Arizona Senate Race Could Impact Supreme Court Confirmation | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

NBC's Vaughn Hillyard reports on how a the Senate race between Mark Kelly and Martha McSally in Arizona could potentially impact a vote to confirm President Trump's Supreme Court nominee. Aired on 9/21/2020.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”

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Arizona Senate Race Could Impact Supreme Court Confirmation | Craig Melvin | MSNBC


    1. @my name MATH MUCH? the conservative WSJ said the economy had been posting good numbers for over 100 consecutive months. How long has Bunker Boy been President? Here’s some more math: USA has 4% of the Worlds population and we have the most cases!

    2. @camjamsdad WHAT?? North Korea has continued to launch missiles, There is NO North Korea deal, or Paris Deal, Iran Deal, China Deal, Mexico Deal or TrumpCare on Day one. HE LIED!

  1. As an Arizonan McSalky will not be getting my vote! I hope Kelly wins. I also pray that some republicans that are in the senate would tap back into their moral compass and do the right thing. It’s just so disheartening how Trump has made it the norm to blatantly lie with a straight face; too many people have no remorse or feel like your actions will not be held accountable. We need to bring decency back to our nation. Please VOTE!!!

    1. First of all camjamsdad let me make this very clear I voted for John McCain who as you should be aware of was a Republican! I did not vote for McSally, she got her spot by default because McCain passed away! I’m someone who has voted for both republicans and democrats alike. I vote for people who I feel are there to serve the people who elected them, I don’t just vote along party lines that I affiliate myself with! McSally is a tool for Trump and is not for the people of Arizona. The race in Arizona isn’t looking to good for her btw, so maybe you should go troll on somewhere else js🤷🏾‍♀️

    2. Determined Diva One senate spot in Arizona doesn’t determine the us senate makeup. And installing a lifetime Supreme Court judge that shares our views is worth losing the senate for at least 2 years.

  2. Reminder: McSally LOST her election and was gifted it by the Republican Governor.
    I guess the will of the people doesn’t mean a whole lot in Arizona. 🤔😅😂🤣

  3. I’m a democrat, but one of the things that absolutely angers me is this fight by both sides for domination of the government. No matter who gets elected the job by all involved in government is to run the government for everyone, for all American’s. Not just for the American’s on one side or the other. Trump is a fool, because he only counts his side’s needs. He isn’t the American president, he is the Republican president. If he had done the job, being the American President and protected all Americans against anyone or anything that would harm us… then there would be no reason to oppose him. But he has not done that. And that is the best reason he should be voted out of office.

    1. @Mistair Arts Life is a struggle. There will always be battles to be fought. To think otherwise makes one naive, or a fool.

    2. ​@Selouskimo It is a struggle. My quandary is not about the struggle, but the manor of the struggle. Right now the struggle seems to be one of domination, not coordination. With one side saying, our thinking is right for everyone, so we must dominate… are we only a half a country… the right have and the wrong half… or are we a country of people that value opinions, even if they are not our own opinion.

    3. @Mistair Arts Methinks those are the musings of a russian. Consider thustly: That the Left speaketh of sense while the Right Speaketh of cents.

  4. I don’t see what he’s talking about with the “both sides” argument. The GOP has been complicit with trump every step of the way, up to and including total public reversal of their argument for why they didn’t give Judge Garland a vote, including their bragging that they would not be impartial jurors in trump’s impeachment, and even changing the same rules that they demanded during the Clinton impeachment. Politics is not pretty, but if you don’t see the GOP moprhed into Swamp Thing, you’re willfully blind, outright crazy, or complicit.

    1. As long as ratpublicans lie and cheat, and decent Americans don’t hold them responsible, then ratpublicans will always win because their base will definitely not hold them to account

    2. @John Thomas I guess, to those who are full of s**t and wrong (you), the people who are correct and rational always seem “self righteous” regardless of whether they really are.

    3. I feel you… but I mean if the roles were reversed? I would expect Joe Biden to do the same thing if the Democrats held the Senate they only hold the house right now…

    4. I can’t wait for Comey to testify on September 30th. As, well as 30 other subpoenaed Democrats. For their interference in election interference. Why exactly did Mueller have 25 FBI Agent’s phone’s wiped clean? October surprise 🍾🎉

    1. It was just a crack at when she called the CNN report a “Liberal hack.”. She’s just a monster like the rest of her trash kind.

    2. McSally is a nasty person…it is a shame she got to replace McCain…she is a embarrassment…should be replaced

    1. You lost the Senate. Get. Over. It.

      All you do is cry and cry and cry. You lose the election, “it’s not our fault. We can’t lose power, REEEEE”

      it is your fault that you lost. People are sick of the virtue signaling. They’re sick of awful policy destroying their lives. They’re sick of crybabies. They’re sick of you.

    2. @Aaron Boone Yet the new policies that will be installed by a Republicaly run government that will destroy even more lives are just fine?

    3. @Jim Battersbee you’re not in a Reich you giant crybaby.

      You know what’s something the Nazis did? Pack their courts with judges who acted as arms of the federal government.

      Which is EXACTLY what Dems are pushing for.

    4. Because of the Bernie blackout and pied piper strategy. Or was your question rhetorical. Oh that’s right, I’m a russian troll

  5. The SCOTUS should be balanced. If more justices need to be added to attain same, I am all in! Vote Biden-Harris and help save our Republic.

    1. @Mike Jones Trump is going to prison. He knows it thats why he’ll contest the election. The SDNY is waiting for that loser to exit the WH so they can have the US marshals pick him up…just wait!

  6. *👉Trumps Presidency has only highlighted the ‘True Nature’ of this GOP!*

    *🤢🤮 **#Sickening** I will not NOT vote Republican again…EVER! 😡😡😡*

    *👉Voting Against Trump isn’t ‘Right’ or ‘Left’..*
    *👉..simply put, its what Jesus would do!👍*

    1. You got to destroy the other side you can’t be weak you can’t leave any prisoners alive!!! democrat or republican whoever’s got the upper hand ?in this case it looks like the Republicans due to the fact that they hold the senate in this case.. and I believe the Democrats are in control of the House of Representatives so I think they would do the same thing to each other if roles were reversed?

  7. Help the American people do the right thing, AZ. Let’s honor what the Republicans said in 2016 and RBG’s dying wish.

    1. I will help them by doing everything I can to ensure this Supreme Court seat is filled by a constitutional conservative.

  8. Where did I miss Collins specifically saying she would vote against any Supreme Court nominee? All I heard her say was that she thought a vote shouldn’t be called. That’s typical Republican double speak. In other words, A Big Fat Lie.

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