1. @BLT4LIFE Stockton California is doing a $500 UBI for over a year. Most people used the money on bills and food. Sure some people will blow it on drugs and liquor, but the majority of Americans are good people and will do the right thing with the money.

  1. Anyone else get frustrated watching these debates? It’s like if we could combine several of these candidates or just pick pieces of their policies and put them together, we’d have one hell of a Democratic candidate. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Really dig Yang. He’s got some excellent ideas.

    1. Randi Young What would you do with 12 thousand dollars… OUR ECONOMY STOPPED RISING WHEN WE ENDED PUBLIC TRADING OF GOLD AND OUR MONEY WAS BACKED BY SILVER THANKS NIXON … the most stable source of investment is GOLD

    1. Doom & Gloom What would you do with 12 thousand dollars… OUR ECONOMY STOPPED RISING WHEN WE ENDED PUBLIC TRADING OF GOLD AND OUR MONEY WAS BACKED BY SILVER THANKS NIXON … the most stable source of investment is GOLD

    2. @Marcos Filho No, the problem came when automation replaced manpower and neo-liberal economic policies allowed billionaires to save money on people by buying those automated workers.
      Stop going on about the Gold Standard. It’s barely relevant. It’s a distraction from the true causes.
      Now fetch me chicken adobo and a San Miguel.


    1. @206 guy Anyone promises you free stuff is a socialist. The only thing you get in life for free is a hard time.

    2. Mike Smith you must’ve dropped out when you were in middle school. Listen dumbfuck when automation takes your job flipping burgers who you gonna blame when you can’t give your mom some of the rent money. Automation is coming and you think getting $1,000 is socialism. You are beyond stupid.

    3. 206 guy other way round bud. Socialism is the government and communism is the community. With true communism there is no state whatsoever and the people control all means of production. In other words, Anarchy. With true socialism, the state controls all means of production.

    1. Quadrupa.stacks What would you do with 12 thousand dollars… OUR ECONOMY STOPPED RISING WHEN WE ENDED PUBLIC TRADING OF GOLD AND OUR MONEY WAS BACKED BY SILVER THANKS NIXON … the most stable source of investment is GOLD

    1. @Real Talk Zone bro you represent yang gang. We don’t win people over like this. Be respectful and convince through logic and reasoning #yanggang

    1. She also can’t just say yes your taxes will go up, but compared to what you’re spending your cost will go down.

    2. @John Lennon

      The only thing you have in common with John Lennon is the word “dead”
      He’s been dead for decades and you’re brain-dead since birth…🤣
      Here is a great idea for you….Why don’t u just hold up a sign by the freeway ramp that says “will troll for food”!

  2. Yang didn’t get the chance to talk about many important issues during the debate, it felt like listening to people who only wanted to get votes! This is media censorship, Yang made a very smart move making his special announcement at his closing remark

    1. Trump doesn’t debate he just babbles and walks in circles then yells lock her up. Too bad he wont find any dirt on Yang

    1. Scott Greg What would you do with 12 thousand dollars… OUR ECONOMY STOPPED RISING WHEN WE ENDED PUBLIC TRADING OF GOLD AND OUR MONEY WAS BACKED BY SILVER THANKS NIXON … the most stable source of investment is GOLD

    2. Marcos Filho what would you do with $12k? And don’t worry it’ll be backed by corporate transactions, google search, FB ad, robot truck and Uber miles, super bowl ads, private jets, yachts, etc… consolidating government programs and spending, reduce incarceration. And consumer spending should generate enough revenue to keep it recirculating over into our economy. I’m going to continue to work because I have benefits and retirement so I’m not an idiot to quit my job for $12k. But it’s nice to be getting this dividend for being a citizen of the richest country in the world. I do have student loans and a mortgage so most likely it will help cover it. Have you figured how it would benefit you? Thinking about the benefits of an extra $1,000 a month creates the mindset of abundance. By you questioning the dividend is a mindset of scarcity which creates worry and uncertainty. A mindset of abundance means you can focus better and be free from worries.

    3. SpaceMutton enough to be recognized, he’s only getting started. Stay tuned and keep YouTubing him, there are great videos of podcasts and rallies he attends. He never seizes to amaze.

    1. @Lucid Dreamer Then you should be ashamed of beating your chest and acting as if you are better than other humans because of “What” you have instead of “Who” you are!

    2. @shaaronie Oh, I see! You’ve enlightened me! It’s strange though. I have always believed the TRUTH that each human being, without exception, is a sacred and miraculous creation. I have never believed that I am “better” than anyone. Nor is anyone “better” than me. TRUTH: our creator loves each of us, profoundly so. When each human being truly understands that TRUTH, they are not dependent upon human beings for their validation and worth. When each human being truly understands that TRUTH, they treat others as sacred miraculous beings. They understand, and instruct, that all things flow from our creator, not government. A utopia, or even a relative utopia, one implemented by human beings, will not occur in this dimension. However, paradise does exist in another dimension. At the designated moment, we’ll be there. I’ll see you there!

    3. @Lucid Dreamer I think you’ve forgotten that we live on a planet and at one time humans actually had access to its resources.

  3. Yang is my man. I was a Bernie or Warren guy and don’t get me wrong, I’ll take any of the three; but I think Yang is the guy our country needs most right now

  4. Yang is the only candidate that could possibly give Trump a run for his money. Like them both but the race would be exciting.

    1. @Heritage Karma socialist thinking? UBI is completely based on a capitalistic system. That being said, we already have social programs. UBI practically replaces (for most people) welfare. Except unlike welfare, you get the benefits regardless of how well you are doing financially. So you have incentive to go out and earn more money.

      You also realize it’s collected from many sources from welfare, carbon taxes to a variable ~10% VAT that’s lower or nil for essentials and higher for luxury/tech items. So theoretically, the purchasing power of that $1000 depends on what you’re using it on. Essentials? No change. Luxury items? Yeah, it likely lowers the purchasing power. Though keep in mind that you would have to spend $10,000 on non-essentials in a year for UBI and the VAT to negatively affect you.

      But this isn’t about the purchasing power of luxury items. It’s about both giving Americans back for their effort and the future of losing even more jobs to automation.

      The problem with the $15/hr minimum wage is that it’s just a flat amount that businesses have to shell out. It’s not targeted to certain products. Therefore they have to raise the prices across the board.

    1. Loki That’s what you people always say. When will you ever admit that his plans have flaws? Some of Yang’s first words were fraudulent. Thomas Payne wasn’t a founding father. It was Yang’s attempt to get idiots who don’t understand history to draw a connection between his UBI and founding principles. Not one Yang Gang sap has check that. Not surprised.

    2. @Leonard Washington Right now, we have corporate welfare control. Maybe you just don’t know the difference between Democratic Socialism (American; public schools, roads, fire dept, parks….) and communism. Or Socialist countries, (government control of production.) If you showed just a little bit of nuance, then maybe you wouldn’t be so easy to dismiss.

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