MSNBC's Garrett Haake joins from Lafayette Park near the White House as protests continue in DC after military forces cleared protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets earlier in the week so the president could stage a photo op. Aired on 6/3/2020.
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Armed Troops Remain At DC Protest After More Charges In Floyd's Death | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Please please come together as Americans
Brett Nine That’s why we need to figure out a way to put the cell phones down and actually talk to each other. Actually listen to each other. My neighbor is a trump supporter. She’s got his re-election sign on her lawn. She might be ill-informed, but that gives me opportunity to have some dialogue with her. I may not change her mind on who to vote for, but I can at least introduce some nuggets of info for her to ponder on.
@22 Veterans A Day I admire your optimism, and your patience. Perhaps you’re right, but it is impossible to argue with those who cannot discern reality from fiction. It is shadow boxing to attempt real discourse. They are conditioned not to listen.
For centrists and working class like me I don’t think politics matter to us lol. If dems and repubs fight they can fight. I’ll sit back and watch
@El Paisa ????? Why are you here then? Got a little agenda, have you?
@Brett Nine love watching these two groups fight. Got popcorn?
Thank you General Mattis

It’s glaring how the government spends their— our money. The police military are fully equipped to the teeth while our medical workers has to begged for theirs during the worst health crisis of our generation.
One is hurting the people while the other is trying to save them. What am i missing here?
That we still must pay for the massive destruction in our beloved cities, and of our business, dearie
Mesical workers won’t need it..because is a hoax..
@Alberto Solicari 107,000 dead, you fuckwit.
107,000 dead out of a population of 330,000,000 M….that is a .00031 death rate…..dit wit!!#
@s a What is really funny is your 1 percent for the majority supports the left and left candidates. The days of them supporting the right predominantly is over. Google, Facebook, Silicon Valley, Twitter, Walt Disney, Bloomberg, Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC. Your statement is kind of funny considering all of these multi billion dollar corporations supports the likes of Bernie Sanders and other democrats who say they need to quit getting tax breaks. Who is controlling who I wonder?
Prison riot officers tell the reality: WE ARE LIVING IN THE GREATEST PRISON ON EARTH.
@gracewong9999 china hasnt been firing on reporters and med tents. we have.
@gracewong9999 then you arent looking. the concrete demands for each group are out there and very easily found
Escape. We won’t miss you.
@Mike Stein ow so if the government we pay gives us scraps we should smile??
Voting = Prison.
Voter’s Laws do not have Juris Diction (Legal Words) over Non-Voters.
Quit Voting and ACCEPT the Sovereignty YOUR Creator intends for you.
Power is Vested in YOU…until you Vote for an “Elect” body to Govern & Police you.
Voting is for people who cannot Govern, nor Police their own actions.
Protests are world wide now. Peaceful protests MUST succeed!
@Busch Briegel Why do i care what education you have. Let’s see that liberal arts degree.
Koen Arts that’s only a part of the problem. The real calculus is actually it makes sense economically for many to be criminals, something many Western Europeans cannot imagine and many Americans don’t want to face. And it is intellectually lazy to say it’s all because of discrimination or education – when there are no jobs, it makes no sense to study…
@Michael Zootlegger Is my english so bad that you don’t see the connection between the question (why do you think that I….) and an introductory example (you don’t know anything about me and my intellectual abilities)? I did not want to overstrain you in any way. But at least I have learned something from this conversation, potential trump voters should not be overwhelmed by complexes or nested sentences.
You understand? Get it?
Busch Briegel and the unique problem in the US includes the sheer volume of such people and crimes. When the entire fraction of such poverty and criminal activities are low, it is feasible or possible to concentrate large amounts of public resource to integrate them. When that’s high it is like automatic segregation – all you can do is to use brute force to deter them from coming out, and nobody goes there. There’s only a small amount of welfare around so being a criminal is a legit shortcut
10 black men, 19 white men killed by police in 2018, out of 325 million people, is not systemic, it just isnt. Only 4 were the police wrong in my opinion and they were in fact fired and prosecuted for it. But go on and tell me its systemic, but i know math and i know facts. Dont believe their b.s. narrative.
Only in America… Trump’s America. Say when’s the great part again going to start.
@Richard MacLean so you voted for a murderer? Did you vote for a traitor that sold Russians a good chunk of Americans uranium reserves? You voted for a traitor who ignored calls for help at our embassy in bengazi, then bkamed it on a video? Who did you vote for Richard? Seriously tell me? For the b**ch that screwed Sanders out of the 2016 democrapic run with Donna Brazil? Even was caught and fired by cnn for cheating for Killary. Tell me smart guy.
Who’s stupid here Richard? Go ahead tell me and ill tell you in dates and details how there was and is no other person to vote for. Democraps got nothin,
Robert Decker You’re stupid. You have to work to pay for my VA healthcare. I don’t have to.
@Richard MacLean thats what i thought. You have zero point to make. Shouldn’t open your mouth then.
@Richard MacLean oh and BTW, i dont mind working for veterans to get benefits, not one bit.
I think this is all going into the history books.
@Chicken Feet im glad you answered back, that is what i was asking. i dont have kids so i dont know. that is unfortunate. “dont believe everything you read on the internet, now get out your tablets”.
@Spencer PhilippineDream lol yeah I’m barley turn 26 so I know when my little cousins went to high school they took lockers out and give out iPad tablets out for homework …I remember I would have to carry like 6 hevy books lol lucky kids these days

