“The Republican Party in Arizona is totally imploding. They have not been able to win many races—especially statewide races—and they know their future is looking very grim. So instead of trying to win the argument of the future, they are trying to stop the elections of the future,” says Rep. Ruben Gallego, Democrat of Arizona. Aired on 01/29/2021.
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#GOP #Election #MSNBC
Arizona GOP Rep Introduces Bill To Give Legislature Power To Throw Out Election Results | All In
This is going to play out well for Arizona.
Thinking that people don’t want the truth, was your first mistake
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
@COVID KILLED FREEDOM no its not bot
Not a fan of the DNC,

but im so done with the GOP
@Rew Fist Do less meth
@Me Off Right now the GOP is in the worst mess they have been in since Nixon. Any one on the right still into Trump and the Q cult is completely blind. Republicans had everything in 2016. Now they have nothing.
@Anthony G. Im a libertarian, What happened on January 6th was disgusting to anyone with any respect for America and the constitution. Anyone who defends them is a traitor.
@Psychonaut How are you a Libertarian?
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
They are STILL trying this??? JFC!
@TJ Max Let’s see if you feel the same way when another party does this to your candidate
@Valerie Fields nope. Not until we prove the fraud and put some people in jail… Biden will be one of them
@Mark Gibson definition of the democrat party. Well said
@Mark Gibson I know right I can’t believe Joe won that proves political power can be bought after all 48 years of being a mediocre politician with no accomplishments and somehow still becoming a multimillionaire at least we don’t have to worry about him selling us out to China or any other country am I right

@waituntilthebeep you had 60+ court cases it was never proven for gods sake either present the evidence or shut up about it. But you won’t because you cant
So in simple terms…….GOP picks who they want, no voting required!!
@Zero Tolerance actually he did try to collude with the Ukrainian president with regard to Biden . Both sides are being dumb though . Trump didn’t actually want to go after Biden ; he just wanted to damage Biden politically with the news from Ukraine that the Ukrainian gov was looking at Biden and his family .
@3rd reupload for talking elite Info Uhh-huh.
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
@Anthony G. He did draw lines on who’s who more
@Billithekat nah, were just gonna escort your likes on to Commifornia and call it a day
This is the GOP.
@Jayro951 you people always project. It must have rubbed off from the cult leader.
@Tera sawyer hmmmmm you seem quite aggressive there sweetheart
Smoke some pot
True it is the GOP this is the GOP we are looking at the GOP
@Jayro951 60+ cases were brought up by Trump and his legion of bootlickers, of course it was to filter some of the donations straight into his pocket. But you don’t get it and that’s fine, I don’t speak sheep so it’s a lost cause. Keep drinking your kool aid
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
Republican Accountability: thanks for the support in rooting out the (R)ogues
Rogues? I preferred being called a deplorable
@waituntilthebeep congratulations on the two month anniversary of your account, Ivan. What’s the Russian word for deplorable?
@waituntilthebeep I prefer you being called a bot.
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
Unbelievable. Is this democracy. Sounds more like voter suppression
Voter suppression is what they do. It’s been working for years. It’s not working so the election was stolen. Republicans don’t say vote for me because I have a plan for the homeless. They only say my democratic challenger is a socialist, vote for me.
@zeth fox A Constitutional Republic is a form of representative democracy. So yes, we are in fact a democratic country.
Saying we’re not a democracy is like saying a square isn’t a rectangle.
Voter suppression occurs before the election you moron socialist..
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
Beijing Biden is an illegitimate President.
That can’t be constitutional.

