Associated Press White House reporter Jonathan Lemire highlights just how similar Trump’s attacks on Hillary Clinton in 2016 are to his attacks on Biden four years later, and explains the reasons they will not work this time around. Aired on 10/19/2020.
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AP’s Lemire: Trump’s 2020 Strategy Shows ‘A Candidate And A Campaign That Couldn’t Adjust’ | MSNBC
In April 2018, a federal judge finalized the $25 million settlement between Trump and students of his now defunct fake Trump University with New York’s attorney general claiming “victims of Donald Trump’s fraudulent university will finally receive the relief they deserve.”
The order from a U.S. District Judge came a year after he first approved the settlement. It marks the end of two class-action lawsuits and a civil lawsuit from NY accusing Trump of “swindling thousands of Americans out of millions of dollars through Trump University,” in the words of NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
“This settlement marked a stunning reversal by President Trump, who for years refused to compensate the victims of his sham university,” Schneiderman said in a statement.
Trump University was not an actual university but a for-profit seminar scam, and former students waged a years-long battle claiming the course misled them with claims of teaching real estate success. The program ended in 2010. Some elderly plaintiffs who paid $20,000-plus in tuition died waiting to receive their checks from the settlement.
November of last year, Trump was ordered by a judge to pay $2 million in damages for illegally using funds intended for charity to boost his 2016 presidential election campaign.
Trump had to admit to personally misusing charity money, according to the New York’s attorney general office, despite having previously denied any wrongdoing. The fine adds to several other investigations into allegations that he is using public office for self-enrichment.
The lawsuit last year states that Trump, and his three money grubbing useless children – Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric – broke campaign finance laws in 2016 by using Trump Foundation’s tax-exempt status “as little more than a checkbook to serve Trump’s business and political interests.
Trump and his talentless children had violated their fiduciary duties as officers and directors of the now-shuttered Trump Foundation. As a result of that failure, charitable dollars — consistently and over many years — often benefited Trump rather than the causes he repeatedly claimed he supports.
There was “a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation – including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more,” the suit claimed.
In the agreements, Trump admitted to misusing funds from the foundation, which he dissolved last year, including to pay for a portrait himself that cost $10,000. He also agreed to pay back $11,525 he spent on sports memorabilia and champagne at a charity gala.
Trump also directed the foundation to use money for charity to buy a Tim Tebow helmet for himself, and to settle a couple of lawsuits.
Trump also admitted in the agreements to directing that $100,000 in foundation money be used to settle legal claims over an 80-foot flagpole he had built at his Mar-a-Lago resort, instead of paying the expense out of his own pocket..
The biggest donation that Trump’s fake foundation ever gave appears to have been to contribute $264,632 to fixing a fountain outside of the Plaza Hotel, which he owned at the time. “It shows you what this “foundation” was all about. Which was basically all about advancing Trump’s interests,” said Brian Galle, a professor of tax law at Georgetown University.
In addition, the charity foundation paid $158,000 to resolve a lawsuit over a prize for a hole-in-one contest at a Trump-owned golf course, and $5,000 for ads promoting Trump’s hotels in the programs for charitable events. Trump admitted these transactions were also improper.
Aren’t these things illegal ? Why was he NOT put in jail?
DUMP TRUMP, and all Republicans
VOTE TRUE BLUE, all the way
Let’s get this criminal out of our pockets
And yet…his supporters just don’t care.
@David Rich people do deals to stay out of jail. Personally I think he’s saying he mightn’t concede the election so that he can use it as a bargaining chip to not be prosecuted
The ONLY reason cult leaders are able to exist….is because there is never a shortage of gullible idiots.
trump relies on stall-tactics and intimidation. trump KNOWS he lacks intelligence, so he bullies and threatens people.
The problem isn’t that America couldn’t plan for a Pandemic. It’s that America couldn’t plan for a president so incompetent that he failed to follow the most basic protocols for fighting a pandemic. He is a complete failure!
