CNN's Don Lemon speaks to Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci about President Donald Trump after audio recordings were released of Trump saying he intentionally downplayed the coronavirus.
#CNN #News
CNN's Don Lemon speaks to Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci about President Donald Trump after audio recordings were released of Trump saying he intentionally downplayed the coronavirus.
#CNN #News
Good luck Americans, honestly get yourself out of this situation
@Johnny Lightning At this point, I identify as an American! A Patriotic American who values our Constitution and the brave soldiers and veterans who fought to protect our Constitution. We are at a crossroads right now. We can save America from trumpism and use the next 4 years to start repairing the damage he has done to us domestically and globally.
If he is re-elected, America as we know her is finished! I don’t need the MSM to tell me that. I listen to retired generals and admirals. I listen to Malcolm Nance. I see what happens to people’s lives and careers when they stand up to this president*. I see and hear for myself what Trump does and says. He checks off every bullet point in the fascism handbook. So, hate the democrats all you want, but don’t let that hate destroy America!
Republicans against Trump! Your a democrat.
Your demoncrat party has colluded in the slaughter of the unborn children in the womb and if you vote for any demoncrats you also have colluded in the slaughter of the unborn children in the womb. “ I knew you before I formed you in the womb. “Jeremiah 1:5
You should listen to God
WHAT?! Many CNN staff joined China’s state media. why?
@Rosilena Stars am sorry Rosilena.
The question is who empowers Trump? 90% of republicans.
The black sheep Of kangz that’s the craziest accusation I’ve heard yet
republicans are KNOWN for not fa t checking anything and then when they do, claim the fact checker is a liberal. Pathetic.
@The black sheep Of kangz you are clueless. Nazis were not communists. Nazis got rid of the communist and socialist see the reichstag is burning.
@Mike Waldschmidt once again untill you can fact check cnn propaganda for what it is your opinions don’t mean shiznit
@The black sheep Of kangz oh come on. Still blaming CNN? Who can we blame for your ongoing stupidity then. Huh?
@just me why do you like to eat poo off the hotdog after it’s been up your rump roast
…cycle of deceit, lying and manipulation for personal gratification and entertainment. It’s all personal and void of any other human being or consideration.
djt’s a me, me, me kinda guy!
don lemon is constantly on poppers. him and his husband are always using them. i don’t think he should be on the air under the influence
I really wish this extra long episode of The Twilight Zone would end now.
@Coldern Ice who always said I KNOW NOTHING!
@Be a leader Not a follower That sure isn’t Dementia Joe & Kamaltoe Harris…
@ozzie444 Trump praises two dictators in less than one minute at Michigan rally: Putin ‘likes me — I like him’ – Raw Story he is telling you …see how great it will be when I become a dictator ..we like each other! LOL
@Be a leader Not a follower Mmeeehh…..The closer it gets to Nov. 3rd the more BS there’s gonna be. The Dims and Commie/Socialist idiots are in full panic now cuz they know……
@ozzie444 Dreamers aren’t in full forceQAnon Is More Important Than You Think – The Atlantic
“I didnt tell melania about stormy because I didnt want her to panic” – trump
Right on!
@sl97aq Right on
she could have cared a less. she probably is just as crooked as he is.
@Lanora Bayer I have always thought that she was a russian spy…she is the go between for putin and trumpolov
K TothaG would not surprise me.
He literally said the virus was a Democrat hoax.
@Stephanie Marie – So hundreds of thousands of people are not actually dead ? What a relief !
Look it up, that’s not what he said. A twisted lie by CNN and MSNBC.
It literally is a Democrat hoax. Fauci is no conservative. Guaranteed.
@Bruce Gruetzmacher Direct that question to our Nation’s black and brown populations and you will be stunned. Inner city parks are turning into memorial areas for the virus casualties. Belle Isle in Detroit MI is an excellent example.
@Martin Taper m9ron she did not say the virus was fake you drug baby!
…..all this, and he may win a second term.
Trump Administration has turned America to a BANANA REPUBLIC
How dare you insult the BR.
Trump is turning the USA into a banana Republic. ? Hillary and Obama lied to the FISA court to use the FBI to spy on the Trump Campaign? Hunter made millions flying around the world on air force two?
Trump is the only hope the USA has to defeat the government teat suckers.
How idiot?
@Bruce Gruetzmacher But…but Hillary….but…but Obama!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Oh, stop!!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!! You’re killin’ me! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT NEVER GETS OLD!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
200 million missing? Sounds like Trump is setting up his retirement in an off shore area.
@Lesley Hughes he owns about 500 businesses FYI
@ForaPhil oh no he doesn’t. Find some believable sources.
@Lesley Hughes That’s Wikipedia moron, not fake news like your CNN.
@ForaPhil it’s not my CNN. You really are a nasty piece of work aren’t you. Name calling because you are so frustrated. Careful what you say and to whom. You might just wish you had kept your mouth shut. All of those you listed. No proof that he ever paid for them. Trump Tower.. Daddys money. He had none…people and businesses have moved out of there in droves because he’s a madman and whole building was shoddily built. And any money he ever had, then lost, was Daddy’s, never anything that he has ever worked a day for. He wouldn’t know what a days work is. No 1 reality show!!

..don’t make me laugh!!
@Lesley Hughes Lol his father was a low level builder never sat his foot in Manhattan, whatever money his father has accumulated pales in comparison. But you’re so ignorant, even if he cured cancer and made world peace you’d still find something to complain about. Orange man bad.
He’s creating super-spreader events for the next 2 months rallies will kill.
@Aggie Vulaj no. I just want you to shut up cause I don’t care what you say. Thats all.
He should be charged with murder!
@Bruce Gruetzmacher There are thousands of deaths just today. Did you look at the Covid news today?
@sabbath22222 Trump keeps a drawer full of poppers with him on airforce 1. Evidence obtained through real photo.
@Orange Ziggy omg. The NEWS said there were thousands of deaths today! You believe everything the “news” says. Do you still believe in the “very fine people” hoax?
If all those people that are at Trump rally’s deserve everything they get
…including Covid.
You haf to make a living someway
I beg to differ.
Yes a god for a president!
The Cabinet is full of lobbyists. Don called it correctly. The true swamp.
“I’m good”. Right Don! Me too! F Drump.
Trump is God
For his next rally, Trump should fly in on Spirit
The taxpayers are paying for all of these airport rallies , Trump calls them fuel stops
When this debacle started, Trump said that if the deaths were “only” from 100,000 to 200,000 he said that would be a job well done. We are approaching 200,000 deaths and likely beyond. I want someone to hit him with that sound bite and continue to show him and his cult that he is an utter failure as a leader and a human being.
Legal to check your head for brain matter! Then why did the dems of Washington state take so long to close the state after all the cases??
Survivalist Dave Of course you don’t have an actual answer. Cause any facts hurt your dear leader you cultist POS.
Lots of red states, not just blue states didn’t close until cases exploded cause sweet potato Hitler wasn’t honest with anyone and didn’t want and still doesn’t want to do the work. Actually google something you brain dead sheep.
When Trump calls himself the “Law and Order” President, is it because he has been on TV for far too long?
Ok so get rid of law of order then your whole city gets mobbed by sleeper cells then catches on fire like all the fires being set then what? Are u telling me the good protester’s are going to help your city were your kids live when your left government sits and does nothing what would u do ?? It’s just a commen sence question..
Have yoy ever read the constitution?
I am pretty sure that only democrates ignore the constition.
“If you elect me, I’m gonna raise not lower your taxes”… Joe Biden