The office for the secretary of state for Arizona is set to certify the results of the election on Monday, which comes after Wisconsin finishes its recount and Pennsylvania throws out a challenge of the election results. Aired on 11/30/2020.
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#Arizona #ElectionResults #MSNBC
Arizona To Certify, Wis. Finishes Recount, Pa. Throws Out Challenge | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The more times Trump contests the election results, the more times he loses.
Yep, I’ve been watching daily to see how many times this impeached one term loser can lose a single election. So far it’s more than 38.

The magat tears have been an epic tsunami.
trump ‘ it’s hard to get to the supreme court ‘!! They can’t help trump without being disloyal to the law. Those others he picked most don’t have much to lose but face. No one is going to give up a supreme court seat to satisfy this nut
@Thomas Fuchs Jr definitely more than the Lions. Donald Trump should be coach of one of these teams. If they lose he’ll just contest it and say the judges rigged the games. Jets or Lions might have a chance to win the Super Bowl. Oh wait, he loses all the time. I forgot. Charlie Sheen wins more than Trump even with hiv. I like presidents that don’t lose elections.
That’s all right because many district attorneys and judges are funded by George Soros like Kim Gardner. It will go to the Supreme Court with all the evidence
@Lene Danielsen it won’t. SCOTUS won’t give this one to tRump. It’s already been demonstrated to be without merit. No evidence. This is a zombie case. Lame Duck walking.
Trump campaign pays $3 million for 87 Democrat votes. Money well spent, nitwits.
@Lene Danielsen …..aaaaand still nothing shown in court when the failed trump campaign had the chance to show ‘all the evidence’.
@Larry Kuker it was fair the first time.
years from now Trump is gonna be remembered for being a sore loser lol, cause he thought big crowds at a rally equaled votes.
@Bender Joe Biden.
We need our stimulus checks

Trump paid almost 35 000 per an extra vote that Biden got. Now that is THE ART OF A DEAL
Haha. Trumps just one big time loser
@ION soros…. her emails…… come on man, youre a joke
@Van Wong yes suckers give more money he’s gonna needit
@t fallow there are waaaay more than 80 million people who hate trump.
right but of course the MAGA type will sweep it under the rug, and say he didn’t do that.
President didn’t lose couple million dollars: his supporters did.
@Lene Danielsen better than believing that a con-man can actually run the country properly…

@Efren Flores yes yes
@Nancy Fahey Trump a Russian agent? He put the KGB in the Supreme Court.
K = Kavanaugh G = Gorsuch B = Barrett
trump supporters scammed again…good for them
Trump has lost almost EVERY court case in his life. That isn’t going to change all of a sudden. What a pathetic moron.
@Phoenix Storm Jr. what your watching is fake news. good lord no wonder you got nothing out of it.
@BlueRaven89 what I’m watching is 10 hours (or more idk I don’t want to back it up and lose my place) of the proof you’re asking for. This was recorded live. If it is fake, take it up with the state legislature. I can’t do anything about it. It was all recorded live and the legislature will not certify the votes.
I bet you didn’t even click on the link. You can’t just plug your ears and scream “there’s no proof” without even looking at it. You’ve never seen any proof because your head is in the mud. You’ve never heard any proof because you have ear plugs in. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any.
Edit: 10 hours. Sorry. Not 12.
@Phoenix Storm Jr. I did click on it, but I’m not gonna sit and watch that for 10 hours. I watched about 10 minutes, fast forwarded certain parts I wanted to see. and to be honest you can barely make out what’s being said half the time, but this doesn’t really say much. Arizona isn’t the state that decided the election though, that would be Michigan, Pennsylvania, and apparently Georgia. I’m pretty sure Arizona results already went through before the others.
@BlueRaven89 If I gave you small short ones you’d say it was all fact checked fake. Skip to about an hour in. Watch as much as you like. You didn’t get to the graphs, the dead people, the pictures, the witnesses, the USB drives, the dominion software, none of it. You didn’t watch anything or else you would’ve responded to some.
And BTW same thing is going on for PA. With PA and AZ off for Biden that puts Biden at 275. It won’t take much more to get that under 270. We know you’re scared. Thats TEN hours of STRAIGHT EVIDENCE IN JUST ONE STATE! Trump will win!
@Phoenix Storm Jr. no he won’t, and ya I did skip to parts that were atleast somewhat interesting. but it doesn’t prove what your saying, but the pictures of dead people proved nothing. because once again it’s a conspiracy theory to suggest Dead people voted in the election lol.
By calling for these recounts hes keeping his supporters engaged .but hes giving them false hope
exactly…and thats the sad part. supporters become suffered more financially especially during a pandemic.
Not hope he just wants their money
he gets 60% of his charity to line his pockets …JUST CARES ABOUT HIMSELF
He paid all that money. Meanwhile we the people struggling-let them eat cake mentality– Vile governance of the republiuglies and the tdump
The “crazy train” is diminishing and the Orange Psychopath gets fatter and plays more golf.
Yes, and I read he is eating more fast food than ever.
@Jocelyn Jones He’s nervous and desperate. Natural reaction is to eat junk.
He could’ve paid me three million dollars to tell him that he lost again.
i would have taken a mil

