Angry protesters confront Mayor Pete Buttigieg

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg addressed a crowd that was protesting the fatal shooting of a black man by a white police officer in South Bend, Indiana. #CNN #News


    1. @KS I fucking love polish food, and your habit of marinating everything!

      I lived with a truckload of polish workers, legit amazing guys, helpfull, and very polite, only problem was that they never fucking locked the shared bathroom door..

    2. *POLL*
      _Which word, name or term does – in your estimation – offend pedophile fascist democrats the most?_
      1. Donald J. Trump
      2. 2nd amendment right
      3. 1st amendment right
      4. “No more bloddy wars!”
      5. Other: ________________________

    3. Bryan “Remember 2016? — Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump 🇺🇸 in a landslide, even 93%. 🤣 Right? — Brits really wanted to remain in the European Union and would handily defeat the Brexit efforts. Right? — All the political “experts” said so. — All the pollsters said so. — All the Big Media chattering heads said so. — All the comedians, celebrities, and hipsters said so. —— Of course, the arrogant, ungodly haters were all spectacularly wrong, wrong, wrong.”

    4. Downright Dutch to listen to his speech the other night you would think he is running against Hillary you bunch of poor souls pathetic

  1. nice joe biden commercial out of nowhere. “no one has done more for race relations” wtf? it’s all there documented, he’s horrible.

    1. Joe is a polite KKK. He agreed with South African apartheid. He demonised black people in America. He rediculed Anita Hill. He was for segregation. The man is awful. CNN trying to push him is simply BS.

    2. Why does someone have to do stuff for ONE race? What happened to equality? Sounds like closet racism to me.

    1. I think it was fine that he said this. I don’t understand the problem here. He’s merely saying that he’s there because he wants to solve the racial tensions in South Bend. What would you have preferred him to say and why does everyone jump on the “beat him up” bandwagon without letting tempers cool a little bit? All commenters are anymore is either angry or sarcastic and nobody actually speaks quietly. Of course we have a president who stokes anger and hatred and never stops tweeting. He’s the problem here, not mayor Pete.

    2. You heard the sister’s reply, “you ain’t gone get it either.” That’s a wrap Pete. Pack it up.

  2. What a tough moment to be had while campaigning. I don’t know if there was anything he could have said to make that crowd feel any better, but if he did everything he legally could have, he should have led with that. It might not have been enough, sure, but he could have at least put it forward that he did as much as the law allowed. He could have continued with how he would make these incidents less likely to happen with reform to police conduct within his community and country upon winning the presidency.

    Tough moment.

    1. kipdr exactly. Also there is more to the story . As soon as Pete went back to South Bend , he went silent for 2 days and then when he comes out it’s in support of the Police department. He didn’t attend the victims wake the following night and he’s not saying anything that would make his African American resident feel safe in the presence of cops. In his interactions with his black residents/victim families , he looks awkward. He should be more comfortable, more empathetic. This is shining a bright light on him and he’s failing .

    2. A. G. He has been distant with the family the whole time, and this is a result. But had he started with that from DAY 1, he wouldn’t of been in that position.

    3. G1Transformed “Remember 2016? — Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump 🇺🇸 in a landslide, even 93%. 🤣 Right? — Brits really wanted to remain in the European Union and would handily defeat the Brexit efforts. Right? — All the political “experts” said so. — All the pollsters said so. — All the Big Media chattering heads said so. — All the comedians, celebrities, and hipsters said so. —— Of course, the arrogant, ungodly haters were all spectacularly wrong, wrong, wrong.”

    4. @L.J Ross Plastic Pete is a career politician and they tend to do that. He doesn’t look like future Commander in Chief material when he starts to almost crying.

    1. @Terry Tater I’m pro rap music, I only promote murder, pimping, and drug selling. I make sure all my kids listen to it by 7 years old.

    2. *muhammad and Aisha*

      Hi, I’m muhammad, founder of islam, the religion of peace

      And this is my beautiful child wife, Aisha
      💣 /
      👳🏻‍♂️ 👧 🧸
      The prophet married me when I was six,
      and he had intercourse with me when I was nine

      👳🏻‍♂️ 👧🧸

      👳🏻‍♂️ 👧🧸
      I’m NOT a pedophile, I just love kids very much!

