“There are no consequences in the Republican caucus for violence. No consequences for racism. No consequences for misogyny. No consequences for insurrection. And no consequences means that they condone it. It means that that silence is acceptance,” says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Aired on 01/27/2021.
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AOC: There Are ‘Legitimate White Supremacist Sympathizers’ At Core Of House GOP | All In | MSNBC
By the way if you ever ran for a presidential race we would vote for you FYI hint hint
In a heartbeat. She’s so acute to what’s going on in congress. I hope they don’t harm her.
@ruth depew dang. Shes so young. The country needs tens of millions more of her and those like her. Glad to see the kids that are smarter than the older generations rather thrn just trying to relive their parents generation.
The GOP’s heads would all explode. What’s funny is they don’t know WHY they hate her, they just all love hating her because that’s what fascists do
@Robert Bailey No. Not Harris. Nina Turner.
@Noooooooooo Those of us with brains. The non-racists of America
There is no such thing as legitimate white supremacist.
@LELIS GRAVES thay also bleach their hair and it aint pretty …
@San Geet I’m sorry you feel soo defensive about your personal lack of knowledge. But personally attacking someone doesn’t make you appear smarter. In English the philosophical statement that this person may have been making is also not made as the sentence is constructed incorrectly. So now we’re at you have issues with language and grammar. I’m not an English teacher, I cannot help you. All I can do is agree with you when you took it as a philosophical comment and point out that English is, well, English.
Is there actually a law on the books that says you cant be a ” white supremacist ” ? What exactly is a ” white supremacist ” ? Maybe we should have McCarthy like Senate hearings again
Carlos Carlos, there is no law on the books that says you can’t be a white supremacist, but as congressman you are supposed to represent ALL your constituents. That would include, black, Hispanic and Asians equally as whites. His racist attitude would preclude equal representation.
@John DiGiacomo can you give a specific example were equal representation was not given by him ?
I wish that every house member , republicans especially, had the integrity that AOC has. The country would be in a much better place! I would vote for her if she ran for President in the future.
@Noooooooooo apparently not — trump was president.
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith Why are you bringing color into it? Stop looking at color! Just listen. If you agree ar disagree.
Ufis that
oh good
OF course the country would be in a better place. Heads would explode so much so that even bleach wouldn’t clean the white hoods
If they had integrity they wouldn’t be Republicans
Republicans : what if he Murders someone, we should not make him Angry by Arresting him. It’s healing time.
@Sulaiman Arrabai 100% the usa has a long hard road ahead.
Republicans may be thinking they could be murdered by Trump’s extremist supporters who own guns and make death threats.
@Ellie James they are the same kind of ppl. All they do is lie, they are using it as cover to continue pushing their agenda without getting called out on it.
@P Ceezy I think you should read the whole comment before you react.
The BLM protests were peacefully. Unfortunately there were some (claimed to be) BLMers, who were part of the looting/rioting group. This rioting group was very diverse consisting of people like: BLMers, antifa but also right wing supremacists and apolitical opportunists loving to riot and loot. Many of these rioters have been arrested.
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith you can’t compare the two bud. Different causes. BLM is fighting an issue going on for centuries. Y’all cultists raided the capitol to stroke one man’s ego.
She’s absolutely right.
She’s absolutely

All slaves were owned by the Democrat plantation owners in the south. Prior to Civil War, which was fought to fee slaves, not one single Republican owned one. The Republican party was founded as the anti slavery party, as God fearing people understood that we are all equal in God’s eyes, slavery is immoral, all men should reap the benefits of their own labor. You folks really need to educate yourselves. Here’s a very short video on the facts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_a7dQXilCo
@Christine Reed that was then this is now. Ask yourself one question. Go ask known KKK people who they vote for. The answer they give you will tell you about that party.
@Christine Reed this is why the Republican will always struggle with the color vote. The party will die out slowly but surely until they can shut down these racist with confidence and not a “I am not condoning it but still vote for me and I got you” type of shut down
@Christine Reed You learned how to deny reality. You’re describing two political parties whose philosophies and platforms have flipped 180 degrees since the Civil War. Today’s Democrats and Republicans are diametrically opposite what they were then. 1968 was the watershed year in which the current complexion of both parties. Lee Atwater’s “Southern Strategy” brought the unreconstructed racist descendant of the very slaveowners you mentioned cross over from the Democratic to the Republican Party. The Republican Part had become the party of the plutocrat since the 1880’s/ Whatever Lincolnesque traits it had started out with were buried with the rise of the Robber Baron and Jim Crow eras whereas the urban and midwestern Democrats developed into progressive liberal populists. Don’t compare apples with oranges!
This is why it baffles me when republicans say they not racist.
I dont think a couple of people in Congress who might be “racist” represent the racial beliefs of millions of people.
Republicans are not racist
@H. Szymanski Name a racial inequality. I will be more then happy to debunk your sorry but. Last i checked its literally illegal to discriminate in any way that impacts work and housing. Tf do you mean? Im black so please tell me whats discriminating me XD
@Cam You are blind, Rachel Maddows, Cuomo, nearly every major news station tells white people they dont get to have an opinion on racism because they are white. Cuomo literally told people to shut up. These are all influencers and where sadly America tends to get information from. Wrong information.
@Joe Doe ok. Um, just as a point of history let me hopefully engage with you a final time. The German’s first utilised concentration camps in Africa, having “trialled” the idea there they “perfected” them in Germany. To the point where they began to create infrastructure to support those camps.
I think it’s best if you refrain from engaging with me further as you are beginning to imagine a relationship between us that doesn’t exist. I cannot help you, I have no desire to either. You can call me a bad person and “worse than” you all you like.
