Bill Kristol, Director of the Republican Accountability Project, joins MSNBC’s host of “American Voices” Alicia Menendez to talk about the group’s brutal new billboard campaign targeting several Congressional Republicans for pushing lies about the election. The ads, which appear in their respective congressional districts, read, “You lied about the election. The Capitol was attacked.” It then urges them to resign. Aired on 02/01/2021.
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#BillKristol #RepublicanAccountabilityProject #MSNBC
Anti-Trump Republican Group Spearheads Campaign Against Pushers Of The “Big Lie” | MSNBC

Queen vladz troll clowns must be doing a shift change
guess now that the election is over it’s not worth it
@Sam Modlin There’s a lot of overlap with the QAnonsense crowd.
That’s the ad we’ll see for the next 50 years! Seditionists or Americans!
@CLUELESS JOE It’s not going to take that long. The best is yet to come!!!
The bar fight at the Capital will be out of the news in 3 weeks. The leftist media will lose more of their audience because they are tired of the lies especially if that audience loses friends, neighbors and family members because they are calling them white supremacists and terrorists.
No Democrat will
@CLUELESS JOE well you better hope not it took the Democrats 8 years to fix the last mess Republicans made you know when they crashed the world economy along with your housing market & this one is much much bigger.
Remember when swine flu killed half a million Americans then Ebola killed another half million then more died when from a virus that came out of China on Obama & Biden’s watch? No?
Well maybe thats because Obama/Biden put scientists in China to keep an eye on thing’s but Trump didnt think China needed watching. And the Obama/Biden team dealt with Ebola before it got to American shores.. They also dealt with the home grown Swine Flu before it killed half a million Americans. While at the same time rebuilding America despite fierce republican obstruction.
In comparison Trump loved covid-19 so much as it meant he didnt have to shake hands with his disgusting (his words not mine) base that he spread it to every corner of America.
With a 7 billion dollar defence budget he couldn’t or more likely wouldn’t defend his own Capitol. Not very good at his job is he?
And while he was in power & in charge of all things. He claims the election his 2nd term was stolen. What? Right from under his nose? And he cant find a single shred of proof. My isnt he hopeless & foolish. But not quite as foolish as those who vote for him. They couldn’t find all those millions of dead voters the only 2 voted for Trump. And weren’t those Dominion machines the same ones that elected Trump? Was his own election a fraud engineered by a long dead Cuban?
Go ahead bring on your landslide of Qanon leaders they tell the same lies that were told about the Knights Templar. Q isnt very original. Those involved in the plot didnt get to enjoy either their success & ill gotten gold for long. Both the pope & king (who was quite young) died within a year of the Templars demise. All 3 of the Kings sons swiftly followed him to the grave within a few years ending his line completely a fitting end for one so wicked. The devil always claims his own. Its usually not wise to attract his attention with talk of demon worship & the like.
@Ron Swanson That’s what they are, white supremacists and terrorists!
@Lyn S

KUDOS to this guy.

@Crmson117 How exactly did Trump destroy the American people’s consensus? By exposing the media and both parties?
@Miep Gies Username checks out.
@E Brumley gucci man keep shittin on em why that boy keep buyin jewelry
@Crmson117 It’s not Trump that did that it’s the media environment, TV, Newspaper and of course the biggy Social Media.
If it was Trump who did it how do you explain the anti-lockdown riots accross Europe, right now?
You need to stop watching MSNBC it’s warping your sense of reality the same way Fox or increasingly NewsMax and OAN do to the maga heads.
@Daniel Carter Trump didn’t say, “We won this election, and we won it by a landslide” when he manifestly lost? Who is this body double standing up pretending to be him?
He raised over 100 million dollars (125 or 175, both are over) on his claims of a stolen election and spent 10 million in election lawsuits.
Your denial is not adequate, he has repeatedly and continually spouted nonsense about election fraud and spent a paltry cent actually pursuing the lawsuits.
A blanket denial such as yours is especially not adequate when I have quotes of him lying to the American people.
Your ‘what about’ is rejected.
You’re not changing the subject from the substantive issues I raised by asking how I can explain something else.
I explained why I said what I said and then you want to talk about something else.
Reply to the issues I’ve raised and stop using red herrings in the form of ‘what about’s or admit you’re attempting to distract from the content of Trump actually telling bald face lies.
It looks like this video segment is proof enough to show in court who incited the deadly riot and seige of the capital. Case closed. Go get the puppet master and lock him up.
@LivtheDream the dems are not the opposition party of the repubs?
@Paul, unless I’m mistaken the accountability project is undertaken by conservatives (Republicans) who are dismayed at the antics of Trump. In a manner similar to The Lincoln Project. If I’m wrong then you have a point, though the footage is fairly damming even considering editorial bias, IMO.
@LivtheDream Paul can’t be bothered with obvious facts stated clearly in the title to this video, he has libs to own, don’t ya know?
@LivtheDream ok… i used the wrong term… but everyone gets the point
@Paul Wilson it’s not like it was doctored …they’ve hung themselves with their NEED to video themselves and boast…just like their fuhrer…
” ing and fish gollying it to death if it makes you feel better.

