Ari Melber: Bloomberg Runs From Stop-And-Frisk After Profiling Millions | MSNBC

After discriminating against millions of minorities, Michael Bloomberg now says he’s "sorry" for his stop-and-frisk policy as he launches his 2020 campaign. Courts ruled Bloomberg's stop-and-frisk program was illegal and racially profiled minorities, but he’s only apologizing now. MSNBC’s chief legal correspondent Ari Melber adds context, and notes “when Bloomberg had power, he used it to push this policing for 12 years. When he lost power, he continued to defend this policing, taking up the same civil rights turf as Donald Trump…Today Bloomberg wants more power, and he's trying to convince democratic voters what he would do with it. The problem is on this issue, they already know.” Aired on 11/18/19.
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Ari Melber: Bloomberg Runs From Stop-And-Frisk After Profiling Millions | MSNBC


    1. That’d certainly be a very busy day. Though it *would* have been a solid bullet point over our current Office-squatter. “Capable of running.”

    2. I had to read it for a second time, to see the literal meaning of it! Yes, THAT would have been hilarious, when his policies applied to HIM as well… especially when they’re done randomly “without bias”… Privileged Whites truly, literally don’t know how much privilege and benefit of the doubts they are afforded. Right now, 2019, many Whites people are already saying they’re “the most persecuted” group in America. I hate to think what they say in, say, the year 2085 or 3000, when they’re no more than may be 25-35% of the population and hold only about 50% of all the most important jobs!

  1. Ok boom-berg … You never thought it was wrong before now you wanna act like it’s bad now that you know its going bring down your ship only a boomer would think young Americans are that stupid

    1. It’s disturbing how short a memory all these politicians think the average citizen has. As if they can spin any lies they want and we’ll all just believe them without question. Are they ever in for a disappointing surprise at the polls!

    1. brad h —
      Of course he does! He cares so much about the well-being of others that he bribes them into accepting a big Trump hug.

    2. @brad h He also is a champion for women, believe me… many people, including women, say so… Ask Ivanka or any of his many wives…. He’s the best… that’s why the majority of White people want their sons and daughters to grow up to be like him…

  2. To win this election, the Democratic nominee will need to mobilize minorities. I don’t think Bloomberg is motivating any black folk to go to the polls.

  3. Admitting when you’re wrong and changing your ways isn’t a bad thing.
    Doing it when you’re about to face the consequences is meaningless.

    1. Ichijo Festival

      Thats exactly right. Unfortunately, even if one changes position way ahead of when its suitable, some people will act as if admitting you’re wrong and changing your ways is in fact a bad thing or completely ignore the timing.

      It’s an extremely polarized society.

  4. Stop and frisk is what totalitarian states do. And in this case it is blatantly racist. We don’t need another 45* in office.

    1. There is only one 45. Thank fully. Bloomberg would be good because he would walk on eggshells and not support or do such a program. Trump does not learn from his mistakes on the other hand. Bloomberg admitted how wrong he is. Most of those running have been wrong in several regards but they have yet to admit it and also apologize for the mistakes. I would rather have one of them who has made mistakes, recognized it, and apologize than for someone too inexperienced or too stubborn to admit the mistakes.

    2. @Burger WithEverything I have to disagree with you here. I don’t think Bloomberg is being sincere; he’s just doing this to try to get votes quite cynically. Trump on the other hand *HATES* to *ever* admit that he’s wrong _publically,_ but if he catches enough opposition over something, he will reverse course and act like it was his idea all along. Given my perception of their characters, I’d rather have a President who is “always right”, even if he has to retroactively edit himself, than one that just says whatever he thinks voters want to hear.

  5. That’s why I would never vote for Bloomberg! He’s on my list of people that I believe that is a major problem for the world!

  6. Stop & frisk is something they do in totalitarian states. What they do is stop you then frisk you & then whisk you away to be never seen again.

  7. Did MSNBC actually find a conservative Democrat they aren’t in love with? Or are they concerned Bloomberg could help split the “moderate” vote and a progressive actually gets in for once?

    1. We the American people certainly are the losers to have elected a criminal wanna-be fascist grifter, whose only upside is gross incompetence and blatant treason.


  9. Trump should be stopped and frisked every time he steps out of doors or addresses large crowds. See if he’d like it!

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