I’d like to think it was Kellyanne Conway, but she’s illiterate even when she speaks …if you get my drift… unless her husband helped her craft the writing into something that doesn’t sound like her poor way of speaking. That’s a possibility…far fetched, but who knows…
“A sharp analytical mind is what we need today in this lawlessness, government lies, and false media narratives”
Patriots STAY STRONG. Satan was In full control but not anymore. DARK to LIGHT. Democrats, Globalists, Radical Communists, Pedophiles, Criminals…All being taken down now at a steady pace. TRUMP 2020! WWG1WGA – Q
Trump IS THE DEEP STATE. Just look at all the Extortion, ignoring and breaking our laws, international laws, and calling the Constitution, “unconstitutional”? “Deep State,” is just more Orwellian Double Think
“A sharp analytical mind is what we need today in this lawlessness, government lies, and false media narratives”
Patriots STAY STRONG. Satan was In full control but not anymore. DARK to LIGHT. Democrats, Globalists, Radical Communists, Pedophiles, Criminals…All being taken down now at a steady pace. TRUMP 2020! WWG1WGA – Q
He is the Coup that he is always crying about that’s why his is supported by the Loser Confederates, Alt Right, and every dirty businessman or woman that wanted to stick their hands in the government’s cookie jar and use it’s leverage and influence to their advantage for personal gain.
@Space Alien WTF Trump was installed by and enabled by the ruling class.Trump himself is a twisted moron and certainly isn’t nearly qualified to be POTUS.
You don’t know who this coward is, you don’t know what’s in the book, or whether it’s 90% bs to cover up for Trump, and you’re already trying to make it fact and give this person a few million $’s?
@C Thomas Not all of them. I find the idea of selling what should be given freely to protect the citizens of this country appalling. This stinks of a scam.
@ARJUNA BROOKLYN So you’re admitting that the Democrats are also traitors for doing the same exact thing? what a walnut.
Sorry. There was no extortion. As the New York Times reported, Ukraine didn’t know the aid had been temporarily frozen until 1 month after the call, and Ukraine has since confirmed that.
You’re going to have to come up with a different lie, because that one’s not working out for you.
@molson12oz You’ve already been given these answers, and you ran away last time, because you are a coward.
Three questions:
1. Who hired Fusion GPS, along with foreign spies and other foreigners? Hillary Clinton and the Democrats
2. Who were Christopher Steele’s two main sources? Vyacheslav Trubnikov and Vladislav Surkov. One of which is a Russian disinformation expert, formally trained by the Kremlin.
3. Who did Natalia Veselnitskaya work for? Hillary Clinton, Glenn Simpson, and the Democrats.
So tell me: Why were Democrats working directly with Kremlin linked Russians, molson?
@Katie Kane Bingo. Even though the Mueller investigation (for the Trump campaign’s involvement in foreign interference in the election) resulted in 34 indictments, 8 guilty pleas, and a whole lot of documentation as to how Republicans broke the law, the Trumpers are claiming that the real crime is that Trump was investigated in the first place. Funny how Republicans didn’t feel that way during those many Benghazi investigations, all of which failed to find anything. What do they call that? “Moral flexibility”?
He’ll be furiously yelling there is a traitorous leaker while at the same time crying it’s all lies. Like the philosophical zombie in chief has done before.
And…we are letting him do it. Think about that. While Trump makes this about us and them i.e. Dems v. Reps, he pays Putin back for getting him elected. Besides, Syria, how many other countries has Trump given to Putin? After all, “they are buddies.” Please don’t let Trump have another term in office. It is all the time he needs to completely destroy our democracy and corrupt the people you voted to be our voice for the good of the people.
Baby they are that is what Congress is doing after been and seemed obsolete is all in the Constitution that is the power and it and this Natuon will prevail
Ps I bnita banderaepa
At least make the Presidents CIC role a more symbolic one. And the true CIC power subordinate to the congress in some form, like in most other democracies. No ally will ever again trust the US when they have witnessed what geopolitical strategical havoc a reckless dimwit, with absolute power of the largest military power in the world, can accomplish in an instance.
“WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks”
“This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable”
“It tells you the inner heart, you gotta read it”
“It’s been amazing what’s coming out on WikiLeaks”
“Another one came in today”
“This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove.”
*I’m guessing he doesn’t like them as much anymore*
Oh wait, he never loved *WikiLeaks* per-se… He loved Russia who was dumping the documents onto WikiLeaks’ servers.
The thing for me that stands out is the line where it’s stated “loyalty to the man has been confused with loyalty to the country.” Loyalty to the country should ALWAYS come FIRST!!!
I’m so excited for the evil little demon to be exposed
He is the most transparent President in American history…
I’d like to think it was Kellyanne Conway, but she’s illiterate even when she speaks …if you get my drift… unless her husband helped her craft the writing into something that doesn’t sound like her poor way of speaking. That’s a possibility…far fetched, but who knows…
@Gail Remp Kellyanne Conway is extremely bright and well-spoken…
“A sharp analytical mind is what we need today in this lawlessness, government lies, and false media narratives”

