CTVNews.ca's Michael Stittle and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos discuss a 'course correction' for the Conservatives over their messaging around the convoy protests, and if it's lead to a rise in support for the People's Party of Canada.
Also, has Ontario Premier Doug Ford struck a balance in his approach to the protests? Nik breaks it down.
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No division in liberal? Shocked!
Of course not! It’s not Liberal MPs have come out in opposition to their party’s handling of mandates and protests….
@Centregeist Actually 4 did.
Hey Nanos dude. Kudos to you for remembering to use the corporate buzzword “occupation” every time you mention the truckers! Sounds like your family may eat tomorrow
Next time, try to make it sound a little more natural mmmkay?
he sounds like a huge shill
@Vlog City he is a shill. Very obvious as well.
Sounded to me like he was slightly on the truckers side of neutral.
It’s hilarious watching the Conservatives flip flop all over the place, because they can’t decide if they want to appease the right wing extremists or the right wing moderates who are pissed off at the right wing extremists. lol
Yeah you won’t be pleased to see Pierre Poillievre become the leader of that party.
I used to vote liberal. It took 2 weeks of Justin Trudeau to change that. I also used to froth at the mouth whenever Pierre spoke.
Now? Im all for him. It’s a mistake to assume everyone of these protesters are right wing extremists.
@Kris10 it’s also why Trudeau literally said its the “last resort”
Right? Wasn’t it just days ago that the conservatives were complaining that Trudeau won’t take action? Now that he is they are up in arms
. It’s incredible. I find it interesting that the CPC has put forward nothing..
@Eric Houghton if Pierre runs on an “axe the carbon tax” environmental policy, as he has been, then he’ll likely contribute to turning the CPC into a protest movement. He’d be a great leader for that as all he does is political theatre. Also I’ll be interested to see how the general electorate views Pierre’s unequivocal support of this occupation
Are the charter and civil liberties extreme right?
So did Poilievre dump you guys, isn’t he with Conservatives now?
He is running for the Conservative leadership andPM
Conservatives talking out of both sides of their mouth, Bergen cheers them on one day, condemned them the next.
No she doesn’t.. she supports them and their cause but also tells them you’ve been heard time to pack it in. She is awesome and correct. They’ve already won. The world is watching and every province is dropping mandates.
@J Conservatives are so confused right now. Losing support from small c conservatives and losing support from the far right wing of the party.
@Uncle Sam Junior they lost me for sure.
So correct tzontlilic, cannot trust any politician. Need some changes. Not Liberal, Conservative, NDP, or Green Party.
Yes, Candice has changed somewhat. She needs to stand strong.
PPC has my vote.
PPC mad max
i wonder if this number are real ?
As it was deliberately designed to.
Blame the Dictator
great info. tsk
I hope so
Ha ha had to toss in Trump you quack!
Really occupation????
You say follow the money so shouldn’t that be applied on all aspects for the vax and who benefits from that as well
Such an obvious “Pay to push”. These dims don’t know it yet lol
11,000 views – 104 ‘likes’… says it all!!
No, they leading in support of Trudeau obviously