Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci criticizes President Trump after a series of attacks on a group of Democratic congresswomen. #CNN #News
Anthony Scaramucci has a message for Trump

Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci criticizes President Trump after a series of attacks on a group of Democratic congresswomen. #CNN #News
“leader of the free world…”
I don’t think so.
Exactly ! leader of what ? nonsense talking point .
Racist chairman leader of usa that’s all.
Even north korea won’t accept him as leader.
It is hard as a Conservative to lead people with more pride than work ethic across the aisle and its is equally hard to lead people as a Liberal when you take pride in calling out racist or stupid across the aisle. It is a fine and fractious division that keeps America from being led into a unified future.
aljanat5 hugh
I don’t expect trump to apologize. He’s a fake tough guy anyway.
He doesn’t need to apologize. We don’t care about the color of your skin. We just want this people to act like reasonable humans.. instead the Democrats our like ravished animals. Tired I have analyzed, and there is something very wrong with the liberal mind.. they are wacked and mentally ill
@Donna Dayle sorry for your luck Trump train get on board.. choo choo!!!! Trump 2020
@canadian national God forbid.
First time the Moch saying something with substance

Don’t fool yourself, Mooch will still vote for Trump.
The issue is that he only speaks out because it affected his own heritage. Otherwise, he would be silent too.
There was absolutely no substance in any of that. He hedged his bets either way.
@Norin Ali If you say he was paid to speak against Trump, you are either a Russian troll or a MAGA fool.
Wrong Mooch,he doesn’t know better.Thats who he is and we have to deal with it.
Scaramucci double talk. “Apologize but we support you. I would like to see you re-elected”. Sir, you need a psychiatrist.
trump needs an “intervention” and then kicked out, now someone is thinking.
America has been great all along
All he’s done is
“Make America hate again”
@Paul Lomax Oh, no, not so, not true, just quit with your nonsense, just not believable.
@John3:16 Pitbull
So… angry mobs of people *didn’t* flood the streets and social media after he was elected or…?
@John3:16 Pitbull
…or are you being sarcastic and you agree with me? It’s hard to tell these days.
Trump MAGA
I’d love if the mooch went on Hannity and said the same thing
he is in need of money you idiots, it’s politics. racist pig.
it’s no wonder the modern klan and nazi groups find a welcome home under the gop umbrella.
they are being rubbed by biden and the child rapist party DNC.
well i am not racist but low iq n!ggas like you should be out in dem fields picken cott0n for massa
This is what happens when you DO NOT VOTE!!! Lesson learned yet?
No this happen when you go VOTE
@Sarpong Sarpong …you know what that tells me? it tells me that you are a decent person who cares about people…there is nothing wrong with that…be proud of it!
@Tracy Thornton Democrats voted 2018.That’s why the dems flipped more than 100 seats from republicans to democrats in the house
@Mohammed Ismail you know better.
Get some wisdom. You sound like a strait fool. This aint the time to clown around.
Leonardo De Vinci The problem is that there was no one to vote for. Hillary has so much bad baggage that there would be a scandal a day. Bill on 24 flights with Epstein. I agree with you but there has to be somebody to vote for
“I know he’s a racist, I don’t like it, but I wish him well”
well i am not racist but n!ggas like you should be out in dem fields picken cott0n for massa
How can you be friends with a person who is a racist. You are the company you keep.
EXACTLY! what “WELL, their nice to little ole me, so that’s all that matters” mindset!??!!..
When he was in office for that few weeks he said stuff that was equally sickening – he is the perfect unprincipled scourge of Wall street
didn’t these four make anti Semitic hate remarks towards Israel. Call Pelosi a racist, and they are offended?
nora robinson
Most of the real world is racist on some level you’d literally have no social life
Scaramucci agrees that Trump’s comments are racist, and says he still likes Trump. Does he support racism?
Sounds pretty clear to me…. couldn’t care less about having a racist president.
@Alf Dlg And you prove yourself to be an idiot.
Why didn’t Jake Tapper ask Scaramucci: “Do you think Trump is a racist?”
he didn’t need to, Scaramucci stated it several times
He will say no. No point to that question. BTW, even if you believe dRump is not rascist it matters little. His words and deeds are what matter. I don’t love those 4 congresswoman. I believe some at least are hypocrites, BUT dRump HAS NO RIGHT to say what he said. So even if you think he’s not rascist, who cares. He’s a thug and demonic
Trump needs to go back to his country… Russia, I think.
If he tries to flee to Russia after the mueller testimony, seal team 6 will bring him back, with the kids!, to spend lives in prison, forever!!!!….
: )
No – it is Germany. His father was born in the Bronx in Germany.
Trump is definitely NOT the leader of the free world. God please no. He couldn’t lead a team of ducks.
trump is vile and is beyond an “intervention “.
Interventions are for people worth saving.
Leader of the “free world?” Trump is leader of nothing.
He’s the leader of America’s officially racist political party.
Thank you CNN for making a president approval rating go up every day, when you take sides with America haters
glad you all are joining the elite power brokers aka bankers. antifa will be your future sex partner.
@john norris You haven’t been following his approval ratings, have you? If they were rising every day, this chart wouldn’t look like this, you ignorant freak.
Beg to differ…. Trump is leader of cons, thieves, predators, , cheaters,perverts, cowards,buffoons and everything downward of that.
Who could possibly like trump, he’s a criminal.
Exactly! So sad.
Trump has been a racist for years, his father and himself would not rent apartments to black people in the 70s and 80s in new york, and that is FACT if you want to google it.
Yes, the Justice Dept charged Dirty Donald and his racist father, Fred and Trump Enterprises wirh violating the Fair Housing Act. They were found guilty. That was I’m the 70s, I believe. So when Dirty Donald says, “I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”, he’s lying.
Worse, his father was a member of the KKK.
didn’t these four make anti Semitic hate remarks towards Israel. Call Pelosi a racist, and they are offended?
@brad murphy Yes, they are anti-Semitic and hypocrites. Absolutely, BUT dRump has NO right as President of ALL Americans, to say what he said. Its unacceotable
Google be full of shat dilly doe. Cant Trust google anymore its fake news just like cnn