer channel. All media outlets lies & more lies.
God bless our military. May he lead you in your tough decisions.