Patriots STAY STRONG. Satan was In full control but not anymore. DARK to LIGHT. Democrats, Globalists, Radical Communists, Pedophiles, Criminals…All being taken down now at a steady pace. TRUMP 2020! WWG1WGA – Q
Wow, everyone with a working brain wants tramp out..

I wonder if he will love anonymous as much as he did wikileaks? 

Who likes being shredded anonymous? That’s not the American way.
@Deen Truth Unanimously?
@Creator thanks for pointing that out. Now what do you have to add?
@Deen Truth Trump is a corrupt, inept POS.
Trump loved Wikileaks!
Wonder if he’ll love Anonymous?
Lock Him Up!
talkcommonsense oh he squealed it out on TV! QUOTE:I LOVE WIKI LEAKS’https://www.youtube.com › watch
Watch Trump praise WikiLeaks – YouTube
It isn’t anonymous. It’s the CIA pretending to be anonymous.
Crystal Giddens snd her she blows again more meth induced delusions from a low iq tool
Trump IS THE DEEP STATE. Just look at all the Extortion, ignoring and breaking our laws, international laws, and calling the Constitution, “unconstitutional”? “Deep State,” is just more Orwellian Double Think
haha we all know who are the real deepstate .. ask Killary Clinton
“A sharp analytical mind is what we need today in this lawlessness, government lies, and false media narratives”
Patriots STAY STRONG. Satan was In full control but not anymore. DARK to LIGHT. Democrats, Globalists, Radical Communists, Pedophiles, Criminals…All being taken down now at a steady pace. TRUMP 2020! WWG1WGA – Q
Joe_Anroy Laughable little low iq Joey with the but Hillary crap. You losers just can’t get over her. Another gullible tool.
He is the Coup that he is always crying about that’s why his is supported by the Loser Confederates, Alt Right, and every dirty businessman or woman that wanted to stick their hands in the government’s cookie jar and use it’s leverage and influence to their advantage for personal gain.
You *deplorables* sure miss Hillary, dontcha?
The Trump presidency is the example that will be used in the future against the use of the electoral college in selecting the POTUS.
Crystal Giddens look at laughable little Crystal meth head with more of her delusional crap
@ARJUNA BROOKLYN the amount of mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion is astounding…
How you people ignore reality is just astounding.
Yup laws will change after this presidency …I hope so
@Space Alien WTF Trump was installed by and enabled by the ruling class.Trump himself is a twisted moron and certainly isn’t nearly qualified to be POTUS.
“It’s always a delusion when I see what you don’t want to see .” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald
Excellent quote Rose! Very appropriate.
Let’s make Anonymous a New York Times Bestseller!
You don’t know who this coward is, you don’t know what’s in the book, or whether it’s 90% bs to cover up for Trump, and you’re already trying to make it fact and give this person a few million $’s?
FFS, Americans really are dumb.
Yes! I’ll do my part to make Anonymous a Bestseller!
I’m in.
@C Thomas Not all of them. I find the idea of selling what should be given freely to protect the citizens of this country appalling. This stinks of a scam.
I’m old enough to remember when the word Republican didn’t mean party loyalty over patriotism, protectionism over free trade, and Russia over the US.
@ARJUNA BROOKLYN So you’re admitting that the Democrats are also traitors for doing the same exact thing? what a walnut.
Sorry. There was no extortion. As the New York Times reported, Ukraine didn’t know the aid had been temporarily frozen until 1 month after the call, and Ukraine has since confirmed that.
You’re going to have to come up with a different lie, because that one’s not working out for you.
@molson12oz You’ve already been given these answers, and you ran away last time, because you are a coward.
Three questions:
1. Who hired Fusion GPS, along with foreign spies and other foreigners? Hillary Clinton and the Democrats
2. Who were Christopher Steele’s two main sources? Vyacheslav Trubnikov and Vladislav Surkov. One of which is a Russian disinformation expert, formally trained by the Kremlin.
3. Who did Natalia Veselnitskaya work for? Hillary Clinton, Glenn Simpson, and the Democrats.
So tell me: Why were Democrats working directly with Kremlin linked Russians, molson?
@Kitt Songstad Don Williams is a russian troll.
Don Williams and her she blows again with more of her incoherent delusional ramblings. Just more noise from a brain dead clown. Lmao little tranny
Hopefully, the house of cards is falling and all the criminals brought to justice.
@Logical Conservative you gonna disregard the conclusions of Mueller, a Republican? Geeze, pick a logical line of thought!
Fair comment. The justice will not come from any contrived system run by USA courts or leaders though.
@Katie Kane Bingo. Even though the Mueller investigation (for the Trump campaign’s involvement in foreign interference in the election) resulted in 34 indictments, 8 guilty pleas, and a whole lot of documentation as to how Republicans broke the law, the Trumpers are claiming that the real crime is that Trump was investigated in the first place. Funny how Republicans didn’t feel that way during those many Benghazi investigations, all of which failed to find anything. What do they call that? “Moral flexibility”?
Logical Conservathhh hi
Burning Down The House
Trump : The author of Annomminoosshh is lying.
Dems support this money by Anon and now want to teach the children two wrongs make it right!
@Kip McEwen Kissing the tangerine posterior?
He’ll be furiously yelling there is a traitorous leaker while at the same time crying it’s all lies. Like the philosophical zombie in chief has done before.
Anonymous is going to drive trump insane. He’s going to spend more time trying to find out who Anonymous is than his own impeachment.

