Andrew Yang announced he is suspending his presidential campaign during a speech in New Hampshire. #CNN #News
Andrew Yang suspends 2020 presidential campaign

Andrew Yang announced he is suspending his presidential campaign during a speech in New Hampshire. #CNN #News
Yang brought a lot of people together. He truly does care about people. Good luck bud!
@Deshawn Wilkins dude research his plan before making baseless claims about it. If you want an example of UBI working look at Alaska. Alaskans get UBI and it’s a Red State.
@ULATAN I understand how he was going to pay for it he was going to try and tax the rich extra but it didn’t workout
@ULATAN doesnt alaska get their money from the oil company profits ? and dont they have a small population?and one of the highest cost of living rates? and hasnt ubi failed in every other place its been tried?
David Williams hello again. Still trolling I see
@amwright2550 I agree! I refuse to buy into the division. I have always had friends who are both Democrat and Republican. I don’t have to agree with them nor them with me. We still have respect for each other. Unfortunatly to many people feed on the thrill of competing.
Stay in politics Yang. Run for Congress, stay uncorrupted and come back for the Presidency…I’ll vote for you!
It doesn’t matter dude. Is Taiwan close to China? Does he look Chinese? Why you want to get specific dude. I don’t care
Livinlarge Indacity lol okay Canadian
@Livinlarge Indacity
@Ernest Ward
He’s black therefore he has to be subscribe to Black channels. Wow you sure are a racist. Not every black person acts and thinks the same.
He should run for Congress, or Governor of New York.
I’m sad. The man with many original ideas grabbed my attention from the start. I hope he supports someone closer to his ideas and campaigns hard for the Democrats in November.
Yang has shifted the conversation and has brought the UBI to the mainstream.
Many of Bernies “outrageous” ideas from 2016 have become pretty mainstream goals for democrats since then.
I hope Yang leaves a similar mark.
@Joe Shmoe if you actually watch UBI videos with a open mind you’d see why it’s needed for the future of the country. Heck, as time goes by that’s something thats going to need to happen all over the world. Stop trolling and actually add your 2 cents to the conversation.
@turtleswithbombs Well said, however some people just don’t get it, they have eyes, but they don’t see, they have ears, but they don’t hear, they have a brain, but they don’t know how to think harder. I guess Andrew Yang is a bit ahead of his time.
Not really. He was the only one talking about UBI
Even Fox gives him higher regard than any of left wing media.
@SycheRyder you are correct they are comunist
@A Google User aware. Aren’t you just a peach. Name calling and everything. Too damn cute.
Fox likes him because they view him as a Manchurian Candidate, a weak link to exploit divisions in the Democrats and portray their allies the GOP as sensible.
@Alex C MSNBC is left wing only if you are on the far right
@SycheRyder So Bill Maher is on the far right?
Yang is a cool dude!
Seriously? That was way too soon. 2 seconds into the primaries?
And yes Yang could be a great Vice President.
I hope Bernie will consider him as VP
Yang Media Blackout is the sole purpose he’s not higher in the polls. He did the math and realized that he outspent in Iowa and didn’t allocate well enough for the future. As smart as he is, he probably realizes he should’ve hired more seasoned campaign operatives.
You do realize the vice president doesnt do jack right? They proside over the senate with a few other key roles but when you look at it from a larger standpoint the position is very insignificant.
I would rather have him be more directly involved in the economy via the cabinet
I’m genuinely surprised and disappointed
I don’t know how he got through this without crying lol
We also knew which restroom to use…
@John Parker Ok Boomer
Nikhil Prabhu, he could be Gen X. Millennials are the participation trophy recipients, supposedly.
@Poes Poems PWN Posers *”Ok Boomer”* why do you people think there is a kangaroo in the comment section?
I pray he will become a part of the democratic 2020 White House family.
@Dennis Long what makes you say that? Bernie has already been looked at as the candidate who has the best chance of defeating the current President, and with Yang on board it would only add even more of a chance of that happening. We’ll see.