I am assertive, not tyrannical. I assert my opinions, I don’t insist anyone agrees with me.
But I hope you find the closure and help you need, have a happy life
@Cam there’s always the skin folk who ain’t kinfolk and you found him…
It’s no longer the Republican part, t’s the Trump/QAnon party.
@DayOne But I don’t understand why he’s watching MSNBC instead of OAN and Newsmax.
@patriot 1776 nemesis Looks like they do !! I think they should be deported to CHINA immediately !
@Brigido Anaya YOUR IGNORANCE is showing .YOU definitely need to do some RESEARCH !!
@Harry Cooper I’m not certain where you acquired this piece of gross misinformation, Mr Harry Cooper, but close to 50 years ago I spent 2 years at the U of Heidelberg reading, studying & writing papers about the culture & history of Germany during the interwar period between WWI & WWII. The difference between the Nazis in Germany & those to whom you refer as “Neo Nazis” in the US is that the Hitler regime actually KILLED close to 6 million Jews in Germany & in the countries that they occupied. As far as I know — and please correct me if you know ACTUALLY differently (not something in your fevered imagination) — the Republican Party has killed no Jews in the US. if you know differently, I hope you’ll direct me appropriately to one legitimate sources. My interest in this matter is in intellectual honesty — rather than intellectual dishonesty.
DISCLAIMER: My considered opinion of BOTH of the two major American political parties over the past 40 years has been A POX ON BOTH THY HOUSES!!
Roger Forsberg, the brown shirts killed and assaulted Jews long before the “final solution” became policy. Kristalnacht was in 1938, Hitler came to power in 1933. It took years before the propaganda was drilled into the population enough to create the hate for the Jews to become expendable. The detention centers on the Southern Border could serve as a start. Fortunately the election short circuited his legitimacy. The insurrection attempt was an example of his appeal to fringe groups similar to the ones Hitler attracted. Hitler and the Nazis attempted a coup earlier, and Hitler was imprisoned for sedition. The Nazi party was actually a small minority party that was taken over by Hitler and his followers. The parallels to Trump and the Republicans is chilling in the similarity. We are not out of the woods yet. I am not a fan of Biden, or the Democrats, their refusal to address this threat head on is similar to the weakness in government that led to the ascension of the Nazis in Germany. Unless they seize their advantage instead of attempting to compromise there is a possibility that this all could end.
They couldn’t just come out and say that before the coup attempt.
Yep, BLM was good riots. Yayyyyy, i like being willfully ignorant of obvious shet.
@Teleport2.com rubber bullets are guaranteed to start riots. Say’s so on the box.
And there always has been. That’s been the Republican Party, the ones that aren’t just pretend not to see it…….
Where would ya want to start? Goldwater? Then Nixon took that language and made it so he could win. Then you get Reagan states rights. Especially, when he went down to MS where those girls will killed. Then you get H.W with the Horton ad. I can keep going.
Once again she hit the nail on the head. I hope she never hangs up her political gloves so to speak.
Shame on us, that renegade demagogues can exploit our hatefulness for political gain.
Gfis that
oh good
You have already became that but nothing happened like she warned it would and it scares you all wondering WHAT are they up to!
It’s a total re-build. It will take you time to remove these evil people from toe Republican ranks.
They don’t just need to be removed from the ranks, they need to be removed from society. Just imagine how remarkably stupid you have to be to believe the “deep state” democrats human traffic and eat babies. Screw unity. These sociopaths need to pay.
AOC is so acute to what she sees is going on in congress that I fear for her well being. The GOP would silently clap if she were harmed. Please be safe AOC you are our voice against the horrid members of congress.
Gfis that
oh good
Is that how you select a representative? By their cuteness?
I agree she is a cute one, she also seems astute.
AOC and all the Dems just need to do what Republicans are doing, carry your gun for protection.
@Teleport2.com you seem like a big brain boi
I have noticed more racism lately, I dont like racists.
Colored people are the most racist.
More blatant since trump.
Can’t agree more AOC except
not sympathizers but actual supremacist. That’s probably who they were prior this other Job.
Hopefully, the US AG will investigate Trump to find out if he can be charged with any crime so he will face a criminal trial instead of an impotent Congress.
Err ga derr yo ho bo bo. Whereeeeeeet supreeeeeeemecist.

The Truth Is Out Now 777 no
You libs are unbelievably stupid.
It’s such a relief to hear you just tell it like it is. You and Glenn Kirshner are the reasons I can sleep at night.
God bless you
@Karen Hartman: I’m a Glen Krischner fan too.
This is a scary situation. Insurrection is acceptable with the GOP. We can lose democracy anytime.
Some people still say that party’s didn’t switch. lmao
(even though I agree with Washington and Adams about that issue)
Wait…you mean Republicans are starting to act like Democrats?! Oh no. They were supposed to be the responsible ones! You know it’s bad when even they’ve finally had enough.
That wasnt an “insurrection” .That was a protest with vandalism for a few hours at a federal building.
We the people outnumber the racists EVIL corrupt politicians and racists groups .there is nothing to fear if you love your country if or should I say when the time comes to fight and die we should have no problem doing it for the country we love or sit and watch them destroy it with they racists and corrupt ways .
We lost democracy the second you stole President Trump’s second term.
These repubs are full of hate and dangerous .
They aren’t evolving into these monsters, AOC. They were already monsters.
That’s why they want get rid of AOC. They know that she will be replacing Nancy Pelosi soon and will be a “Monster” killer.
GOP have finally shown their true colors that everyone has always known.