lil1will24 He’s still running around trying to find out who the whistleblower is.
Trump can get more insane? That’s not good news.
Hahahahahhahahaha it’s going to be hilarious
Definitely too many words in a sentence from this anonymous whistleblower for him/her to be Conway
Pence is really wanting his prophecy to come true…

Trump is a Russian asset who has been tasked by his handler Vladimir Putin to destroy democracy in USA
And…we are letting him do it. Think about that. While Trump makes this about us and them i.e. Dems v. Reps, he pays Putin back for getting him elected. Besides, Syria, how many other countries has Trump given to Putin? After all, “they are buddies.” Please don’t let Trump have another term in office. It is all the time he needs to completely destroy our democracy and corrupt the people you voted to be our voice for the good of the people.
Putin: Award Trumpsky The Order of the Russian Nation.“ Give Trumpsky permission to build multiple Trump Towers all over Russia.
@Don Williams Don Williams the Russian troll. STFU
We need new laws limiting the powers of future presidents, like yesterday.
Baby they are that is what Congress is doing after been and seemed obsolete is all in the Constitution that is the power and it and this Natuon will prevail
nita bandera

Ps I b
@Alexandra De Leon whut?
At least make the Presidents CIC role a more symbolic one. And the true CIC power subordinate to the congress in some form, like in most other democracies. No ally will ever again trust the US when they have witnessed what geopolitical strategical havoc a reckless dimwit, with absolute power of the largest military power in the world, can accomplish in an instance.
Trump: Melania said this new suit and tie makes me look extinguished.
Love this.
Trump, like a smoking cigarette butt, is not extinguished enough.
LOL.. hahaha
*Melanie. That’s probably why he didn’t know she was standing right beside him.
“WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks”
“This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable”
“It tells you the inner heart, you gotta read it”
“It’s been amazing what’s coming out on WikiLeaks”
“Another one came in today”
“This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove.”
*I’m guessing he doesn’t like them as much anymore*
Oh wait, he never loved *WikiLeaks* per-se… He loved Russia who was dumping the documents onto WikiLeaks’ servers.
There is no actual proof of your last sentence, but you keep believing that buddy … It’s Durham time and the Clowns are Scared !
Lol, I will make sure I get this book and have a cup of tremendously delicious cup of covfefe lmol
get ready again for the Red wave next year… SAVE YOUR TEARS!
Everyone isn’t lying on this “traitor and chief “
Lying about not lying on.
Pick an appropriate preposition.
The thing for me that stands out is the line where it’s stated “loyalty to the man has been confused with loyalty to the country.” Loyalty to the country should ALWAYS come FIRST!!!