Arizona Waits To To See If Remaining Early Votes Contain Any Surprises | MSNBC

Laurie Roberts, columnist for the Arizona Republic, talks with Rachel Maddow about expectations for the votes that remain to be counted in Arizona. Aired on 11/04/2020.
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Arizona Waits To To See If Remaining Early Votes Contain Any Surprises | MSNBC

Arizona Waits To To See If Remaining Early Votes Contain Any Surprises | MSNBC


    1. @Matthew Forslund “Only if you listen to MSNBC and CNN”

      Well I just had a look at Fox News and they haven’t called Georgia either. It’s a tossup

    1. @Matthew Forslund what ?? Canada and the rest of the wirld is dumb , excuse me who voted fir the wirse oresident in the history of this fine land ??

  1. I don’t care what conspiracies Trump throws out. voter suppression was real in Texas. Usually impacting the low income people who don’t drive. That is 38 electoral votes.

    1. @1Luv1life Sorry ! Was meant for the one a above you. Your fingers were faster on the keyboard.
      ( I wholeheartedly agree with you )

    1. @Dragan Ivovic Don’t believe all the hype and lies you hear from Trump. This is not about “Deep state.”
      If you think about it, there is a possibility that NV doesn’t have enough volunteers to help out counting an unsurmountable number of ballots. A person can inspect and count paper for only so long before the eyes and brain shuts down. States want to make sure nobody is too tired to follow the processes in place. I’m sure there are other reasons when considering that each state has their own rules and regulations on how to handle ballots.

    2. @Ms Linda how can I not believe when it is known which society is pushing joe biden, a society that wants a new world order. I’m not saying that Trump isn’t better either and that you’re wrong

    3. @Dragan Ivovic Explain to me, please, who this “society” is, as well as what you consider “new world order.” I’d also like to know your source of “…it is known…” Thank you.

  2. Kelly being at 52.6 and McSally at 47.6 , I would think that when it’s all said and done Biden will be at ( drum roll) 52.6 !

    1. @quan Brooklyn kid Mostly good, I hope. I don’t live in AZ, but donated to Kelly’s campaign. McSally has an excellent record, but she really sucks up to Pres Trump (except for just recently–she’s tried to be more independent, but…too late!). Kelly ran an excellent campaign–no negative ads.

    2. @Ken C He’s also an astronaut and engineer! We need more people of science in government, and he’s that!

    1. @coley M nope but isnt likely im the least. Process is the same though..just count whats there..He doesnt want the count …to count…hes talkin about stopping the count in Michigan..WTF?

    2. @Choose Nottoshare How unlikely? This Nation is so divided. Has there ever been a questionable mail in vote? Voter supression? Foreign interference? Why so much confidence?

    3. @coley M Ask the FBI..not confident .its anybodys win. I expected the racists to blow him outta the water by now. God is the ONLY one who presides over my life..But this aint the 1st rodeo for ish like this.. If hes really going to paint himself as the pilar and patriot he claims to be…..let the votes count..dont try to stop rhe count and go against the very said democracy he claims to protect..does hiring your homeboy to slow down the mail sound like democracy…is suing in multiple states in an attempt to stop blind mail in ballots sound like democracy? Does proclaiming foul mths before the election and stating what his ploy is sounds like democracy? Hes deteriorating what America is..hope …inclusion…freedom…hes challenged the constitution more than any other president alive or dead! Patriots dont crumble under pressure and have resilience and patience to see things a lot of people still side with his ways..Have yet to see a bill..plan…or anything other than hate of liberals hes ran on

    1. Democrats should have showed him respect back in 2008

      Anything they say now is ONLY because McCain was “anti Trump” …… McCain was all for selling our country out and KEEPING us in wars around the world…..

      Democrats will support ANYONE who is anti Trump…. just look at the KKK and Richard Spencer voting Democrat….. Democrats LOVE support from racists or ANYONE as long as they can use it to mislead the population. Just like they called McCain a racist and sexist in 2008….but now they HAPPILY use him to mislead, and control people’s opinions

    2. @Matthew Forslund I’m sorry, but I’ll have to disagree. I have only been introduced to John McCain when he ran for president in 2008, and if he’d have ran against anybody but Barack Obama, I would probably have voted for him just like my parents did. My wife – a Democrat just like I am – practically revered John McCain because like her he was a veteran. We may have not voted for him because we did not agree with his policies, but what there was never any doubt over was that he was a man of dignity and respectable character, and we knew that for a fact for nearly a decade before Donald Trump was ever seriously on the political scene. On the day that he passed away my wife found out first and she came and hugged me real tight and whispered to me the news. And that’s how I remember John McCain: As a person with whom I disagreed, whom I never voted for, but who even in death could find ways to bring us closer together rather than divide us asunder.

    3. @Robin Washington Can’t speak for me either…..We are talking about today, not 10 years ago….Sore Losers

    1. They refuse to publish the fact that Nevada is the actual only state that’s open right now and it will decide who wins. Currently there is an 8000 gap lead over Trump in Nevada and all Trump needs is a nice suitcase full of votes tomorrow morning to take Biden away from you.

  3. I hope there is an inventory of the white house silverware…and paintings….those trump kids are just grifters

    1. Oh my gosh you are making me laugh so hilarious but they are kind of like Drifters you never really see him with any friends that they have family family family almost like a bunch of mobsters actually a lot like mobsters. I don’t even like giving them a Bad Name by comparing them to the trumps at least they had integrity and dignity and nothing as they would say is personal just business. Too bad mr. Trump didn’t practice any business ever notice any interviews with him in the Oval Office there’s never a thing on this desk not a thing not any paperwork not any files that he’s reading nothing he’s catching up on many no reports I need a lot of straighten those executive orders. Guys out of control he’s got to go Drunk on Power

  4. if 45 demands a recount get the money first, he’s already almost 11 mill in debt to states for his hate fests.

    1. you think a billionaire being “11 million in debt” is a lot of money or something???

      ?? ROFL….. You must not understand economics and credit and how it works in the USA

      Democrats are sooooo ignorant….its embarrassing…..

      “Trump has a mortgage for 25 MILLION!!!! Trump owes money to the bank!!!!! OMG Trump is brookkkeeeeeee” <---- liberal logic LMAO

    2. @Matthew Forslund -He ain’t no “billionaire” sweetie. Even if he was, yes being 11 million in debt is a sign of mismanagement.

    3. @Lisa A Johnson quick google search could rid you of your ignorance. Also, 11 million in debt with 1000s of millions in assets is nothing to be afraid of. But you wouldn’t know that of course.

    1. Dude he said dont count the new votes that have been voted and come in after the election night.. d media is spinning it

  5. It is unbelievable that the race is so close, it may not matter who wins, because it looks like we’re heading for a repeat of Nazism, if that many people thinks Trump is a good President, maybe our leadership is a thing of the past and our future uncertain.

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