AOC calls out Carlson’s ‘libelous harassment’

CNN's Reliable Sources weighs in on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-NY) recent tweet calling out Fox host Tucker Carlson's 'libelous harassment'. #CNN #News


  1. Just like your second amendment rights doesn’t give you the right to walk into a school, a mall or any other public area and kill random people, nor should your First Amendment right to give false and misleading information that put someone’s very life at risk!

    1. @Dakota hahah.. Eeh. You would have to report the entire Google search engine too, since it is all over the net. Maybe I should report your entire account, since you are the one spreading lies and misinformation

    2. 1) CNN doesn’t seem to even know the difference between libel & slander. 2) CNN didn’t even report the actual libel committed by AOC in her unhinged social media responses

  2. Telling lies, inciting hatred, creating or spreading rumours are not journalism. When “journalistic freedom” impinges on the safety of individuals, society or the state then that places those who posture as journalists above all others. How can the be seen as just or fair in a society which claims to cherish those two values.

    1. @Tom Couture So you are saying that just because you don’t believe what the right wing says doesn’t make them wrong? Asking for a friend, are you a fascist.

    2. @Challenger 50 the republicans are so fucked up it’s pathetic the brain damage Trump has caused. All these crazy republicans come out of the woodwork. MTG Ted Cruz and the list is so long. Republican Party may never make it out of all the cramp Trump has caused.

    3. 1) CNN doesn’t seem to even know the difference between libel & slander. 2) CNN didn’t even report the actual libel committed by AOC in her unhinged social media responses

    4. @Mike Mike I think a lot of the people at Fox are just putting on a show. Hannity and Ingraham proved that. They completely supported the Jan 6th insurrection on TV but were begging Trump to stop it behind the scenes. Tucker however has been making white supremist comments for years, long before he was so famous.

    1. @Ry The Congress is broken. Only thing IQ45 got passed was PERMANENT tax cuts for the rich. Manchin (Coal) and Sinema (Big Pharma) are bought and paid for. Blocking Biden’s agenda at every turn. Not Biden’s fault.

    2. @Anne Guetschow I think the voters are going to say something else real soon. He will be gone and dem congress soon enough

    3. @Ry We shall see. Many thought DJT would win in 2020. Polls were wrong in 2016. The GOP is seditionist party now. You want facism?

    4. So lampooning a slobbering, fawning, hyperbolic book about a mediocrity of the first order is libelous harassment? You know that libel cannot be based on opinion, right?

  3. The technical catch all legal term is defamation. Libel and slander used to specify written or spoken defamation (effectively recorded or not) but the distinction is defunct. And the high bar of proven malice is common to most western legal systems, not just the US. From a journalism POV there’s an insidious erosion of the once carefully respected line between reporting and comment. Unbelievably Fox have successfully argued that Carlson’s show is plainly entertainment (effectively comment), therefore not reporting. It’s even harder to prove defamation in comment but “just saying” isn’t actually a valid legal argument.. See also the Sidney Powell defense – she didn’t intend to be taken seriously…

    1. 1) CNN doesn’t seem to even know the difference between libel & slander. 2) CNN didn’t even report the actual libel committed by AOC in her unhinged social media responses

    2. @Jonathan Sterling No, the case is McDougal v. Fox News Network. The judge said “‘general tenor’ of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not ‘stating actual facts’ about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in ‘exaggeration’ and ‘non-literal commentary.’ ” The only FAKE NEWS is Tucker Carlson!!

    3. @Fred – Bad news. The first amendment applies a lot wider than those that pass Freddy’s journalistic definition test. You may also want to search for a view the material in question – none of it merits any sort of legal action.

  4. Freedom of the press is so that journalists can tell the truth about public figures, without fear of being arrested. Not so they can say whatever they want about anybody, regardless of who gets hurt. And there’s a huge difference between making a mistake, then correcting it when it’s pointed out, and blatantly lying about people to the point of just making stuff up based on absolutely nothing. They should not be allowed to lie.

    1. @Unknown Variable same as Rachel Maddow. They Hand out perspectives, its up to you to decipher —- PS Tucker gets it right more than Rachel — how she is allowed on TV at all is mindboggling

    2. @M Brooks you can’t be serious? Are you a bot or just in the Qult? WTF do y’all keep bringing up Maddow, I never mentioned her, are you trying to rope me into defending her for some reason? Pathetic @me with something I said or shut it.

