MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber talks with Arizona's Secretary of State Katie Hobbs about the state's ballot counting process, what would happen if a court intervenes to alter or exclude votes and how Trump supporters are endangering the safety of workers. Hobbs asserts there are no illegal votes being counted in the state of Arizona, and that such disinformation undermines the election process. Aired on 11/05/2020.
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#KatieHobbs #Election #MSNBC #Election2020 #Decision2020
Arizona Secretary Of State: No Illegal Votes Are Being Counted | MSNBC
Why hasn’t the president been fact checked in real time from the beginning of his administration? Every time he spoke it should have been immediately fact checked. His Twitter account should have been deleted for threatening others. Thank you brave election counters and all who make every vote count.
@Cynthia Yang That is true, he did create a record of how many people he fired when they disagreed.
@twilady2500 truly…I think they must have fallen asleep alot in middle school. They bought a anon b.s…even tough the jerk never filed anything in court.
@Cynthia Yang yup. They need to stick the trump cult in the whitehouse in straight jackets and jail cells. That’s why they are freaking out for years.

Check the Facts, fair and balanced FOXNEWS, OANNEWS, NEWSMAX!!!
Check out the Washington post… They have a tally of all the lies he’s made since he’s been in office
Trump Can’t Stop Lying

More like won’t
The NY DA is gonna wish donny keeps lying when he sees him in court…
That’s all he has. That’s all he has ever had.
Racists are big mad
Leftist are the most racist of all.
@Lee They are just like trump. They only want the votes counted that benefit him.
@Let Truth Prevail Yeah, they voted for Biden cause he’s white

@BUCK LANE reality disagrees with you
@Tony Cowan Biden picked Kamala because she was a woman and she was black (half back like Obama). He only picked based on gender and race, not merit.
Sad that our president implies that the people in charge of counting ballots are so inept and incapable of their jobs.
@Eric Edwards even if each person can only count to ten they can still get an exceptionally accurate count by tens.
He’s projecting again .
It’s funny that he says that about people when all the FACTS show that he is inept and incapable of doing his job.

Check the Facts, fair and balanced FOXNEWS, OANNEWS, NEWSMAX!!!
Trump’s idea of an illegal vote is any vote for Biden.
@TheBase1aransas i hope so buddy, thanks for the comment man.
Any vote that arrived after 8pm November 3rd 2020 is an illegal vote.
@algon44 Says who?
@algon44 Also, as long as the ballot was POSTMARKED by the date of the election, it is considered valid. Nice try though.
In a democracy winner don’t protest! If you lose the democracy then the winner need to protest! The real winner of this election is Putin and/or any adversary of democratic process.
If the current president is trying to sue to win the election that he’s legitimately losing then yes you protest.
@Ros Ver wow!! such a violent act. Now do the “peaceful protesters”
@Dickson Cider Peace be still, the only people protesting is Trump’s supporters. Right vs Wrong, who do you think will win ?
Count the vote count the vote
All those protestors had 4 years to voleenteer to be ballot counters. Now they want in after the vote?
Good one!
How do you become a ballot counter. The 2022 Election for Senators is just around the corner. Thanks for bringing it up.
No spellcheck or did I miss it?
@BUCK LANEHere ya go! This should get you started on the process to become a poll watcher. I’ll see if I can find another resource, but start here.
@BUCK LANEHere’s another:
I hope that helps… Thanks for helping to keep our elections free and fair!
Be careful: until 45* and his goons are physically out of office, nothing is beyond them: claim a national emergency, martial law, stage a coup with hired brown shirts (and volunteer 45* cultists), etc.
This will not be over until the end of Jan. Be wary, be ready.
“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by”!!
Been saying this for months. Feel it will not even end in January he will be in our face until he dies.
Lock down = democrats.
Hoping and praying there is a D.J.T. 2021 exposé. Exposing the lies and mis-information, skewing the minds and faith of 40% of america.
we’ve had that every day since 2015. they dont care, they’re fascists, they literally think that the other side (the working class) are satanist cannibals. there’s no reaching them.

Check the Facts, fair and balanced FOXNEWS, OANNEWS, NEWSMAX!!!
The person who is guilty of fraud is TRUMP !
They need to sue him for slander and libel.
Pot calling the kettle black. Whiny adults.
@David Gray how about conspiracy and fraud.
Curious how Fox are covering trumps allegations of voter fraud , im curious but not enough to watch them lol
Fox news went quite
They said he’s making big allegations and he should provide the proof.
Fox seems to be slowly and quietly backing away from Trump the same way you would back away from a bear you crossed paths with.
Wasn’t trump and his cult following mad at Fox for calling Arizona for Biden? They also had some not nice things to say about trump wanting the ballot counting to stop.
Homeless people in UK have better healthcare system than Americans.
Let that sink in, while you find out why.

