Are the president's old persona attacks failing to land on Joe Biden? Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire discusses. Aired on 10/19/2020.
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Are The President's Old Attacks Failing To Land On Biden? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump is actually extremely dull… with all that inherented money, he never had to think for himself. Go out and vote!
Yea Trump inherited his money and Biden Gets his Money from China Fool …
@My Pillow Guy Ya Buzzard …
@Monica Nash-Anderson Hey Leave Hunter alone ….
biden never done anything in the 50 yrs. in office. defunding the police I want the police to protect me.
@Hush Money
Donald Trump’s nothing more than a failure.
His supporters didn’t seem to care about Coronavirus or Covid-19.
Especially, Donald Trump’s super spreader.
@Warren Varker That’s right-wing news. They’re the ones talking about it. They tried it before, and it has been proven false. Accept it!
@cheese Wiz No they haven’t. The FBI is now looking into Rudy’s collusion and if he did it wittingly he will be arrested.
@cheese Wiz Why are you picking on Hunter he is just a harmless Crack Head ….
@Carlotta McKenzie No I’m Scared …
go in the basement with your fearless leader, and watch pelosi eat all that expensive ice cream. I`m going to continue going to work making my big checks, your president is not fearful like your knuckle head bed sores candidate.
Trump was down in the polls when he won in 2016- don’t get complacent- GO VOTE PEOPLE.
@John Halas allllll of dumpys merchandise is MADE IN CHINA

Biden…the sane pick.
@QUID-PRO-QUO JOE, still 1000 times better than Don the Con.
@ninibon1967 looloo
The only thing sleepy creepy Joey accomplished in the last 48 years is enriching himself and his family with millions of dollars all on a government salary. Huh?? Something seriously wrong there!!
How did sleepy creepy basement Joey become a multimillionaire on a government salary?
And how did his son get a $50,000 a month no show job with zero experience in a foreign country where he doesn’t even speak or understand the language?
Why was Hunter Biden paid over 3.5 million dollars from a Russian Mayor & Ukraine & Russian Oligarchs? Wtf
At least President Donald Trump made his money by working hard in real estate and he created thousands of jobs doing so. How many jobs did sleepy creepy Joey create for the American people? Oh wait that’s right sleepy creepy Joey sold all our American jobs to china and Obama said those jobs would never return. Remember?
yes dont think that the polls are correct,they are only as acurate when all do these polls and there are alot of trump voters that havnt been asked to participate in the polls.just go by the list of accomplishments of trump and not just from opinion news
stay home with biden so we can win Ha!Ha!
Trump Failing to land attacks…
You could just say Trump Failing at everything he does…
@ninibon1967 looloo
” Keep your friends close but your enemies closer”.
Isn’t it odd that it was the Trump administration who apprehended and arrested Epstein & Maxwell?
“Patience is a virtue”
Stay tuned because the next few weeks will be unforgettable!
Debate 2020
Trump 2020
@Blue Dog
& Love!
President Trump had done more to stop human trafficking then every other previous Democrat president. Combined!!
It’s for that one reason President Trump has earned my vote because Children Lives Matter above all others.
President Trump created
“opportunity zones” in black communities lifting one million African Americans out of poverty.
President Trump has done more for the black community and college’s then all previous administrations. Combined!!!
And Democrats have done absolutely nothing to help President Trump deal with the ch!nese virus. Democrats are more concerned about “defunding” Law enforcement which in no way, shape or form helps any city as we are all witnessing now. The vast majority of Americans demanding more law enforcement is being ignored by the Democrats that is costing the Lives of thousands of young black children.
So sad.
Republican cities are Safe & Peaceful.
Where would rather raise a family?
Be well. God bless. Peace
@Mary Jan3 Cordova
Let’s see-
Trump supporters will overwhelmingly vote for President Donald Trump again and we also picked up a boatload of new supporters like the Black Voices for Trump & Latinos for Trump movements and we also received a hugh endorsement from law enforcement which Trump didn’t even have or need in 2016.
So uh yeah good luck with that pal.
It’s going to be so wonderful watching those tears roll down your filthy liberal faces. Again!!
TRUMP 2020
Breaking news>>

