In an interview with CNN's John Berman, former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci said that President Donald Trump's presidency gets worse every day, and the top of the 2020 Republican presidential ticket may need to be replaced. #CNN #News
Anthony Scaramucci says he does not support President Trump’s reelection

Are you kidding? How are his policies great?
The Mooch is filthy rich so yeah. Trump’s policies are great for him.
He’s getting money from the tax cuts so the policy is good for him , But not for the people. I don’t know what he’s talking about.
The mooch is also a racist?
For the rich.
Anthony just sit down. You ve been supporting this racism all these years. We are not stupid.
I’m not American lol but comments likw this is why Trump will win. You liberals are the most hateful pathetic bunch of pigs that ever walked the face of the planet. Even when a man is coming out plain to express his view you insult him. You stupid liberal hateful idiots will cry worse…cos no matter what Trump does, he is a novice compared to you stupid liberals when it comes to hate.
The Dems have got to bring Trump down in 2020. They have just got to do it. Failure can’t be contemplated.
@Blue Moon BERNIE or BUST!
No middle ground, join us. Insanity is a choice between biden and trump. No more lesser of 2 evils, just stop.
@Decomposing Mongoose LOL please do go with Biden. Thiat would be hilarious
You’re done for 2020.
@tommy2facetv Vote Blue No matter who… the republicans vote enmass for the candidate no matter their disagreements, maybe they sign an oath in blood don’t know but Democrats need to stick together and do it voluntarily especially now, this election for the sake of our country and fellow Americans
@Blue Moon That’s not true; look at 2008 or 2012.. the majority of Americans voted for Obama both times, regardless of party affiliation. There’s just no Republican dumb enough to run against Trump, but there are 24 Democrats stupid enough to try
Trump did more damage then Charles Manson. Remember Charles didn’t pull the trigger either.
BladeMasterz916 Hitler would be so proud of Trump
good analogy
Obama did more damage than Bruce Willis with our 20 mass shooting during terms. Remember, Obama didn’t pull the trigger either but all those mass murders didn’t under his term
Wish people would learn the difference between “then” and “than”. But other than that you’re spot on!
BladeMasterz916 you’re an absolute moron
What a joke. NOW he doesn’t support him just because Trump criticized him directly…
‘I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party. – Adrian Bott
…no, Mooch finally let them drop and spoke out against his former boss, the treasonous bigot trump…
That quote always makes me laugh. Thanks. Peace and patience neighbour
@yellow dog your name is fitting.
@Mister Morgan … #chickens4daColonel makes as much sense… but luckily, in America, you have a right to be stupid and vote against your own interests… the Jews that helped the SS load the trains didn’t have as much choice…
@Etta Jean Maybe not the same role but Trump likes people who can defend him on TV effectively. I could’ve seen him getting a role in the re-election campaign or being a spokesperson. I mean he’s already all over the mainstream media and before this weekend’s tweet Trump never really disparaged him.
I think Mooch had hopes of going back thats why he spent the last few years contorting himself to try commentate honestly while not being so critical of the President. Why else would he have so aggressively played that line but then dropped the whole act over a tweet? He’s that thin-skinned??
No, Anthony.
His policies are not good for the American people!
His racism makes matters even worse!
Shame the devil and tell the TRUTH!!! Sounds like Republicans are about ready to do an about face, e g: JUMP SHIP!!! #CountryFirst

“The policies are great”.
What f*cking policies????
Code for “I really love those tax cuts”.
Or does the mooch like seeing caged children.
Ya, Scaramucci! How have you been tolerating this up to now? He has sounded just like this from the beginning! You are now JUST NEUTRAL? WAKE UP!
What policies??? What policies has trump written him self and passed? What policies are so great that you would still stand by trump?
It’s about damn time, Mooch. Hopefully others will follow suit.
Trump: “Who knew healthcare could be this complicated?”
Scaramucci : Who knew Trump was a complete sociopath?
cyber6sapien trump and Bernie and joe and that one and this one.
Epsteins death won’t keep the Clinton’s out of prison.
“Being President is easy.” Describing a rainstorm as “very wet from the standpoint of water”. “The moon is a part of Mars.” That’s not just a sociopath with malignant narcissism. It’s a humongous idiot. And one who no longer knows that his father was born in America, for that matter. For a few years now, he has said that his father was born in Germany. So a sociopathic, malignant narcissist with a side dish of dementia… The Mooch is a dimwit if any of this is new to him. He knows that Trump is an idiot, and that he is no longer a useful idiot for the party. So adios it is!
Finaly Scaramucci got ILUMINATION. That is good i hope many Republicans follow his steps.

Donald’s racial rhetoric has never stopped. So what is the Mucch talking about…
*_”What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.”_** – Harry Houdini*
You know what’s racist? When a liberal calls me a sellout or Uncle Tom or race traitor because I am a Republican. #BLACKS4TRUMP2020
Easy to speak out when you’re no longer on the payroll! …You don’t get kudos from me Scaramucci! And by the way, Democrats were NEVER anesthetized. We’ve been aware of his mental instability, racist rhetoric and divisiveness from the beginning!

Too little too late, Mooch. You were happy to play along with Trump’s antics for personal gain and people shouldn’t forget that.
You know things are bad when “The Mooch” jumps ship.
If Trump had the power of the Clintons, Scaramucci wouldn’t be around long.
Mooch is a sad wanker with nothing and nobody behind him. He will now get a job and several blow-jobs from CNN.
Scaramucci’s a bum!! He should’ve stopped supporting Trump a long time ago. You dont get points for jumping ship now bro
Maybe twitter should close trump’s twitter account?
His comments are having deadly consequences! Twitter is therefore complicit by giving him this incredibly effective platform!
Just mad tRump said something about him if he had said nothing about him he would still be on his side!!!! Save It!!!!