@Gina Ballard nope, this is different. The beginning of the end.
@hunter fogleman it might, but I would agree the government is obstructing the constitution and the bill of rights.
Please don’t make the mistake of celebrating! This is just a charge not a conviction. We can’t rest until all 4 are CONVICTED!!!
@Preston Williams I absolutely agree. I am I feel like Rosa Parks. She was tired of giving in. That’s what she said in her autobiography. I am so freaking tired. And we fund them all the time when we purchase certain products, these people take that money and give it to these corrupt politicians and legislators Etc. Look at Wendy’s, Pizza Hut. They gave a ton of money to Donald Trump. We must boycott those companies.
Free all four!!!
E M no! It’s because she was innocent and he was found to be a GUILTY Officer, duh!
ABSOLUTELY Sis!!! This is just the first step. A charge is not a conviction or a sentencing.
“Your peasants must never be allowed to realize the power they have. Their power can be “deadly” to your regime, even if they do not resort to violence at all. Gandhi led millions of people in India in a bizarre “revolution” that crippled British control of the country. Amazingly, they did this without any violence. To a large extent, they defeated an empire by doing nothing. Mere passive noncompliance with the commands of an empire (a.k.a. “doing nothing”), if done by enough of the subjects, spells certain doom for any tyrant. If one day all of your victims decide not to pay your “taxes” any more, there is nothing you can do to preserve your power. If they all decide to ignore your laws, your “laws” cease to exist. Always remember: your “authority” exists only in the minds of the peasants. If they ever stop perceiving you as an “authority,” your reign is over. And it probably won’t even be a dramatic, violent end. Instead, you may simply fizzle into irrelevant oblivion, as the peasants, including your enforcers, simply “forget” to bow to your will. They won’t even need to oust you; they will simply ignore you out of existence. – How To Be A Tyrant by Larkin Rose
“Your peasants must never be allowed to realize the power they have. Their power can be “deadly” to your regime, even if they do not resort to violence at all. Gandhi led millions of people in India in a bizarre “revolution” that crippled British control of the country. Amazingly, they did this without any violence. To a large extent, they defeated an empire by doing nothing. Mere passive noncompliance with the commands of an empire (a.k.a. “doing nothing”), if done by enough of the subjects, spells certain doom for any tyrant. If one day all of your victims decide not to pay your “taxes” any more, there is nothing you can do to preserve your power. If they all decide to ignore your laws, your “laws” cease to exist. Always remember: your “authority” exists only in the minds of the peasants. If they ever stop perceiving you as an “authority,” your reign is over. And it probably won’t even be a dramatic, violent end. Instead, you may simply fizzle into irrelevant oblivion, as the peasants, including your enforcers, simply “forget” to bow to your will. They won’t even need to oust you; they will simply ignore you out of existence. – How To Be A Tyrant by Larkin Rose
He is insignificant…he has lot it ALL !
Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you.
Ye are many, they are few.
@itsallfree a yours nice
“All of the murder and genocide throughout history were not carried out by the psychopathic order givers in our history books. They may have gotten the blame for it, but the actual murders themselves were carried out, or manifested in the physical world by the unquestioning order followers who did the bidding of these leaders with no resistance whatsoever.
These mind controlled ORDER FOLLOWERS in corrupt institutions are carrying out the harm and will of these Satanists and dark occultists against the general populations. These order followers erroneously believe that staying in that child like emotional state of not having to think or make moral personal decisions can somehow absolve them from personal responsibility for their actions. They think they are courageous, but are they? Do we describe the Gestapo, the SS, the Soviet Secret Police as courageous? No, they are cowards who wouldn’t say “No” to their superior officers or controllers above them.” – Mark Passeo
DaBluntTruth by genocide you mean abortion right?
Very good
why did he take all this time to speak out ?… he was just like the feckless GOP allowing him to get away ‘literally” with murder for the last three years… :/
anthony beles how is it unlawful to guard the White House from riots?
@Dr.noname 123 maybe Mexico will help him build that wall all around the WH that’s NEVER been done in history !… >:(
All four looks nice wearing the orange shirts. Can’t we include also the orange man?

