Arizona county has so many vaccine doses, it’s able to offer them to anyone over 18

Concerned that there weren't enough people signing up to get vaccinated against Covid-19, officials in one small Arizona county changed the vaccine eligibility requirement to encourage more people to make appointments. Kyung Lah reports.

#CNN #News


  1. Here in Jersey I know folks (older folks, 65+) had their 1st round shots cancelled due to lack of inventory, even after it was scheduled like 3 weeks ahead. What the hell is going on?? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. @Eduardo Oliveira Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the vaccines being developed. Scientists started developing vaccines the minute covid19 was a known virus, Moderna had already finished the 1st trials long before trump’s operation “warped” speed. Trump refused millions of vaccines off Pfizer! The people who developed the vaccines were a bunch of immigrants, those guys you lot like to hate and blame for your poor life choices and lack of education.

    2. @Jillian Copeland BS. Trump had everything to do with the speed at which the vaccines were developed and authorized. You are a two bit democrat LIAR.

    3. @Jillian Copeland I suppose that depends on the individual, that is why one size doesn’t fit all.

    1. Some of us still have common sense I promise….the reason they have an over abundance of vaccines is because we’re NOT GETTING THEM 😂 so they shuttle them around to the smaller towns hoping they’ll be dumb enough to fall for it…what a sad twisted world we live in…

  2. Meanwhile in Ohio my 73 yr old mother with severe in-stage lung disease, and has not seen the light of day for over a year.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that friend. My 91 year old mom has been bedridden for the past year as well. (Ohio too)

  3. Guy: “My background is emergency management”
    Reporter: “Soooo…you _don’t_ make pillows?”

  4. I’m glad they’re getting vaccines, but why did they get so many more doses, proportionately?

  5. Let’s see, a Virus that you have a 99.7% survival rate or a Vaccine that has been approved for emergency use? I’ll take my chances with the Virus.

  6. The same FDA that approved GMOs, Prilosec, Zoloft, Abilify, Accutane, Cymbalta, Lyrica, Levaquin, Nexium, Risperal, Zantac, Tenafivir, Velesitan, Xeljang, Belviq and Elmiron all involved in major class action lawsuits.

  7. Just reroute the vaccine stock (give them less). There’s people qualified people of higher priority in other parts of the country who have had a hard time to get it..

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