The WH reacted to acting ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor's testimony on Tuesday, saying it was a smear campaign from 'far-left lawmakers and radical unelected bureaucrats'. The panel discusses Taylor's career and the White House response. Aired on 10/23/19.
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Are We Now Well Into Impeachable Territory? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
YES the answer is YES! Time to impeach and prosecute all the traitors of OUR CONSTITUTION!!
What a joke!! Keep dreaming about your PRECIOUS IMPEACHMENT!! It’s not going to happen, but go ahead and waste MEDIA time trying to hammer our Champion and Chief! Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE in 2020!! Too bad for you!!
Yes all DEMS hang them. They are against democracy
Will Pierre Delecto, aka Mitt Romney, please step forward and call for Trump’s impeachment and removal? Probably not.
The only term Trump should have is a long Prison Term!
What a joke!! Keep dreaming about your PRECIOUS IMPEACHMENT!! It’s not going to happen, but go ahead and waste MEDIA time trying to hammer our Champion and Chief! Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE in 2020!! Too bad for you!!
Impeach him then House. I dare you Otherwise stop the bs. Cheers from Toronto
What a joke!! Keep dreaming about your PRECIOUS IMPEACHMENT!! It’s not going to happen, but go ahead and waste MEDIA time trying to hammer our Champion and Chief! Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE in 2020!! Too bad for you!!
@MJB For Trump I’m a Trump Canadian. Can’t say I understand what I sad that set you off. Cheers
Are We Now Well Into Impeachable Territory? We were in that territory 3 years ago what’s the hold up? There are enough videos from the past 4 years to convict the orange man and several of his cronies. The evidence is everywhere, even here on youtube.
Impeachment still needs more Republicians on board because they still are in control of the Senate and House of Reps.because the people voted the Russian controlled Republicians party leaders back, the Dems only took the Congress. If Moscow Mitch refuses to put the bill through, stop blaming the Dems, blame ourselves for our vote to keep the Republicians in control.
Only FOOLS believe MSNBC.
Coming from a fake admiral thats funny. PS.. your uniform and mustache are out of regulation!
Real fools always take the easy path and attack the messenger instead of focusing on the fu@&!ng _message._
@Ray Martin I wrote the regulations.
@MikeAnn193 Message is, keep dreaming little sheep, we will feed you just enough to outrage you but not anything concrete.
Orange man bad?
Not even close but Coup , treason and sedition charges against the Dems are coming soon of that you can be sure!
Who here placed an order for some quid pro whoa?
Arrest that traitor, and Trumpee gangs. Impeachment taking too much time.
Pelosi yes would Support that
Both “quid pro whoa & squid pro quo” are 2 dish’s best served cold!
What a joke!! Keep dreaming about your PRECIOUS IMPEACHMENT!! It’s not going to happen, but go ahead and waste MEDIA time trying to hammer our Champion and Chief! Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE in 2020!! Too bad for you!!
MJB : You tRumpers really have no sense of humour or satire do you’s?
We’re well past “impeachable territory.” Most of his cabinet is corrupt and complicit! It’s not just smoke, these are fires and they are burning through constitutional norms and ethics. They are fascists, that’s not hyperbole. #lockthemup
What a joke!! Keep dreaming about your PRECIOUS IMPEACHMENT!! It’s not going to happen, but go ahead and waste MEDIA time trying to hammer our Champion and Chief! Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE in 2020!! Too bad for you!!
Getting the “Biggest” ImPeaching Tree for Christmas

this 2019
for Trump and all his family and Criminals to HANG 

Now? We set up camp in Impeachment Ville 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile, we have found several smoking guns in addition to the multiple confessions by trump and mulvaney. What else do you want? And dont ask #LubjankaLindsey or #MoscowMitch…
What a joke!! Keep dreaming about your PRECIOUS IMPEACHMENT!! It’s not going to happen, but go ahead and waste MEDIA time trying to hammer our Champion and Chief! Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE in 2020!! Too bad for you!!
Are we now well into impeachable territory? If the situation were reversed and a _Democrat_ president had done just a *tenth* of the idiotic, ignorant, corrupt, and immoral things Trump has done, Republican Congressional hypocrites would have already given a loud and clear YES!
Mike Pompeo for prison! There may be more than the Three Amigos in orange jumpsuits. As an American citizen who pays taxes to pay these clowns… I demand that they be made to pay for their crimes … in prison.
All the republiCON lies and spin will not save Moronald from his own bad deeds and corruption, and they know that. They are equally as evil as Chump. They do not care for the rule of law. They will do anything to keep power as they know they are an obsolete party that the majority of Americans don’t support. Mid terms were vital to save America. Blue House, Blue Senate, Blue WH. VOTE.
If they put a wall around CHUMP I will help pay for it!