It’s an epidemic… Of entitled narcissistic behavior…but you go on… “Wow
The whole “come to the Capitol on the 6th” rally should be played in court.
Every minute of it.
Tell me then it was not a treasonous act.
Using “peaceful” once in that hateful bile of speeches does not render it a null and void “peaceful protest”
If it were OBAMA or BIDEN screeching all that what then?
I’ll always remember
“Hang Mike PENCE”
“If you want a position of leadership, show some.” Gabriel Sterling – Life long Republican.
@John Flemming BTW John, being honest and narrowed vision doesn’t really mean too much. Ask yourself this, while ever Trump is around, what chance has the GOP of ever getting back in? If there was a chance less than zero, that is it. He has destroyed their chances of winning in the near future, split not only the country but that party & keeps his ego stoked with the support of narrow minded & visioned lemmings. If you can’t see that, then you’re wasting your time living over there for it will never come back to where you want it. Exactly btw, what part of my comments are biased, all are stated facts, the only part I’ll own up to is being anti Trump & only because of the danger he presents to human society.
@John Flemming BTW John, I will also need to correct a couple of ill informed (read that as wrong) comments about Russia. Firstly, they are often referred to as Soviet Russia (see attached link) & secondly, Russia’s economy is low is it? It is actually the 11th largest in the world, again check attached link. Next time you want to make a claim, fact check it, it makes you out to be less ill informed. Cheers.
@Keagan1007 I had a feeling, from over here, the growing number of gross ignorance being portrayed by so many, the number of voters did surprise me but I do know enough Republicans who are appalled by the antics of Trump & his delusional followers to believe there is good there as well. Usually when facts are presented, they hide away, pretending to ignore or blankly refusing to see logic. I can see the issue for the US & this does sadden me. I have never seen your country so divided, I hope it can resume its place on the global stage with the same integrity it has mostly displayed the past 60 years or so, but you guys have a real challenge in front of you. Good luck with it.
@Pete Pav which is equivalent to one state in the USA. Minuscule by comparison. What goods does the Russian Federation(official name see link below) produce? They haven’t been called Soviet anything since the USSR collapsed.
@Pete Pav looks like I was right on all accounts. Texas has a larger economy than Russia as the Russian Federation is one tenth the size of the total US economy. Perhaps don’t use a publicly edited source of information like wikipedia while trying to claim I’m “ill informed”?
The sad thing , these people are the jury and judge in the Impeachment!
And victims of what they perpetrated at the Capitol.
Great!!! Put them on blast ….Let the people know..Thanks for showing their faces and names!!!
Also vote them out next time…….
Great idea. Send a billboard to Little Rock AR with Cotton’s face on it!!!!!!
Ron Johnson
billboard in Wisconsin !!
People that have been “conned” are the hardest to get to admit that they were conned, it is humiliating to admit they were taken in.
@Patrick K Wickersham 52k jobs ? On the pipeline ? Who told you it was 52k jobs ? Because he’s a liar, you can look it up… but it doesn’t matter, does it ?
@Yautah try to stay focused. Never said a thing about pipelines or jobs…
@Patrick K Wickersham oh so you can answer me but still no indication of what you were talking about ? Hm.. seem you only want to waste people’s time.
@Yautah wtf are you even talking about? You answered the wrong post Dumas.
And again only the network bots get highlighted….looks like they are know like the election, they have to cheat.
THANK YOU…I feel a little better already….”All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.”
So true and so very sad.

I always highlight the white people that appear from all directions to defend what’s right.
The sad truth is when people of colour complain about anything, no one ever takes it seriously
“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men” (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
To labor under a dearth of perspicacity enabled through ontological Certainty is far from good.
AC, you know youre missing the point of communication…try a comeback with a real applicable quote.
“If you didn’t vote for Trump then you ain’t American”
– Joe biden
How about abortion and the democrats
@Justin Smith Hey you stupid troll, try reading before you post…read it again stupid! Biden wouldn’t say that now would he?
We need lot more adds gop are hatefull humans I love the ones stand up for this crap
Oh, these signs are great!! Bloomberg needs to buy Super Bowl ad time and run these! Also, put up these signs on TIMES Square and all U.S. landmarks!
Why now? Why wasn’t something was done with Palin’s “in the cross hairs” statements before Gabby Giffords was shot, the Tea Part movement, the lie about Obama birth certificate, and on and on?
Great point
Sweet jesus, youre on the moon….
Just for a minute imagine what it feels like to be bashed to death by a fire extinguisher.
Imagine being shot by looters, as a retired black cop, in the name of “black lives”
And then imagine it wasn’t done by antifa
Or being shot in the chest by a lunatic Antifan, or having your life’s work and business burned to the ground…any imagination empathy there?
Using a fire extinguisher is taught as a self defense technique because it works. No, I can’t imagine what that would possibly be like. A terrible way to die.
@J Partin why are you so hung up on that? You realize the right wingers use “antifa” as the boogeyman. It was right wing extremists causing a great deal of the violence during the summer.
Its hard to believe Texans believe people like Cruz. Unbelievable.
“I love the poorly educated.”
@Chudley Flusher even though they’re wrong, he still loves you…..
“What goes around, comes around.” Make the traitors pay.
How agonizing it was to hear most of them didn’t even vote in this election.
Of course they didn’t. They don’t believe in democracy, they hate this country, they loathe anyone who doesn’t look like them, and they’re willfully, stubbornly ignorant. Why would you assume they bothered to vote?
People should reconsider being a republican as long this GOP is filled with people who Lie,and ignore democracy. Let the GOP try to play the Fidle,
Bill hit the nail on the head, all they have to do is say I didn’t realize that it would get this Bad. But they won’t.
I totally agree with this, and this is directed to those senators and their base!!!