    1. @AT 1984, i get the truth is hard for you to accept. But calling me childish after you insult me is very childish and trump like. You’re the whinny child who can’t even have a real debate because you’re wrong and you don’t seem to get why. The constitution has flaws that will eventually be fixed, also implying that I want to control people is very conspiratorial thinking and it’s show you don’t have a sound mind. I really enjoy drinking your tears because all you’ve done is whine so far.

    2. @Duffman the professional Everything I said is true whether you like it or not. The Democrats are all about control, controlling the population is their goal. The Democrats want a centralized Government in Washington telling the people what they can and cannot do. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  5. The problem with most cable news network hosts is they cause hatred and problems in politics ! These people need to get real jobs !

    1. Here is the answer for people under 50 that don’t remember, the standard for modern political talk shows was the late great Tim Russet, legendary ! He was totally fair, he was tough on Dems tough on republicans ! Many people never knew how he voted ! This morning with the great David Brinkley they would have host George Will a conservative, Sam Donaldson a liberal and Cokie Roberts a moderate ! No cheap shots ! Lyndon Johnson and his adversary Erick dirksen were friends, Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil were friends, Bill Clinton and John Kasich were friends ! No more with politicians arch enemies !

    2. 1) CNN doesn’t seem to even know the difference between libel & slander. 2) CNN didn’t even report the actual libel committed by AOC in her unhinged social media responses

  6. Engaging with Carlson would only dignify him with a response. If you want to do something meaningful go after his owner, Rupert Murdoch, the grand controller of American conservative thoughts .

    1. 1) CNN doesn’t seem to even know the difference between libel & slander. 2) CNN didn’t even report the actual libel committed by AOC in her unhinged social media responses

    2. @M Hall i miss Dopey Donny’s empty head. It looked like a ham slathered in cheap bronzer, topped w some random straw from a barnyard.

    1. If CNN can do,so can every one,I am pretty sure the people who pull the strings at CNN don’t want that smoke.

    2. Cnn literally just lost a defamation suit to nick sandman who was a high school kid at the time….these people are jokes

  7. Freedom of speech is a great thing. Insightful lying is a whole other thing. Having a platform and millions of people believing your lies.
    Knowing what you say isn’t true and Knowing what it’s effects are to your viewers. Tucker,Hannity and others have teams that together make their show. They use the fox news as a banner. But these people are just personalities. Fox and the personalities know exactly what they are doing. The courts should nail them for purposeful slander and incitement.

    1. @Espera _21
      As an American political scientist I suggest you keep your obtuse conservative view points to yourself.

    2. @Ralph Padilla more liberal misinformation, the senate is divided equally 50-50 with vp harris the deciding tie breaker, therefore the senate is currently controlled by the democrats, why else would the country be this screwed up

    3. @Ralph Padilla No, it’s a major red flag when a news outlet excoriates someone’s comments but do not provide any actual language from those comments. Not.a.single.word. If you don’t see that, well then you are in the Left legacy media’s target demographic. CNN preys on a largely uncritical audience.

    4. @Ralph Padilla Congratulations! You’ve taken Left-wing demonization of others to its sad, predictable end. Cristo ayúdame. Cristo protégeme. Cristo sálvame.

  8. Damn, this woman knows how to do this job, because if congress is structured to need money just to not be influenced by the power of corporations, there’s only public financing of elections as an alternative…


    1. We should regulate what can be sold then, presumably through a government agency that determines what is and isn’t high/low integrity. Maybe the problem is Brian Stelter’s fat head. Did you ever consider that?

  9. “Fox News viewers don’t expect facts from Tucker Carlson, according to network lawyers who defended their star in a slander lawsuit…”

    1. CNNs the lowest rated media outlet on the globe. So continue with this style of comment. A lot of you say this, and it sounds incredibly stupid. More kids watching cartoons.

    2. @Todd Southgate he settlement will allow CNN to avoid a lengthy and potentially unpredictable trial. Sandmann sought $275 million in damages in the lawsuit he filed against CNN last March.

    3. @Todd Southgate he settlement will allow CNN to avoid a lengthy and potentially unpredictable trial. Sandmann sought $275 million in damages in the lawsuit he filed against CNN last March.

  10. “Legitimate Political Discourse”
    “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
    – George Orwell, 1984
    “You’re welcome.”
    – Rupert Murdoch

  11. The eunuch commenting on this is too funny for words. The politician asking the media to pick on someone their own size 🤣🤣.

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