@Round Earth Shill the media was always left leaning you moron but good to know you know brainwashing works otherwise you wouldn’t brag about it
@Alonso Gee Aww…someone triggered?
@Round Earth Shill Pffft…nice comment
Yes however the trump prophecy
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
Why are they not in jail for sedition?
Why? Because they are white.
Bc this isn’t sedation asshat
@Rew Fist what would you call it?
Well you know maybe the trump prophecy
Disgusting. Thought this was over. What pigs.
Pigs are actually more intelligent and ,thank goodness, they don’t need any legislation to behave.
@Khismet the far-right, a.k.a. the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Boogaloo Boys lack the political will and leadership to maintain further attacks. The corporate backed main stream Republicans are aware the disruption of open warfare will not be support by their corporate backers. The use of disinformation to drum up support and legislative maneuvering is where the danger lies.
Katie Hettinger Dude Biden was the corporate choice. Has been for 47 years, tool! All huge corporate entities vote Dem cause that’s where the handouts are. You didn’t know? This ain’t 1999!
So the trump prophecy
So power hungry. These people have no morals
@Sean McPherson the democrats blatantly rigged an election…
Both sides are rife with corruption “ public servants “, they’re all thick as thieves . Media and big businesses are complicit. If you don’t see that both sides are dirty ur stupid or don’t want to see.
@Suh Somebody is blowing smoke up your rear end! Trump is the most popular President in decades if not ever! And the majority voted for him! This election was stolen by globalists, their Democrat puppets, the media, and Hollywood Liberals. They were so desperate to regain their ‘Pay-to-play’ power, they’ve killed nearly half a million Americans with their Chinese virus created and released by their friends like Fauci, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, and Soro’s. Already, Joe has through executive order, reclaimed their collusion oligarch buddies. Our economy and way of life meaningless to them and their self-enrichment. Horrific that a man being investigated for treason can even sit in the Oval Office. Not phony treason like Clinton pushed against Trump but legitimate, proven treason. Treason we can watch ourselves, as Hunter and Joe’s sedition videos are over social media and in Congressional Hearings.
I mean the state legislators should be able to overturn any fraudulent election. We are not talking about throwing out a transparent election. We are talking about throwing out fraudulent elections. Power hungry?? Were the democrat Secretary of States power hungry when they decided to illegally make the election laws that the state legislators are supposed to make? The state legislators are the body that were disregarded in our constitutional process. So the state legislators aren’t power hungry, they are trying to have checks and balances so that the power hungry secretary states and other bureaucrats don’t disregard them and the constitutional process again. Executives don’t make election laws. The legislators do. Gee talk about “immoral”. The state legislators are the victims here. They were the ones ripped off of their constitutional duty. The media is trying to spin it. Instead of just accepting what you hear on the surface. look at why these state legislators are doing this and their reasoning behind it, not the media’s reasoning that is completely irrelevant considering they are bought and paid for to express a certain view point.
Yeah maybe but they have the trump prophecy
This is Insanity!!
The Apprentice : Sedition Edition
I shouldn’t laugh but I did
Everyone is auditioning to be Dictator Trump’s right hand man.
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
I’m sick of the GOP.
@Ajscrewu Cry your schizo paranoia about democrats being control freaks. Whatever that even means else where mental case.
@Akey Hisson what are my delusions? Once again an assblasted comment from you oh but you’re not butthurt at all. You agree with the mob here what whining and moaning am I doing? Pointing out what you guys are doing is now whining?
@Akey Hisson oh yea you’re totally not a Democrat that one comment about them just got you really butthurt
@Akey Hisson don’t know what it means then go look it up dummy it describes you and your ilk
@Ajscrewu No-one cares about your grievances about alleged ” democrats” who you can’t even name instead you delusionally lable anyone democrats because they don’t want to listen to your vague lunacy or opposed to whatever hair brair thin ideology you think have be gone go find a another comment to indulge in your self entitled anger at the left.
“If voting made any difference, it would be illegal”. Well, the degree to which it does matter is what we’re seeing now.
If voting wouldnt make a difference why are they trying to stop you from voting
Because switching to an abandoned menstruation hasn’t been a huge change at all. yep you’re right maybe no difference at all getting rid of trump.
oh wait wait never mind.
@Me Off Yes, Ivan. Never mind. Or better yet, mind your own President Putin and your own country’s politics.
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
@COVID KILLED FREEDOM another qanon nutjub
I wish this surprised me. It doesn’t.
It surpised me that we still have so many white people telling us what to think on MSmbc! It’s 2021, enough with this. Vote democrates to keep racist out.
Ffis that
oh good
Republican Party is heading towards Fascism. This is no Joke.
@b z Maybe you haven’t taken note of the half a million Americans the Democrats have killed with their virus unleashed to destroy the greatest economy in American history. Or the fact that Trump kept us out of war, brought our soldiers home, and was behind 4 peace agreements the middle east presidents before him called impossible. I’m a Jew. Trump, we love him! The Democrat Party; a history of racism and violation of civil liberties. And now, Joe’s back to violating the Constitution, and reestablishing his ‘Pay-to-Play’ schemes to enrich himself and his friends. Soon the Democrat Party will turn on him and put in their Socialist Harris.
@Akai Shigunaru read history. That is bo comparison. You just sound ignorant
Huh? Democrats are pure fascists by the very definition of the word. Silence the opposition by any mean necessary.
Well one thing you have to hand it to these republicans
They are definitely protecting and defending the trump prophecy
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
This sounds like a “law” you might find in Russia or China, not in the USA. Despicable.
@Scott Manerez What’s wrong with adding states? The last few were great additions.
@Fefv Ffgscb says who
The democrats are selling out the USA to China. Research what their policies do. They give everything to China. Learn the reality of the lies and dillusions being spewed by the bias news
Voter fraud is something you would find in Russia and China. Oligarchs. And that’s exactly what the Democrat Party has become. It’s odd that liberals continue to defend them when you can see the way they hide evidence, attack freedom, stand behind domestic terrorists like Antida and BLM, attack white America/colored Conservatives they also deem racists. These people are rotten to the core! It’s all about race-baiting and division. False narratives, complete B.S.! And Liberals just soak it up. It’s true what they say; “liberalism is a mental disorder”!
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
Can’t imagine the gerrymandering that will go on after this.
Lol. You think voting matters. How cute?
I guess maybe to shut trumpers up you should demand a full forensic audit so you can prove Joe Biden one fair and square.
@Jean Knitter As this video reveals, Trump-voters/-supporters don’t care about a “fair and square” win. They just want their candidate to succeed, … whatever it takes to make that happen.
@Nunya Bizness oh how adorable somebody commenting from Russia or China trying to undermine democracy by eroding faith in elections. Nice try
Mainstream media is actually the CIA. Well, ran by the CIA. https://youtu.be/rkdzdmtv8D8
“A house divided against itself, cannot stand.”
Jesus said that so did Thomas Jefferson