During a break in Robert Mueller's testimony, MSNBC chief legal analyst Ari Melber breaks down key takeaways from the hearing.
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Ari Melber: Robert Mueller Inferring That President Donald Trump Is A Liar, But Not A Crook | MSNBC
Lying to the American public should surely be a crime ….
@DIGITAL PIGEON everybody must get stoned
Are you talking to CNN?
@DIGITAL PIGEON Mueller’s investigation wasn’t to investigate Trump not every one else
@Finn Jensen Everybody must get stoned? My friend, thank you for reminding that I need to listen to a great guitar player this morning. Here’s Derek Trucks Band performing, “Let’s Go Get Stoned” https://youtu.be/g4SI1h7bOmQ He’s a master of slide guitar. If you’ve never heard of him, enjoy.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor
Donald Trump is a liar, really

Republicans can’t come back anymore. You have enough trump in your Face
@DIGITAL PIGEON perhaps he will, but let me tell you that the entire world is watching. We won’t soon forget this bub.
@Hibo Maxamad We don’t care what you want, foreigner.. Trump2020!
In ur face Trump 2020… Its Done deal
C Dionne okay?
The left and the right are hopelessly divided…
Whatever opinion you state in comments, someone will attack you. They will insult your appearance.
I agree Rich and think you look great.
Freedom and Liberty for all you handsome son of a gun
Muller and 10 tonight leaves out exculpatory evidence and when question says revert back to a report
Yesterday, Trump told teens at a Hitler youth meeting that the Constitution gave him the right to do whatever he wants.
He actually said that. Now I’m not sure what article he’s referring to, but perhaps it’s the article that says when it comes to women, Trump can do whatever he wants, even grab them by the p****.
It’s scary. He interprets Article 2 of the Constitution to mean he has unchecked power when the text clearly says he gets his power through cooperation with Congress.
Cory Snyder
Trump never read the article, he just imagined to himself what he thought it should say.
Hitler youth really? Actual Hitler youths or T.D.S. imagined Nazis
Please provide evidence for your claim. Unless you can provide evidence, it didn’t happen.
@Cory Snyder You can read minds? Please provide proof of your claim.
MAGA morons are always great for the lulz.
Mastodon1976 lol liberals in meltdown mode!!!
You people always attacking with insults, never with facts. Sad.
*Total nothing burger from Mueller. I guess he did a good job protecting himself since he knew there was no obstruction from the beginning.*
Other than the obstruction of justice x 5. Righhhtttt. Smh
you’re not right.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful that, on the day he’s outta office he gets arrested, also wonder would he still get a secret service detail while in prison
wouldn’t it would be wonderful if someday you get over your trump derangement syndrome
That’ll happen the same day Hillary is marched into prison. Never.
Evangelicals will claim lying is no longer a sin and God spoke to them saying Trump can do no wrong. They will then ask their flock for 65 million because during their conversation with “gawd” he asked “are you happy with the jet you currently have, if not get a new one.”
The only reason his suit doesn’t match the tone of his face is that he is presadent.
The president of Trump “university” isn’t a crook? He’s a convicted fraud who’s paid $25 million in fraud fines. Sounds like a crook to me.
Did anyone else pick up on Muellers emphatic response to the question asking if trump could be indicted/charged after he is out of office and he said a very clear and loud “YES!!!”
If it was anyone else they would be in jail for obstruction of justice , by refusing to comply to subpoenas and getting people to lie on your behalf
He didn’t infer anything. You jackasses are inferring that. Nothing but a witchhunt
Vote All Republicans out of Office 2020 !

He inferred? Sounds like a pretty solid case! Lol!!!
A bad day for the gop is a good day for american democracy. VOTE Blue!!
This was a wonderful day for the GOP. Mueller embarrassed himself and reaffirmed this was all a witch hunt.
When Trump takes the 2020, are Miley, Cher and Babs going to expatriate themselves again?
Our supposedly superior equals, the Democrats are in a huff because the President got angry at being accused of being a traitor and made the unforgivable mistake of trying to defend himself. You see, we all have to bow to any accusation made by the superior progressive equals and say “yes sir.”
Never mind that the investigation was undermining President Trump’s ability to do his job, particularly protect the nation overseas, or that he could have ended it all at any point and yet he didn’t, he didn’t even use executive privilege to stonewall. What matters is that the swamp creature be feed.
When will the half of the nation on the left wake up to the fact that they are being taken for ignorant patsies?!