CNN pundit Jeffrey Toobin suspended today for jerking off on zoom call. Je thought his camera was off. HaHaHaHA
These are the sick people you listen to. Wtf!!!
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people.–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Trump just repeats himself every single day. Nothing ever changes, he is an evil robot programmed to divide and conquer.
@Enko Viewer He IS, and like I was just saying, imagine – if you can, a stadium filled with Magats who think each repetitive and vindictive word out of his mouth is genius!
@Annie Yep, 47 years in politics, and 8 in the Oval Office with President Obama certainly doesn’t speak well of Biden does it, compared to Trump who has mastered the art of scamming and stealing long before he took office.
Where’s Hunter who was given a $50,000 a month no show job with zero experience thanks to his sleepy creepy daddy?
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe thinks “All black people think the same with few exceptions”.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe said ” If you vote for Trump then you ain’t black man”.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe Says ” you can’t go into a 7-Eleven or Dunkin donuts without hearing a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking man”.
C’mon man!!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe said that Obama “is the first mainstream African-American who’s clean looking and articulate. That’s storybook man”.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe still uses the word “Orient” to describe Asia.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe used the anti-semitic term “Shylock”.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe was always for segregation because “he didn’t want his kids growing up in an urban jungle”.
Where is Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe?
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe said he’s tested daily on his “cognitive” abilities but refuses to take a cognitive test. Huh!???
C’mon man!!
Quid-pro-quo basement Joe thinks African American woman are only good for stocking shelves at the grocery store. Wtf?
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe explodes at anyone who dare ask a question he can’t answer.
C’mon man!
Quid-pro-quo basement Joe lied and said he didn’t know anything about his son Hunter’s dealings with Burisma but Hunter’s own personal emails prove otherwise.
C’mon man!
Quid-pro-quo basement Joe actually admitted and bragged on video about how he blackmailed Ukraine into firing the investigator that was investigating his son Hunter. Quid-pro-quo anyone?
C’mon man!!
Why did Hunter Biden receive over $3.5 million dollars from a Russian mayor and oligarchs? WTF
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe was arrested for being in a girl’s dormitory. Gross!!
C’mon man!
TRUMP 2020
Trump is da best man

That’s what happens with dementia!
Americans are dying, instead of going after Biden, Trump should have rolled up his sleeves, along with his administration, to find a solution to covid. But he is incapable of it, just as he is incapable of achieving anything !
here is why these attacks on Biden are no longer successful.
@Micky Wes I think the deceased Americans would seriously disagree!
@peter lee That something is still killing Americans, that matters!
@My Friendship is Candy Magic Plus the virus still came in from Europe on the East Coast!
@Jack Roberts Ever heard: Prevention is better than the cure?
@Jeremy Wittekind Kinda like COVID19 eh?
Of course those dirty politics will not work because that’s politics style of the gop
Its getting old to just attack with lies, fear and hate while country dies, burns and starts a race war all due to divisive Dumpski.
wrong biden`s barisma is coming out, him and obama trying to take down a sitting president. hollywood stars are coming down with pedogate.
Vote ByeDon/Harris. I don’t think many of the people standing in line for 8 to 10 hours are going to vote for Trump. His “reign of error” must end.
@darth otxoa Fool, they dont make a big announcement.
They just trick people into voting for them, thinking the gov can ‘take care’ of them.
Trump voters are much smarter and have jobs. You do know there’s other ways to vote than standing in line 8 to 10 hours. Democrats are such losers.