@Iceman I think that Bernie WITH YANG has a slim chance. The most reliable predictors say that yang has the best chance against trump.
Iceman What a dream that would be! Bernie making our world cleaner and Andrew Yang making the world a more positive kind place.
Yang for libertarian nomination?!?
Hey he just might!
Andrew Yang: Not everyone liked him, but no soul on Earth hated him. He’s a great man and I wish him the best!
America is for liars. The biggest liar is in the WH. Nobody in the world will ever look up at American anymore. Why? How would moral people actually vote for a liar, a cheat and a womaniser and gets him elected? Not one term, and likely for a second term. How low can American get? As if there is no more decent people in American to hold the office.
I’m sure that 1K a mouth was the reason why nobody hated him. Lol
@Jeff Brown i agree with you. Trump’s oafish behavior and antics will not be missed once he leaves, whether it be this year or in four. Obama dumbed the discourse down greatly and Trump only added to that. But Yang is certainly not the answer either.
@Trent in North Korea ,go there .you will love it or how about your wonderful socialist country Venezuela . Send some selfies .
Very rare footage of yang on cnn. After ghosting him and what he had to say
That was MSNBC Van Jones was tooting Yangs horn all over CNN.
@Akash Sandhu We need a law where MSNBC has to give the exact amount of time to each candidate.
I Hope he will be in Bernies administration. I really liked this dude.
@Jacob Lyons my god lol
Jacob Lyons Ok that was a little dark..
@Jacob Lyons let’s not get ahead of ourselves
@SladesterG Bernie wont win why do you think we all wanted Yang
. Time to go back being a Republican.
Gary Sheldon Jr I’m not confident Bernie can beat trump or Bloomberg
He truly was the One
I can vouch for that
Vote for Bernie. It’s looking like Yang will join his team then he’d gain more experience and exposure going into the next election.
Randyx007 that’s right we’re just gonna have to wait until 2024 it seems, hopefully by that time America will understand.
@Iceman if, Yang joins Bernie, then yes. otherwise no way jose
we have failed this country
Only if we truly give up. Andrew hasn’t given up hope dispite dropping out and neither should the yang gang and American people. We knew this wouldn’t easy but we keep fighting.
And the world
We really have. But hope is not lost.
Big time! An honest dude who unites people vs a orange dude who divides people and is an evil person at heart.
This is the most coverage the corrupt media has ever gave him
AMEN! I’m so tired of this!
Congratulations on a 5 eyeroll post!
Dude come on. He’s been on literally every major network, all the talk shows, twice
The combined IQ of democrat candidate’s just dropped to single digits without Andrew Yang
From 10 to 9

@Adam Eaton nah id give Andrew higher then that because yes while his 1000 a month was pure ignorance and would make major companies leave the country….he was speaking the thruth the last debate he told the democrats they are making a mistake for blamming trump for evrey single thing…so other then the 1000 a month he was a pretty smart person….maybe in like 20-40 years when a majority of jobs are automated away then i would agree with him about the 1000 but we are not there yet
Who else gonna be yang gang for life…I’ll always support Andrew Yang he really cared about the American people hard to find that in politics these days…only person I’ve ever donated to and I love that fact that he stopped taking donations because he didn’t want to take money from Yang Gangs without a purpose, what a swell guy.
Yang is my president.
I feel like America doesn’t realize how much they really missed out
Relax, we have Bernie. We’ll be fine.
Want him in Canada, yall in the US were so stupid to not go for him, its time for him to move on north
Sad ending
It’s too bad all the looser kids that supported him have to get a job now. haha… So funny..
Yes, but remember we support who we want but at the end, we will vote blue no matter who. Thank you Andrew Yang, you are great.
@Brittbritt Is pretty cool

The Earth is NOT flat! Andrew Yang tells the truth. But the world is not ready for that truth just yet. Yang 2024!!
Dreamer Streamer
YangGang momentum will live on