Next step, bribe the Electoral College ? Trouble is he’s got nothing to bribe them with !
Don’s not worried. He’s going to become a professional golfer. After all, we’ve paid him to play for 4 years now!
Best comment award goes to you my friend!!
Do they have board game golf that can be played in a very small room?
And when he’s beaten by Tiger Woods, Trump will sue him for cheating.
and he is not getting any better at it
The American tragedy and most horrific nightmare is finally coming to an end. Sanity at last!
@Lene Danielsen still better than trump. No worries
@David Davis I can’t wait! That’s my birthday.
@Lene Danielsen I’m not looking at a gosh darn thing you suggest. Don’t think your warped idiotic opinion is of any value to me. If you support Donald Trumps fraudulent behavior I spit on the earth you walk on. I hate u. Get a clue.
@Lene Danielsen Well we all know you are not the brightest tool in the shed, but you are indeed a tool.
By the grace of God!
Stop showing trump’s tweet ever. He is insignificant and we’re past his dark era already. We’ve moved on. We want to hear more of Biden-Harris admin.
I agree
I agree with joe. At some point, judges need to start sanctioning attorneys who keep clogging up court dockets on with bogus election lawsuits.
BREAKING: Arizona State Rep Issues Call to Withhold State’s Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden Due to Significant Evidence of Fraud
None Given

Lie. Trump nut job 
Let’s be clear, he didn’t spend his money, he spent his clueless followers’ money.
He never uses his money!
TV channels talk bs.
Winners NEVER cheat &
Cheaters NEVER win!!!
You know trump is sooo confused as to why these judges he appointed aren’t ruling in his favor…hilarious!!
Here’s how STUPID and CORRUPT the MSM is asking the PREZ if he will bunker down in the WH and REFUSE to give up his Presidency!! Instead of asking about the ACTUAL election fraud!!
@Nota Bene I think you have a book here. I would buy it.
@Nota Bene # UK failure – #2. Canada Failure – good luck communist
Considering Kim Gardner is a district attorney in Missouri that was funded by George Soros it’s no mystery.
Unfortunately he installed crooked kavanah and barrette in the Supreme Court with the sole purpose of helping him be corrupt
Never in American history have we seen a president who was this desperate to remain in office.
@Terrelle Williams Sure… sure. Trump loves the USA enough to let a quarter of a million Americans die.
@Tessmage Tessera The annual death rate at this time in 2018 and 2019 are comparable to the amount of deaths in 2020. Overall, more covid, less heart disease and pneumonia deaths. The truth is out there
@John Swo Please list one or two examples of this corruption
@Jworste Believe whatever you like. But Trump is guilty of downplaying a virus that has killed 250,000+ Americans.
He just can’t get out of the white house if not law suits are coming his way
He cant loose his own money, he never had any.
Whew! So that was FAKE news when they reported him calling us Suckers and Losers? All along He was referring to his BASE