Michael Ulbricht So true! Even drumpf is not confident that he can win fairly. No honest candidate closes polls so voters will be forced to wait for hours, sometimes overnight. Also, how odd that on the last day to register, the power line was cut to one polling place, and electrical outages experienced in at least two others. There is nothing these criminals won’t do to maintain their hold on our country, so every vote is necessary!
@Michael Ulbricht It’s so exciting that there are those long queues waiting to vote. I’m an Australian so I can’t vote but I really wish you well.
@TracespriteAs I mentioned if the voter level is high, then Democrats usually win. I’ve never seen so many people wanting to vote. In Georgia it’s taking between 8 to 10 hours to vote. I’d say Blacks made up 75 percent of that line. Anybody waiting that long is not going to be voting for Trump. Hope all is well with you. Peace!
P.S. If Trump ends up winning, then I might well leave, and go to another country…like Australia.
Just remember fellow Republicans. It’s a secret ballot.
No one will ever know you voted for Joe Biden. 
I want my freedom to make my own money you vote for pervert bed sores biden Ha!Ha
@J. Lo I think you’re talking about capitalism. The poverty line was never on the graph but in the last 5 years has moved clean through to the middle class. Thats living in debt for ya. And it is capitalism that requires major reform in order for it to remain relevant.
@dorothy paprocki Good video, However I find it quite ironic that 2 police officers were standing behind these doctors wearing mask.
@The Flame Fist God If the Trump campaign that drives by my house compared to the Biden campaign that drives by is any indication,. That is not a problem you will have to worry about! Trump = 300+ Biden = 5
Trump’s attacks can’t land because his hands are too tiny and Covid-19 is too big.
” Keep your friends close but your enemies closer”.
Isn’t it odd that it was the Trump administration who apprehended and arrested Epstein & Maxwell?
“Patience is a virtue”
Stay tuned because the next few weeks will be unforgettable!
Debate 2020
Trump 2020
The only thing sleepy creepy Joey accomplished in the last 48 years is enriching himself and his family with millions of dollars all on a government salary. Huh?? Something seriously wrong there!!
How did sleepy creepy basement Joey become a multimillionaire on a government salary?
And how did his loser crackhead son get a $50,000 a month no show job with zero experience in a foreign country where he doesn’t even speak or understand the language?
Why was Hunter Biden paid over 3.5 million dollars from a Russian Mayor & Ukraine & Russian Oligarchs? Wtf
At least President Donald Trump made his money by working hard in real estate and he created thousands of jobs doing so. How many jobs did sleepy creepy Joey create for the American people? Oh wait that’s right sleepy creepy Joey sold all our American jobs to china and Obama said those jobs would never return. Remember?
dumayu, net
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people.–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
@Jeffrey Dahmer Crap !!
Someone should be investigating the oranges of Trump’s mental health problem.
He has syphilis
Thomas Armsworthy Jr There’s no proof of a meeting. Bidens schedule was checked, no meeting.
Jeffrey Dahmer You mean like Trump’s buddy Epstein? And “I wish her well”Maxwell? I’m sure they’d never out Trump. I mean Roger Stone said he never did.
@Jeffrey Dahmer Whatever amount you’re talking wouldn’t make dent in what Trump owes the Russians and the Saudis.
investigate biden mentality of wanting to fight a construction worker asking him pertaining to the 2nd amendment which he`s against.
Trump’s october surprise: emails

REALLY???? Emails? Again??? Hahahahahahahahahaha
@dorothy paprocki You’re definitely a clown
@dorothy paprocki Name something trump has done on his own other than tank the economy turn this country into a more racist country and not to mention his sheer corruption you are a proper
@Turbo Charged
Rusky Hacks – Y’all need to stand down. We got this and its Blue
@dorothy paprocki

Vort is yewer prrrrrorpa neyim
@CmUrC 190 i will put that with my troll and bot collection from the peanut gallery
Trump’s spirit is going to be absolutely crushed if he loses the election

here’s to hoping
Biden loses he will I didn’t want to do this anyway ….
He`s going to win trust me.
But for that to happen, he would have to ADMIT he lost!!
There is no such thing as a spirit in that ego filled moron. His ego will be crushed and that;s ALL HE IS!
@Mark Cross True that!
I just want a president who doesn’t think nuking a hurricane is a good idea.
@vincent james Completely from the tips of his toes to the end of his comb over.
@S Robin Yet you voted for a racist. Shows your character
@S Robin I didn’t and would never vote for a person who was friends and mentored by a clan group starter. Trump has his issues too, but racism isn’t his. I wouldn’t vote for either one.
@S Robin Here is your evidence.
Any Biden supporter, either is misinformed or has poor moral character. The only other choice would be, also a racist. I don’t believe you are a racist, probably misinformed.
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people.–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Enough is Enough .. America is TIRED of the LIES …,VOTE HIM OUT!!!
@Ng Bertik An online translator issue? Or are you actually stupid enough to have writen that sentence?
Vote him out
America is suffering from PTSD due to Trump’s lying, gaslighting and insane actions is narcissistic abuse. A forensic psychologists says it appears that Trump is suffering from co-morbid ( meaning existing a the same time) personality disorders, Sociopathy, Narcissistic and Histrionic personality disorders. 18,000 psychologists signed a letter certifying that Trump is unfit as president and dangerous for America.
you better look at biden new york post his son making 50000 a month.

