AOC and Chuck Schumer: Don’t fill Ruth Ginsburg’s seat yet | USA TODAY

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat not to be filled until after the presidential election.
RELATED: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at age 87

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AOC and Chuck Schumer: Don't fill Ruth Ginsburg's seat yet | USA TODAY


  1. To the kind American people that’s reading this。You are unique and likable, stay happy and healthy during this pandemic,bless you.
    I am from China, my dream is to reach 10k. I been struggling to get there.

    1. Karl Schubert he didn’t he speaks Chinese fluently I’m sure. I’m sure English is at least his second language. Be kind please. Not fair what is happening to these people over there, the CCP is our enemy not the Chinese people.

  2. I seriously doubt RBG was thinking about who would replace her in her final minutes.
    Her last wish was probably for more morphine.

  3. Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Trump in 2016: “He is a faker… He really has an ego…”, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president.”. She also said she would have to move to New Zealand if Trump got Elected.
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Now: Don’t Fill my Seat Until Donald Trump is out of the White House.
    She was a Liberal Hack that should have NEVER been a Supreme Court Justice.

    1. “Playing with fire” I wonder what she is talking about? This dog is inciting a riot, of course she has plausible deniability.

  4. “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his last year,” -Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 2016 New York Times

    1. @Sebastian Horton-Vega So? What’s your point? The Democrats have been doing the exact same thing for 100 years. The last Republican-nominated Justice confirmed by a Democratic -ed Senate was in the Taft administration.

    1. The same 62% that are filled with hate for America and Trump – filled by conservatism-hating msm and the education system. If Obama, or Hillary, or Biden was president, those 62% wouldn’t even be 6,2%.

  5. We also agree with Ruth in her statement that the president should fill the seat you guys are such freakin hypocrites

  6. Someone needs to explain to AOC dying wishes are not part of the American Government. She really is a moron… If Ruth was so concerned about her successor, Why did she not retire during Obama’s term….. 83? Who was AOC threatening?

    1. Ginsberg tried to play Machiavellian power politics by hanging on during the Obama years, hoping to be replaced by a Clinton appointee and swear in Clinton herself. She played a high risk game and lost bigly.

    2. Beyond a moron…A violation of a wish?.. it is incomprehensible how she ever worked as a waitress, let alone being in politics,….a wish people..a wish.

  7. I didn’t realize that a dying woman’s wish took precident over the law. Thanks NY for sending this pair to the capital. They are a never ending source of entertainment.

  8. Sorry but RBG’s wishes carry no weight. Justices do not choose their successor ever. That’s not how our system works.

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