Are Florida Students Getting the Full Story?

Earlier this month, the state of Florida announced it would block reject a proposed Advanced Placement course on African American Studies. The move follows laws passed in Florida and other Republican-led states aimed at restricting certain race-based coursework in the classroom, including so-called critical race theory. We examine how students, parents and teachers are reacting to this new era of partisan education. 

Guest: Leyla Santiago, CNN Correspondent

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  1. We have got to fix the schools!! They are failing our students in math and science. We have to stop classifying children based on their race and teach them fact based history and not the tired CRT theories that lead to nothing but suffering. We need to teach all of our kids that they are not victims and our country offers countless opportunity and unlimited love to peoples of every creed and color. God bless Ron Desantis

    1. @gacj2010 what do you think I am triggered about? If I was triggered I would make fun of you for getting the spelling error wrong. Do you see that or no?

    2. @gacj2010 I did…owned my grammatical and spelling mistake. You still don’t see where you went wrong though do you? I didn’t delete my post or edit it.

  2. Just STOP Grooming Democrats, that’s all we ask. Leave kids alone and do freaky things with yourselves or each other.

  3. What Ron is saying is that “American history” in his view, is supposed to keep “Americans” ignorant. It’s good for corporations.

    1. @Douglas Reagan , that would be turning point usa, they’re full of groomers who want to turn kids into masculine drones for mobsters like desantis

    2. @Douglas Reagan , and what crimes did Biden do? Be America’s greatest patriot? Desantis is clearly a criminal mobster, only mobsters believe otherwise

    3. @Asleep Awake Biden has been illegally hoarding Classified Documents since he was a Senator, in violation of many Federal laws. He was currently “Improperly possessing and Improperly storing” Classified documents in his garage. He has not discloses $3 million of accumulated wealth on his Taxes, he has used his position in government to SELL ACCESS to his office. He abused his power by Holding back AMERICAN aid to Ukraine unless they “fired the prosecutor” who was investigating Crack Hunter. The FBI has Seized Biden’s notes from when he was VP and Im sure the special prosecutor will find more evidence and Crimes.

    1. You’re totally wrong and misinformed. DeSantis wants to create his own version of Hitlers youth movement. Brainwashing students k to 12. Teaching white is right and power to the white people is his goal.

  4. No coverage on the project Veritas video??? Not a peep from this channel could it be money????? #directedevolution

  5. I hear the Ap coarse for most part was very very good….then they added in the’s not needed..teach the history..period

  6. You know what students are NOT taught in schools?
    – That the slave trade began with black tribes selling other black people into slavery.
    – That Europeans did not run into the jungle kidnapping them, they bought them at the coast. Where the slaves were already caged and packaged.
    – That the slave trade was managed by Muslims. Europeans were just the final buyers.
    – That most slaves found their way to Brazil, not America.
    – That black people in America owned slaves too. And some of those slaves were white.
    – That the British went to war with the Muslim Barbary pirates over the slave trade.
    – That Muslims continue the practice of slavery in Africa to this day.

    These and many other historical facts are NOT taught in schools because these facts contradict the narrative. Although I know nothing about these AP courses in “African American Studies”, I am confident that these courses don’t touch on these facts either. In fact, I am confident that these AP courses contradict these historical facts. So you tell me, are students anywhere getting the full story?

  7. The cable news network (CNN) had its lowest ratings in nine years across all of its day-side programming for the week of Jan. 16 -22, according to Nielsen ratings.

  8. As an educator, I feel the need to highlight a few misunderstandings for those who feel the need to take control and intervene in school curriculum / the lives of ‘others’ in any way shape or form e.g. which topics, books, ideas are part of / excluded from the curriculum because they are [un]acceptable.

    Looking back, our immediate history shows us that the CONTENT we present to our students varies greatly over time. Partly because of the progress of science, technology etc. , partly because the way the ‘fabric of society’ is constantly evolving. So… what is relevant today, is obsolete, irrelevant, unacceptable or no longer ‘en vogue’ sooner or later.
    This highlights a fundamental question for educators…
    WHAT do my students NEED, in order to be prepared for live, and how does education contribute? Here are the things that seem to be a constant regardless of time, topic, current affairs etc.
    – support your students: help them grow as individuals and groups. Growing up takes time, is difficult, confusing.

    – A life of opportunity starts with a set of fundamental skills:
    1. focusing your attention;
    2. Perseverance; Learn how to fail, yet keep on trying regardless. If at first you don’t succeed, try again and again
    3. We are all unique / different, yet of equal value. We are all entitled to be treated with respect while in return respecting others.There is a place under the sun for us all.
    4. Collaboration is the key to success.
    5. Curiosity is the path to growth; Explore, observe, discuss, read, test discard and form new ideas. >>>> >>>> Ask questions that are difficult to answer.
    6. Adjust to ‘changing realities’. The world, and you in it, is a dynamic thing, your entire life.

    To prepare students as best we can we show them:
    – reading, writing and arithmetic are FUNDAMENTAL tools for gathering info throughout life!
    – where and HOW to COLLECT information from various sources.
    – how to Question, Test and Process ‘conflicting’ info.
    – how to form your own opinions, make up your own mind, make choices.
    – how to respectfully exchange conflicting ideas and opinions
    – how to always move forward together

    All we are expected to do as parents and teachers is teaching these SKILLS. When we succeed, every student is able to acquire new info and filter what is relevant for them, for now.
    They don’t need politicians, judges or religious leaders to block, ban or condemn info, actions, ideas, books etc.

    Live and let live! Don’t worry! They’ll be fine, they are great kids!

  9. “Black history” is a misnomer; it’s American history. In this context, though, it is accurate to say that it’s white history, and that is the objection to it being taught. Aside from me now thinking that “white history” courses should be created, language is all we have to communicate with each other, and the common language of this society is full of segregation.

  10. *I’m not a Republican. In fact, I voted twice for Schumer. But I fully support DeSantis. Teaching about trans and queer has NO place in public schools esp. teaching it to our youngest children!*

  11. There are no students in America that are getting anything close to a full story. The American education system is terrible especially in poorer areas.

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