Check the Facts, fair and balanced FOXNEWS, OANNEWS, NEWSMAX!!!
Health care in the U.S., is actually wildly uneven across states, income levels, and demographics. It’s almost as complex as the reasons that Obama and everyone else in the government couldn’t get more comprehensive and universal health care through our legal system.
To my understanding, all of your statements, including the op’s, are partially true and partially false in the patchwork mess of private insurers, people insured through work, the ACA unmandated, and the lack of insurance that partially represents even just the people in the one state where I live.
I’m aware though that in other states, the ACA doesn’t cover all of the same income levels and work scenarios as it does here, as it was adopted differently by different states.
I’m also aware of people who owned homes, which I’ve never had the money to afford, but lost them because a medical emergency wasn’t covered by their private insurance, or because they lost the insurance tied to a job, during a medical emergency, because health care in the U.S. is so unevenly and unfairly distributed.
The reality in the U.S., is very complex, and while I’m positive that the NHS is clearly a better model to serve everyone, even medical professionals who are more concerned with having a more ethical than profitable relationship (as a reader of medical records in a U.S. state, I saw evidence of many repeat surgeries for profit, which were certainly unethical), the problem with getting people here in the US to agree with universal health care is both a practical and philosophical nightmare entangled in both our culture and the way our legal system is structured.
It also truly does not help that there is a disinformation campaign labeling universally accessible healthcare options like the NHS as socialist, rather than as democratic.
Essentially, the business aspects (and perhaps even more importantly the investment aspects) of medicine in the U.S. are filled with people who prioritize their profits, over the well being of their fellow human beings. This greed which sees illness as markets for profit, runs the disinformation campaign, labeling a public good as socialist, rather than as a public good. I feel like people in the U.K. should actually understand this, because didn’t your own system have to undergo this conversion, and wasn’t there some opposition to moving it from private industry to the public option?
Lastly, it’s a bit frustrating to have so much suffering, and to be so aware of it, and to have people talking down at us as well. I mean, I get it, you definitely have the better medical system. Perhaps, you even post this comment all over youtube because you actually care about our suffering.
The thing is, we clearly know the imbroglio we are in, it’s just super difficult to navigate a path through it, and it feels to me, like instead of extending some kind of useful advice or comfort, as the op, you are just sort of saying we’re fools. We’re not necessarily fools, we might just have challenges that thankfully you haven’t had to face yourselves yet, or you were fortunate to face with less opposition.
Why not extend kindness or assistance instead, ffs.
Buydins collusion with China is paying off so far.
@GO CAPS wow are you lost….good luck.
It’s the same as in Canada. Americans think universal healthcare is a form of socialism. Canada is not socialist, but has this healthcare.
Count these votes FASTER!!!I CANT TAKE THE SUSPENSE!!!!!
I prefer they count them correctly because if one vote is miscounted they will say it was 1000’s.
Stop the count!!
Stop the count!!
Stop the count!!
Relax. God in control. Will not be decided until January.
@Michael exactly, that’s why it is taking so long. They have to be validated.
As usual Trump only cares about himself so he’s fine further dividing the country even if it means half the country thinks the election was stolen as long as it protects his ego.
He really is the most miserable man in America.
So is his supporters who wants people to start and stop counting at the same time.
Trump lost unfortunately for the US economy. The people gonna have what they voted for…end the oil industry, more taxes, flip jobs to other counties, full lockdowns, and limited social rights due the pandemic.
Turns out is voter fraud. Caring about America would include true elections.
He is not only miserable, he is DESPICABLE.

Check the Facts, fair and balanced FOXNEWS, OANNEWS, NEWSMAX!!!
One of Trump’s major agenda items over the last 5 years has been to sow distrust in all American institutions, including our electoral systems. In pursuit of this, Trump has succeeded in Making America Weak and Irrelevant.
Ain’t happening hes a punk and hello Biden /Harris. Cuffs await.rumpocon
@Claire Deiotte Has happened. Biden will fix it as best he can. There is much damage, both foreign and domestic. Repair will be neither quick nor easy.
@ruth depew Luckily all of our allies know Biden and have for a long time. It shouldn’t take long to re-establish ties.
Irrelevant? Uh, no. That’s idiotic.
Mr Trump, cannot tell the truth, at all..he is the big deceiver…
Liz Hannan Stop calling him ‘Mr’ ….. that’s a term of respect and of manhood. He’s achieved neither…..
If Trump does ask for recount get the money up front!!! I don’t think he’s paid for a single rally and his re election acct empty
Debra Jenkins Heheheheheheheheh
DT still has not paid for the Arizona rallies from 2016 to compensate cities their pay/costs for the police/protection, shutting down the city, and all related expenses!!!!
Trump is Trump. Look at all these walking angry afraid Trump minions.
You can’t wave the flag and call yourself a patriot
while simultaneously chanting “Stop the count!”
You just look like another mesmerized cultist.
Or are there medals for armed intimidation?
Wait, did I say “like” a cultist?