Army Veteran Calls President Donald Trump ‘The Biggest Enemy’ | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Hollywood legend and liberal activist Rob Reiner puts out new video with military veterans against Trump. Reiner and U.S. Army veteran Robert Pearson join The Beat.
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Army Veteran Calls President Donald Trump 'The Biggest Enemy' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC


    1. @Thomas Armsworthy Jr Failures can be measured and compared. No group of Americans have caused lost of life,limb and liberty more than Republicans, conservatives, evangelicals, rightwingers, Nationalists, Klan, etc,etc. Before you make a fool of yourself again. Remember that. Google would love to help in your research.

    2. Dear dumb liberal why don’t you google it. The klu klux klan started with the Jim crow democrats. The republicans were not racist the democrats is.

    3. @Thomas Armsworthy Jr I find that so ironic because all the racist pos are supporting a Republican racist president. I’ve heard that for years, I don’t claim a side to divide myself from my brothers and sisters of this country… people should stop because we are being divided on purpose. We all can AGREE Dump trump! Regardless of “side”, right?

  1. For VETS to speak up is crucial, there are too many right wing fanatics trying to have us believe all the VETS are just like them. Much respect to you sir. 😔💙

    1. @Raymond Tucker Jr lmao every puppet in chief was a liar,the worst were Dwight d Eisenhower,fdr,both bushes,Clintons and Obama they were all far worse than Trump they were sellout traitors the whole bush family should been charged with crimes against humanity,Clintons were murderous village idiots,Obama wasn’t even legally president he was a infiltrating foriegn national pos.

    2. I was in the army and I don’t support anyone in Congress or the Senate or running for president,they are all nothing but liars,thieves and traitors.

    3. Article 4 section 4 America is supposed to be a republic not a democracy,legally under the constitution all democrats are TRESSPASSERS of THEIR OFFICES they are illegally holding their offices. Don’t believe me read article 4 section 4 of the constitution of the United States of America.

  2. I don’t get it, with all of the people, groups and organizations that Trump has disrespected, scorned and lied about over the last two years, why we can’t count on only two hands the people still in his corner, this is beyond me. It’s official, his continuing supporters are pathetic morons, so much so that they are incapable of reflecting on their own short-sighted stupidity.

    1. The press these Republicans watch do not report on any negative Trump news. Certain media outlets are complicit in Trump’s treason.
      P.S. don’t feed the trolls…..

    2. Fact checkers at trump rallies said. At every trump rally where he spoke for at least 1 hour. Trump’s lowest number was 62 lies.
      At every trump rally that he spoke for at least 1 hour his highest number was 120 lies.
      How can anyone lie as much as trump and have people continue believing him??
      What do these idiots do, pick out the lies they like and say to themselves, I like that lie, that’s the one I’m going to repeat?
      President Bush told 16 proven, verified lies in his 8 years in office.
      President Obama told 12 proven, verified lies in his 8 years in office.
      President Trump told 15 lies his first day in office.

    1. Correct Moscow Mitch is the worst swamp monster in Washington DC. He is ONLY in it for himself and what he can get in the way of money, power and Influence.
      NOTHING Moscow Mitch does is for the benefit of the people who elect him. I can see that all the way from Australia and too many people in the USA can’t or more likely won’t because they can’t admit to mistakes.

    2. Trump looks out for Trump, ONLY! I hate hearing folks say he’s the only one who cares about the little guys, he’s working for us! No he’s not. If we benefit from his actions, it’s only because whatever he did to help himself, just happened to help us too. Trump’s a con man, pulling the greatest con of his life, on America.
      He gave himself and all his buddies an outrageous tax cut, promising it would “pay for itself”, but it hasn’t and it won’t, and he doesn’t care because he won’t have to figure out how to pay for it. It was basically a “smash and grab” and he’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

    1. @Blindman Hahahahaha you clearly didn’t read it. But I did and Mueller under oath stated the biggest threat to our democracy is Russian interference. Moscow Mitch blocks any election security bills because he knows without interference from our enemy is the only hope Repubs have to get re-elected. not to mention how much Gerrymandering your party did. Can’t win without cheating

    2. @Bud Fudlacker , No. Mueller did NOT clear Trump. If you had read the Mueller report you would know this. READ THE MUELLER REPORT!

    1. @Happy Hiker Sir.. A vast number of us do not like Trump or his actions..BUT we most definitely RESPECT Our Vets, irregardless of Who they Support Politically..we are still a Democratic Nations and people are ALL free to Support who they choose. As for Antifa.. again many of us do most assuredly not Support the actions of Antifa.. it would be very hypocritical for us to condemn so many of the actions of the Alt Right and yet Support Antifa.. Neither Antifa or the Alt Right represent the values that we aspire to for our Country

    2. @Andrew Garcia
      Poor Fake Vet Andy Garcia! Trolling again!
      I see the only 👍 you get is still from your self! SAD! 😂😂😂.