@Gregory Guidry … It actually was $83,333. $1 million a year. The statements are posted online
@George Washington Thanks for the info.
@Jeanne M. Elsen My pleasure
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people.–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
@Joy Phillips … Lumpy Byedone was on the board of the Chinese company who “received “ stealth bomber technology.
The only thing more pathetic than Donald Trump’s weak attacks are the supporters that cheer him on… pathetic
@skippyify It’s hard to for your statement to hold water when you have a Chinese billionaire outing Biden, Pelosi, the DNC and the MSM. I don’t think you have what it takes to step out of the “matrix”.
@Jeffrey Dahmer Troll be gone. You have no power here.
People can say the same about Biden supporters…your all commy idiots.
no big boomer we`re smart , because these democrats are not the same democrats of years past these people believe in socialism, government control. biden wanted cuomo as his attorney general cuomo killed 1000`s of grannies, by putting sick people infected in those nursing homes, and against baby killers abortion, the top of all.
@Gregory Guidry Irreverent-Trump’s trade war destroyed farms and businesses. He tanked the Pandemic, made millions of dollars using his position, and made fun of a physically challenged reporter. He’s vain and cruel.
This is NOT 2016 and Trump will soon find out!
Yea China Got Biden’s Back along with Millions of Counterfeit Ballots ….Fool
@Hush Money He CHEATS. What else is new?
@screeningmimi How Lipps …
@screeningmimi My Bad ..
no this the year of Trump 2020! go Trump for freedom not commies.
Trump is the boy who called wolf too many times. Finally, people are waking up to his nonstop stream of lies.
@Simon Jaz Wiki is great too. I cannot see where Biden is racist, when Trump has refused to ditch David Duke and the KKK, racist militias etc. He’s hated in New York for many reasons including getting paid to provide section 8 housing. He and Fred are infamous for kicking black families out with no motivation. Keep digging.
@screeningmimi so apparently biden was good friends with a kkk member and even knowing it, liked him although that story was thrown out of context. He also supported the jailing act that Clinton put into place which targeted black communities. This is a policy he supported that DIRECTLY affected those communities. Now you saying trump not denouncing the kkk is bad? He didnt meet their members nor did he put any policy into place that hindered the black community. In FACT you could argue the same thing with Biden not denouncing Antifa which is LITERALLY considered a terrorist group in SEVERAL countries. But no apparently words(or lack thereof) from an individual means more than what actions have been made. Biden is not for the black community as he claims (not claiming trump is) I’m just stating the fact that he is NO better a person with WORSE policies. Simple.
@screeningmimi no need to keep digging when the evidence is there before you. You want to replace trump with someone fine idc about tht I care more for the REASON behind it. Arguing biden has better policies is fine too. Arguing trump will become a dictator and hes WAY worse than biden and blah blah is pure idiocy lol
@Banksy Z thanks and i hope you are all doing well in europe
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people.–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Why doesn’t Trump talk about policies. Instead of people. He likes a high school groupie.
@S RobinUnfortunately, he’s also very dangerous. If only Hitler had got into art school. If only Trump had stayed with The Apprentice…..
That’s all he’s doe is lay out good policies.
It is the Dems who rarely, if ever, speak of their putrid policies.
Because he has no legit policies. At the very least none which will receive support. So he resorts back to that insane babbling.
Hoe kagke Trump
is beyond all things.
All Biden Does talk talk about policies 24/7 …