Arizona ICE Detention Center Employees Test Positive For Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Nearly half the employees at an Arizona ICE detention center have tested positive for COVID-19, with a guard dying of the disease, according to new reporting from reporters Julia Ainsley and Jacob Soboroff. Aired on 07/08/2020.
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Arizona ICE Detention Center Employees Test Positive For Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Arizona ICE Detention Center Employees Test Positive For Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Guess the inmates of a Concentration Camp don’t get any choice if the staff are making them sick? Suppose Trump is delighted?

    1. The issue is that Americans need to exercise their power by contacting their elected officials to complain and even better to register and vote them out of office.

    2. Your Fallen Messiah Obuma BULIT the cages. Life on the democrat plantation Ash…………………………………………..


  2. Serves them right & it looks good on ICE that they caught tRumps CovFeFe-19 Morona Virus!

    1. I am screwed; I’m a Houston teacher and I’m being forced to go back to the classroom in August. I’m scared to go back into a classroom of 30 kids where it is IMPOSSIBLE to socially distance 6 feet apart from everybody. 😷🦠☣️

    2. @Crystal Giddens
      She explicitly says that if there is a motor vehicle accident or shooting death with someone who is COVID-19 positive, that death would not be counted. On the other hand, if a person who had diabetes for the last 20 years gets COVID-19 and dies, that would count. Both the disease and the data are real. Even in the video you linked, COVID-19 was not being listed as the cause of all the excess deaths. There is a sound logical argument that it should be.

    3. @Matthew Jay , Give up your teaching certificate and “Man Card”, we don’t need you anymore.


  3. “Ice says” is right up there with trump says, McEnany says, Pompeo says, Barr says, McConnell says, Pence says…..means nothing. Just hot air. All of them are liars.

    1. Yep anyone associated with this administration uses the word “says” means it lies upon lies upon lies. None of them can be trusted. The only way for America to get through this is for a democratic senate, house of representatives and presidency. If the orange shitstain and his motely crew and the criminal GOP get to keep one of them, they will do anything and everything to stop proper investigation and accountability that is so badly needed for your country!

    2. What is ICE doing now that they didn’t do during Obama and Bush? I guess a wall would save them from coming over and getting caught by the Bad Border Patrol.


  4. It’s a high price to pay for getting permission to separate families, kidnap and mistreat children and treat innocent fugitives looking for the same opportunity as the Founders as criminals.

  5. Where are the American Jewish community what do they have to say about this since their ancestors have the first-hand experience of this monstrosity?

    1. @Lynn Why “Nothing, of course.” Is that some kind of American code that really ends with a very, very pejorative comment about persons of the Jewish faith or those who are secular Jews, like The Krushners (Jared, Ivanka et x# kids)? I refused to complete a sentence you set up to deliberately name-call?????

    2. @SylviasWorld Why “Nothing, of course.” Is that some kind of American code that really ends with a very, very pejorative comment about persons of the Jewish faith or those who are secular Jews, like The Krushners (Jared, Ivanka et x# kids)? I refused to complete a sentence you set up to deliberately name-call?????

  6. For-profit detention centers are not famous for paying detailed attention to the welfare of their clients, not to mention staff. It’s all about keeping costs low.



  7. This is horrible. It’s just like SLAVERY. Kept in CAGES to dehumanize a human being. Breaking their will to try to hang in there.

    1. @Deplorable Well, at least you’re admitting it.

      Accepting that you have a problem is the first step to getting over it.

    2. @Politicus Rex Knowing you’re “right” is the problem?

      Even I wasn’t trying be as confusing as that.

    1. @Dave Schultz actually, you can. If the law itself is against international statutes or human rights.


    3. And Facebook should join the since that’s where this undermining of our election occurred.

    1. @cmulder002
      You have to look it up yourself, it’s not going to come do you like a $1,200. Trump check.

    2. @cmulder002
      I’ll give you a hint first…
      You won’t find the pictures on a fake news station

    3. @Deplorable The Obama did some questionable things but he did not have prison with a pandemic going on.

  8. These the same ICE employees who breathed all over detained kids while wearing no masks?! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


    2. This is all so f#@king wrong. This country has become a solid crime against humanity by this man-child’s directives. He won’t be happy until we are all dead or crippled by COVID at *every* turn
      Our hearts are being broken and spit on.

  9. Donald Trump’s for profit concentration camps are now Republican Party’s for profit corona virus Death Centers…

    1. Obama/Biden Administration had immigrant kids in Cages at the border in 2014, remember of the photos?
      Today is July 8, 2020 and Barack Obama is the most corrupt President in U.S. history. 👀

  10. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? A Vote for Trump is forfeiture of your soul evangelical community.

    1. delritmo la clave
      1 second ago

  11. Mind Begs the Question:
    If you stand with a Govt thats building Concentration Camps,
    Are you not standing with Hitler & Nazis?

  12. I’m surprised that trump hasn’t started building the “Ovens” to sanitize anyone who is not white or related to him…

    1. delritmo la clave
      1 second ago

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