Correct! And the fact that the Obama administration left the strategy book on dealing with such a pandemic with tRump’s mob (which then threw it out!) only compounds the Orange One’s malfeasance. Utterly irresponsible.
@lily water Lily, take your trite cut and paste straw man back to the Brown Shirts in the Fox News comments. The impeachment proceedings were legal and necessary as laid out by the Founding Fathers. It was only the third time in the nation’s 250 year history that the country has been taken to this point and it was the right thing to be focused on. Further, Americans being transfixed by the impeachment trial has nothing to do with Trump’s end to end bungling of the handling of the pandemic. I have been in the management sector of corporate America since a week after I got my degree 20 years ago. In every single job that I have had in that time I was expected to be able to place attention and drive results on more than one project/task/crisis simultaneously. Sometimes in the midst of ambiguity, sometimes with insufficient resources, sometimes with what felt like an impossible deadline sometimes with all of the above and I did so: it’s called managing. Trump had all the tools he needed to avoid impeachment, the U.S. Constitution and free will, and he failed. He had all the tools he needed to avoid the deaths of 200,000+ people due to COVID; table exercises with the outgoing administration, a pandemic playbook, the WHO, a team in China on the ground that specialized in infectious diseases and notification back in November 2019 that the disease was emerging, yet he failed. Managing crises on multiple fronts is chapter 1 in the “How to be a Manager” guidebook. If Trump is incapable with all of his alleged business acumen, his purported big brain, his more than the generals knowledge, his staff of the best people, and his only I can fix it proclamation maybe, just maybe he shouldn’t have the most difficult and consequential job in the goddamned country.
@Toddy tappers wilhelm I truly think he is doing it on purpose I even feel his boss Putin is directing him and pretty much every turnover these horrendous 8 months every time there was a decision to make he either made it too late or made the wrong decisions. 8 Million lives later still no National plan. So much SUFFERING!
The Republican Party is no longer a political party/movement. It’s a criminal organization
@ItchyScientist0 how about aiding and abetting the crimes of the orange Twizzlefuck?
Also trump’s now unsealed deposition. He can’t even stop contradicting himself from the list of names at the beginning!
trump also shows why he surrounds himself with lawyers. They have to babysit him to keep him from constantly putting his foot in his mouth! SMH
@lily water You can’t out-stump stupid, and you can’t out-stupid Trump. #864511320
@deborah DeborahR they are obviously not doing a great job at it are they?
Trump can’t get back what has already been done or he can’t turn back the time. The People who Died are the people we can’t get back and we will never forget and we will remember the one in charge of our Country now. The dormant POS.
@Lawanda Smith they’ve got you good huh
@Discreet Anonymus that must be nice to be able to say whatever you want on here
@Lawanda Smithright cuz Trump didn’t give each state the leeway to do what they wanted to do he just supplied him with ships that they never used put nursing home patients back in the nursing home instead of putting them on the ship and separating them so I think you need to be a little bit upset with some of your governors. you know the states that are the most in debt all the ones that are run by democrats liberals states that aren’t as much in debt or conservative some of them actually in the plus but you know it’s all Donald Trump Republicans fault just remember y’all every time you put in the finger there’s three point and back at you
@Anthony Varicelli your party screwed you don’t have a chance
@Only cowards Use fear Ok troll and thanks for the report from Planet Stupid..

I disagree. This IS a choice election. It’s a choice between decency & progress and moral & intellectual decay.
trump’s been IMPEACHED.
What’s the question?
I am surprised there is not a law preventing a person from running once they’ve been impeached.
People like him always find loopholes. Sociopaths spend more time going around rules, instead of just following them.
POW ! ……. YES, he’s been IMPEACHED! A nasty stain attached to his name forevermore! Never to be reversed or erased!
As well, he was never truly acquitted as there was never a trial in the Senate. (A great reason to vote out ALL Republicans AND Democrats in congress who abdicated themselves from performing their Constitutional duties!)