@Greg Bystroff The only thing he did right was to continue Obama’s economic plan which was and continued to prosper despite Trump taking credit for it, and sheep like you just continue to eat up his lies and ask for more. Disgusting!
One can only wish
@Ken Jae Trump has done many things right. He also made, in my opinion, a major mistake by shutting us down for so long. Ken, do you ever question whether you are judging actions or opinions about actions? Bias comes when we stop thinking and questioning.
@Greg Bystroff Do you not find it distressing that Trump would give a speech calling himself an “ally” of peaceful protestors while simultaneously (you can hear the flashbangs in the background during his speech) having military police clear peaceful protestors out from in front of the church he visited minutes later for a phony photo op where he clutches a Bible?
Conservatives care deeply about the 2nd Amendment, correct? The oft cited reasoning behind that is to be armed in the event American citizens would have to resist a tyrannical government, is it not? Please tell me why you guys aren’t out there protesting Trump RIGHT NOW. He threatened to deploy the military in opposition to American citizens on American soil, which you may recognize as both tyrannical and unlawful. Many of the top military brass, who by the way make a point of staying silent as the military is supposed to be apolitical, have commented on Trump’s recent actions expressing condemnation. Why are you on board with tyranny?
Trump:” I don´t need a constitution” “never have heard from, never seen one”
Mattis’ word in Washington carries a lot of weight. It’ll be interesting to see if it makes a difference.
It won’t make a lick of difference to Trump. He fired him for a reason. That reason was reason. He’ll have none of that in his White House.
Now we need change in the whole police department
The whole vybe of the police need to change
@Scott Albers <--- living denial and "likes" his own comments
Despot Donnie is Tweeting from his Bunker Toilet

Using prison guards? Is nothing beneath this president? Or is he trying to make friends with them for when he finally goes to prison?
88Gibson LesPaul
You’re talking about yourself
88Gibson LesPaul Thugs beating old ladies and burning privately owned businesses after they steal everything out of them is beneath him for sure
MVVpro No Trump is prepping the prison Guards, so that they’re ready for Biden, Hunter Biden, and Hillary Clinton.
Sophie Sadeghi I know you are but what am I
Always fascinating to read the brilliant comments on MSNBC videos. Honestly like you are all kindergarten brats
You are all hopeless
In the history of tyranny, resistance has been met with cruel violence.
Yes by democrats!
Maybe in your house when they after robbing all the stores. They come after you demand justice.
@Jantel Jackson things obviously need to change. Let’s be sympathetic to eachother.
@Jantel Jackson lol go back in hiding sheep
Then these clowns need to stop destroying people’s businesses and assaulting civilians and officers. Your words will fall on deaf ears if you keep up this childish violence
General Mattis was the nail in the coffin for trump , and now there’s justice for George and this will certainly wake people up to police brutality and it’s time for a celebration and peace we have all been through so much with this virus and we need to get back to work feeding the families of Americans
Maddog Mattis was the most well liked Marine when I served.
Trump sucks.
Another disgruntled former employee.
50+ years in military service while Trump 5 times draft ducked, stupid is acceptible but ignorant is the worst.
@borrowtime Stupid. What 5 wars did he “duck” ??
@Mike Stein, you do realize that in the very city that Floyd was killed that the police force is controlled by a democrat Mayor, democrat Attorney, democrat governor not to mention all of these protests and looting and other police brutality acts are also happening in democrat controlled cities. Pretty sure they do not take their orders from Trump.
Mr. Secretary of Defense , each young person, each citizen, everyone has The Right To Freedom of Expression, The Right to Cry for Justice, The Right To Cry for the Eradication of racism and segregation, can not respond with mistreatment, beatings, and pepper spray to people who have taken to the streets to protest. … even you can take to the streets to protest and cry for justice, because you, soldiers, marines, polices, national guards, sheriffs, governors, senators, majors, businessmen, journalists, political leaders, artists , philosophers, childs, scientists, sweepers, waiters, cleaning workers, construction engineers, firefighters, chefs, architects, systems technicians, doctors, nurses, social workers, farmers, religious leaders, also have the right to express their discontent towards an act criminal and unfair which is the cruel and ruthless murder of George Floyd. United States Is Unity. God Bless Everyone.

The police that brutally attacked peaceful protesters have shown they don’t care about justice the don’t care about the American people
Most of those “American people” aren’t real Americans
BANET!ST!C saucedo Wow, you sound like a real expert. Where are you from?
Yes they do care that is why they are showing our great need for Nationwide POLICE REFORM ON EVERY LEVEL.
@BANET!ST!C saucedo define the definition of american please?
The president doesn’t care about the American people.