    3. @Amigo Jones . Gansta rap was mostly kids trying to get out of dealing drugs. They didn’t know much else. Hip hop artists sing about all kinds of things. But I’m responding because I grew up preferring 70s rock while everybody around me liked rap. I considered rap to be country music for black people lol. This very week, I was over exposed to country. I’m admitting my error. Country music is horrible. It’s like a combination of all the worst aspects of music. It’s like the blues with no soul, guitars with no rock, advertisement level predictability, and subservient overtone. It’s garbage for people who don’t understand music. My music Playlist only has 2 rap songs. The second one is nwa, with an anti drug, anti violence message. Maybe listen to both versions of 2pacs “changes”.. get some experience, do some “research” lol

    4. @Terry Tater it’s funny you said “I considered rap to be country music for black people”…..if that dosent say it all right there.. Country music talks about a truck, a dog,a pretty girl, and farm land. Rap music talks about selling and using drugs, pimpin hoes, and shooting niggas. I’m curious if we took 1000 kids and put half in two bubble and only let them listen to one type of music, who would have a higher percentage thay grow up to be productive and successful citizens? Lmfao go look on World Star Hip Hop and tell me what the black youth are listening to? “Research” lol that’s cute…typical black playing the victim but never making changes to break the cycle that the “white man” has them in. 🤡🤡 Chicago is a very safe place prolly because all the country music those kids are listening to 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    5. @Amigo Jones . If you’re confused about why the lyrics in express yourself don’t make sense, it’s cause conservative leaning Tipper Gore, compromised and allowed the conservatives to act like they weren’t the party of censorship, 10 years later. Just like obamacare was romneycare. You all live in fantasy land,

    1. Biden has locked of tens of millions of African Americans for nonviolent crimes for decades, he’s exported millions of their jobs overseas, he sent thousands to Iraq to die or get injured or return with PTSD, and he helped shift tens of billions of dollars from Black households to white households due to him deregulating Wall Street which led to the big crash in 2008.

    2. You got it brother, and that’s pretty fucked up. I mean I would rather cut off my left pinky then have that orange bastard back in, but the news got to stop being so biased, that’s why they call it the Clinton News Network, and today was my reckoning… for shame, CNN for shame….☹️

    3. The mainstream media loves Obama, Biden, and Clinton because they’re just Republicans minus the hate speech, not to say they weren’t filled with hate toward the poor and minorities, they just had the restraint to not vocalize it in their words, but rather only to enact it in their economic legislation…

    1. The state law mandates that a panel of investigation is what triggers a firing. It literally is not something he can do. He does not have the power to do it and he cannot make statements that appease people without all the facts as it would possibly be seen as an attempt to prejudice the investigation one way or another. Buttigieg is in an unwinnable situation yesterday. I hope he dust himself off and keeps on keeping on. He is a fine candidate and I think whatever his failings to the black community in South Bend may be, he will do the right thing now. He seems decent to me.

  3. Rendell can go to hell. Show me the pics of Biden chained to an African American woman during the civil rights protests the way Bernie has.

    1. This is exactly what I thought and then it dawned on me just that quick CNN is backing Biden so they’re going to show negative press on the other candidates whenever they can damn shame….☹️🤔☹️

    1. Jonathan “Remember 2016? — Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump 🇺🇸 in a landslide, even 93%. 🤣 Right? — Brits really wanted to remain in the European Union and would handily defeat the Brexit efforts. Right? — All the political “experts” said so. — All the pollsters said so. — All the Big Media chattering heads said so. — All the comedians, celebrities, and hipsters said so. —— Of course, the arrogant, ungodly haters were all spectacularly wrong, wrong, wrong.”

    2. @Mohammed Ismail America need to to bomb the middle east ro get rid of Muhammed the giant child pedophile fucker.

    1. The Thirteenth Amendment (supposedly abolishing slavery) says:

      Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
      Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

      The key words are: “except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted”. This “exception” to the abolishment of slavery only made the US Justice System a means for railroading blacks (and mexicans and poor whites) into slavery! Bill Clinton’s and Joe Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill only embellished the US mass incarceration and prisoner slave labor and the unbelievable growth of private prisons!

  4. Can you guys post the whole clip so people can make their own opinion? This was really hard to follow and ending it with a Biden endorsement makes this seriously look like a smear campaign.

    1. _”We leftists have no problem with pedophilia, but absolutely will not accept bidens right wing voting history”_

    2. @Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber You mean Right wingers pedophilia, sexual assaults, rapes, lies, tax breaks for billionaires, total disregard for the environment…

  5. Oh that? That was just the establishment paying off cnn to promote joe biden. Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

    1. – Joe biden, what do you think of the current situation where Trump…
      – ZZZZ
      – Mr. biden?
      – ZZzzz… hmpf… what? zzz…I think … I think… that Trump… is not… zzz…. He should not be president..

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