Another top Trump aide set to testify to Jan. 6 committee

Sarah Matthews, who served as deputy press secretary in the Trump White House until resigning shortly after the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, has been subpoenaed by the House select committee investigating the insurrection and has agreed to testify at an upcoming hearing, according to two sources with knowledge of the investigation. #CNN #News

Another top Trump aide set to testify to Jan. 6 committee


  1. “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” Benjamin Franklin ~ This sums up most Trump supporters.

  2. For a party of Law & Order they sure are keeping the courts busy. Remainder, a federal pardon doesn’t do much for state charges.


  3. I think it’s a beautiful moment in American history when strong women are willing to take the lead when weak cowardly men won’t step up and do the right thing for the country!

  4. ‘Small strokes fell great oaks’ and ‘The fly on the wall sees all’. People tend to forget that others are watching and listening.

    1. @THE ANGRY QUAD you’re determined to miss the point. Have fun playing the misinformation game. I’m busy with more important matters. Bye.

    2. And some don’t care because they have never gotten caught with their hand in proverbial cookie jar, right Donald?

    3. The problem is that there are a lot of flies who saw everything, but choose to just feast on sh*t.

  5. I hope she documents any threats or attempts at intimidation and reports any to authorities so that they can nip it in the bud.

  6. Trump, probably: “I don’t know her, I’ve never met her” and “she was a disaster, she couldn’t do her job, we were about to fire her.”

    1. @LKNANML Good one LKNANML. Of course it would be her fault for running out of ketchup and plates. First the toilets and having to flush 10 times, now the plates and ketchup. P.S. Clever reference with the Pollock exhibit.

    2. @Cindy Abraham Well, sure. I’m just suggesting that in government and politics, what you “DO” (your job description) is pretty directly qualitative and quantitative to what you “KNOW.” And hers is likely to be far less than, say, Pat Cipolone, for example. But, hey, maybe she’ll surprise me.

  7. You go girl ! A braver moral back bone than all those coward Republicans. And I’m a Republican.

    1. What does that mean really TODAY, that you are a republican STILL I mean just wtf does YOUR gop STAND FOR? TODAY? OK SO THATS YOU.

    2. @EC Stanton – Yes! Everyone is so brave! Mostly male swimmers swimming as women. They are super brave!

    3. @Thomas Perkins – Nope, not jealous at all. Just so glad to see so many brave people out there!

  8. They should be having a hearing every night on prime time there is plenty to talk about

  9. Drag that sob Hannity in front of the J6 committee, I’d like to see for once how that Fox specimen reacts to the harsh existence outside a fox studio, under oath, having to face reality for a change!

    1. @Eric Hughes – Too late the media has labeled them all brave so all of the pawns repeat it, Brave, Brave, Brave, Brave!!

    2. @Mike Delcavo Yea let’s see how brave they will be when the real hearings come after midterm .That last witness could be fined 100,000 dollars for each lie and up to 7 years in prison.

  10. I commend them for their current actions. I would respect them , or anyone , if they had stood up and voiced outrage when this was actually going down.

    1. Maybe, but more than likely they would have just been fired and replaced with someone more sympathetic to the right. They might be able to do more good if they on the inside.

  11. Trump, “I don’t know her, never met her, but I know she sucked at her job and everyone hated her. Meanwhile hey here are all these photos of us together”.

  12. Hutchinson’s testimony included a large amount of references about meadows on his phone…. new witness can reveal who meadows was speaking to and what he was saying

  13. “Lack of attention” is a hell of a euphemism for fomented, aided and abetted a terrorist attack on the Capitol.

    1. @john bower intelligent people ask questions…why doesnt “your” press coer this..i bet you dont care

    2. @DENNIS SCOTT ive been asking a ton of questions, like why did the j6 committee have her 2nd hand testimony for 4 months and never attempt to verify?

  14. I think it’s interesting how my mother had ‘predicted’, back in 2017 or so, that, “It will be the Women who bring Trump down ….”. Does anyone else think my mother was correct?

    1. I always knew it would be strong women who would bring him down. Its absolutely beautiful!!!


  15. Since when do you have to “agree” with testifying once you are subpoenaed. Isn’t a subpoena a demand to testify?

  16. It’s a beautiful thing when you see young strong courageous women go against Donald Trump and the GOP insurrections

  17. Very proud of these young administrative aides, who always know what is really happening!

    1. When your not a Dem this automated response is added to your line they do it
      To me!
      What fukyousayin or something like that with an attachment (don’t open it!)

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