  3. Remember Trump said, he only respects those who were not captured! Those poor troops who were unfortunate to be captured like Sen John McCain are not respected by Trump!

    1. Brittany Bonnie  I served from June 28th 1985 til Aug 21st 1997. Basic training at ft Jackson tank hill. Did AIT at Redstone arsenal Huntsville Al. 27m MLRS repairmen. 71st ordinance Hanau Germany Pioneer Kasern Jan 86 til June 92. Desert storm Dec 15th 1990 til may 15th 1991 supporting 1/27 FA out if Babenhausen Germany. Ft Sill June 1992 til June 1994 . June 94 til Aug. 97 E 701st detachment in Bamberg Germany.

    2. Donald Trump is a COWARD No other way to describe him Well, I guess you can also use TRAITOR. for siding with Putin instead of Americans. Or ASSASSIN for sending his trumpsoldier to El Paso to.

  4. Thank you and RESPECT to ALL of our Veterans!

    History will praise you and your willingness to speak out about a US president that has violated his Oath of Office and treated our Military with such utter disrespect. YOU deserve better! We ALL deserve better!

    1. @brian rawson are you proud to support a traitor that refused service to his country?
      You might be the only one left in trump camp. Base is gone. Senate has turned. Racism will not win the next cycle.
      Truth is out. Pedophile in the W.H. and you are still talking about racism. Your home is less than 800 square feet. Electric is late and septic is overflowing.
      My data indicates that you did not vote in 2016′. Still not registered. Yep. We know. Gotta hide that I.P. A little better. Try useing anything other than your real name.
      34 years working with F.B.I.
      Trump is in fact a treasonous traitor.

    1. It’s always the extreme right that uses terrorism to get their way , they are a small minority trying to get the sheeple on their side butt even with them they are a minority with no chance of success, but always innocent people suffer , everywhere on Earth this happens over and over again.

    2. Fred, like I told James MG we need to win some of them over. I know two in my church. Both are good people that have voted Republican for years. They were not into politics. After about 12 if us (at a wine tastilng) gave them a few hundred facts, they are not voting trumps. We must be doctors for curing their plague.

    1. cooper how are those no go zones? How is that ban on knives? How is that get jailed for calling someone the wrong gender? England is no more. Got to check out a book from the library to know. Weak country.

  5. Trump had 5 draft deferments and he is a Russian ally. Anti American in my view. I loathe Trump and as a vet I know him for what he is, a coward. All he brings is destruction. Rob Reiner has him rightly described.

    1. @Eoin C hmmm well being the NEWS reported it as them guilty. They were found guilty. So what should have been said?

    2. @T Wright p age 10 and 13… Trump nie anyone in his team committed any colluding with or conspiracy with Russia.

    3. @Rhaspun and not one intelligence agency was allowed to see the DNC hard drive. So how can they say..yep was Russia.

  6. The lunatic is for sure,it’s as if the electoral college had placed benedict arnold into the White House.

  7. Wake up America! Stand up for your rights!
    We have to rise up all over the nation like folks did in Puerto Rico to kick trump out of the white house! We must reject tyranny and hate before it is too late!
    trump is a fascist and a racist like hitler and he knows that he is going to finish in jail when he leaves office so …. as we are sleeping he is slowly preparing a “coup d’état” for 2020.
    That is why Moscow mitch blocked bipartisan laws designed to protect 2020 election against foreign cyber attacks!
    That is why he is trying to put a partisan at the head of DNI to disinform the american people and hide the truth!
    That’s why he purges the scientists from Jason military think tank to undermine the US Army command!
    That is why he prefers to radicalise his base instead of broadening it!
    We are going to have to fight to keep our freedom! Buy a gun right now and get ready to rise up if trump and his allies try to steal 2020 election!
    Moscow mitch and Corrupt trump must be judged as the traitors they are and certainly shot down by a firing squad!

  8. The biggest threat to America is Little Lord Fauntleroy in the oval office, our one and only, president Bone spurs.

    1. The medal of no honor and for cowardness and the orange medal for being wounded with bone spurs without serving this country. You guessed it The President cowardly lying and cheat 💩 for brains.

  9. My late father served honorably as a Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne. He was a proud Democrat his whole adult life and a proud Mexican American.

    1. @Don Williams To denigrate a veteran is anti-American. You do not deserve a platform.
      Draft dodger trump does not represent America. The base is gone. Dump trump. It is over.

  10. I am an honorably discharged disabled veteran. I did not vote for Trump. I would never vote for Trump.

    1. John Sterling I believe you but there will be plenty like you trying to claim the same. By the time he’s gone and dragged the country down into the sewers no one will admit to voting for

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