It ain’t over, till it’s over… VOTE!
It’s over and the left will be crushed
@RoasterBCool Cool, so you don’t have to vote for Trump… A sure thing doesn’t need support.
A few months ago I came across a recommendation from Mr. Daniel how he helped investors make big money from their investments. and decided to try what I have. Now my little one has become something great that I did not expect … thanks to him I win and live very well. You can connect him on Telegram at @Danielwrightfx or WhatsApp: +17865272947 and you would be the one testifying next
Donald Trump is more Dangerous than Covid 19
Hey Ghost, Your DANGEROUS!!! Read my comments on the Dangers of Democraps…
@Dave Mock still voting him out
Dave Mock
Uh . . . no thanks
@Ashlei Davis Your a Racist if your for Biden. Sorry to hear.
@Judith Underwood That’s fine, a typical Racist answer.
Attacking Dr. Fauci…..and don’t forget, ATTACKING TOILETS!!!
Water pressure, in general.
Dr fauci is a nazi & toilets have a use.
@Tom Riddle Go to school, imbecile.
That’s got to be one giant TURD to have to flush the toilet 13, 14 or 15 times. No ones ever heard of a plunger!!
@Tom Riddle Yep, toilets are where you live when your master Trump has a bowel movement!
Bring a friend to the polls and vote!
The orangeinator is still running against Hillary LOL did his cronies tell him that she is not running. LOL
Surprised he hasn’t thought he was running against President Obama.
Trump 45 is the early stages of Dementia VOTE 2020.
Most con men only have one game to play that works for them. Once people catch on the Con quickly fails.
mad-baby IMPOTUS,
As the saying goes “His act only works on an audience”.
It’s kind of difficult to get a grasp on your campaign when both your small hands are filled with all the cash you’re stealing.

For the sake of your country, someone will go down in history in removing him, so who’s it gonna be?
I am all in
Who is the kingslayer that fells the Mad King? No need, he has all but destroyed himself. America is voting him out.
Oh, and I’m from Arizona, and I just voted early. It wasn’t for Trump or any Republican.
I voted Biden/Harris 2020

thank you for your valueable vote… we really cannot have Trump again
I voted the same way. I’m from Texas living in Alaska, another red state, I didn’t vote for Rump last time, but I did vote for some republikkkons, not this time, they showed their true colors. It’s going to be many years before I ever vote before I vote republikkkon again, if I live that long (I’m a senior)/
Then you should move to Russia.
@Redsky Eagle Double high five with interlocking fingers and the whole shebang
He’s no president, just an overlard to his cult
@Dave Mock … That made no sense at all Dave. Why… exactly… do YOU view me as a loser?
@Robert Metzger not a typo
@TaichiStraightlife That’s why you are a closed minded Loser…
@Dave Mock – I’d mock you, but you’ve beaten me to it, you angry mockery of a man… on the other hand, you didn’t write “Looser”, as so many of your illiterate compatriots inevitably do, so I’m going to assume there’s hope for you… well, at least for now anyway.
@Dave Mock – “your officially”? He owns an “officially”? Wazzat? Try again.
That gallop poll is off! 58 % do not think they are better off. Look at the unemployment numbers!
I can’t believe anyone would vote for this guy ! Wake up America
I share the same view. It is not like he has done in anything for the country. The country has accumulated more debt in four years than Obama has spent in 8 years. America’s debt is now in the trillions. Talking about economy he hasn’t done sh-t.
How on earth can people think they are better off today??? So many deaths. So much unemployment. So much debt. A tanking economy. The country is in chaos.
@Tom Riddle A lot of healthy young Individuals are passing away as well. You are a prime example of what M M was just talking about.
@M M How do we explain that 6% though?
They’re not people, they’re idiots!
@Chris Paschal You sound like a miserable person. I hope you find peace in your heart some day.
@Bryan They got a bump from $7.25 an hour to $7.50?
“Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t'” – Barack Obama