New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang on accused a New York Daily News cartoon of engaging in racist tropes and playing on an idea of Asian-Americans as permanent tourists and outsiders.
The cartoon, drawn by artist Bill Bramhall, depicts Yang exiting the Times Square subway station as a souvenir shop owner says, "The tourists are back!" The candidate has at times taken heat for not voting in past mayoral races and for leaving the city at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, though he said that Times Square was his favorite subway station.
"I think that anyone objective looking at that cartoon knows that it's playing on an idea of Asian-Americans as permanent tourists and outsiders. And we're at a point in our history, unfortunately, when Asian-Americans are getting beaten on the streets of New York and told to go back where we came from, or that we don't belong," Yang told CNN's John Berman Thursday on "New Day," referencing the surge in reported hate crimes and discrimination against the Asian American community amid the pandemic.
Daily News' editorial page editor Josh Greenman has defended the cartoon against Yang's accusations.
"Andrew Yang is a leading contender to be mayor of New York City, and as commentators, his opponents and The News editorial board have recently pointed out, he's recently revealed there are major gaps in his knowledge of New York City politics and policy. Nor has he ever voted in a mayoral election," Greenman said. "Bill Bramhall's cartoon is a comment on that, period, end of story. This is not a racial stereotype or racist caricature."
Greenman said that Bramhall changed his original, online cartoon for the newspaper print edition after "people reacted badly to how Yang's eyes were drawn."
#CNN #AndrewYang #newday
@Yong Gong I like to hear from you that would NYC people under your governance will support Taiwanese independence? Or say USA will formally recognize Taiwan as an independent country ???
“The United States has maintained and enhanced its commercial ties with Taiwan since 1979. Taiwan is the United States’ ninth largest trading partner, and the United States is Taiwan’s second largest trading partner. Taiwan enjoys Export-Import Bank financing, Overseas Private Investment Corporation guarantees, normal trade relations status, and ready access to U.S. markets.” – US State Department
@ღSwnsasyღ _ Sounds county, city, state levels do not care about federal level ‘national securities’.
@小肉肉 Is not that hon, they don’t have the power to do anything. They only have power over their city or State and nothing else.. They have to go to Congress or become President to have any say.. It’s crazy here how our government works. Bernie Sanders is one of the few that is fighting for Taiwan. That is something VERY important to us Progressives…
@ღSwnsasyღ _
After watching this evidence
You won’t believe it’s a lab leak… at least not from the Wuhuan lab.
@小肉肉 I actually don’t think they leaked it through the lab. Do you? I honestly don’t know what to think
The office
“Don’t be a caricature Kevin “
If the NYPD’s budget was a country’s budget, it would be the 23rd largest military budget in the world.
@Karen Staring said the lady with obese issues
@Goblins From Mars NYC is filled with people from all walks of life/Nationalities/Religions/political views/and wealth. Of course, there are scumbags mixed in, but also amazing people.
@beobe99 yeah right, you keep telling yourself that NYC is filled with good people. You are a hate filled SJW’s that the world doesn’t need. Everything about NYC is about hate and division.
@beobe99 So, tell me what do ya think of those scumbag terrorist Antifa? I see you like to skate so I’m guessing you are at least sympathetic to them.
Stop Yang- you’re on the right track. Don’t get caught up with this nonsense.
Not embedded in New York City politics!?!? That’s supposed to be a bad thing?
Getting away from the Tammany Hall/ Boss Tweed mindset would be a good thing.
He has no experience & NYC mayor is not a entry level job.
I got a P.F. Chang’s commercial after this video…is that a coincidence?
Good luck to you Andrew Yang!
I don’t know your politics, but you made me laugh.
Pss: Why they drew the Elmo, Spiderman and lady liberty like zombies fixing to go eat yangs brain?
you need back away from crack pipe
I saw that also, I think because those are figures that are hired to hang around Times Square in costume?
@signalfire6 I know what they are supposed to be lol i just think they look possessed or something haha
Wasn’t he the only one out of the candidates that knew a house in Brooklyn cost more than 100k??
the only one of them that took seriously the issue of workforce automation
@Don b He was the only one who got the number exactly correct. A few guessed too high but most guessed too low.
@For An Angel They guessed like 80k. For an average home in brooklyn. Absolutely mental.
@Mat The guesses ranged from 90k to 1.8million. The correct answer was 900k and Andrew Yang was the only one to get it right. Stringer guessed 1 million and Wiley guessed 1.8 million.
I have a love/hate relationship with Yang. Like literally, I love some of his policies/takes and hate some of his policies/takes.
Lol gotta love the media’s support and miss-characterization of his statement.
Andrew Yang has been a New Yorker longer than Eric Adams has been a democrat.
@Henry Clark Tbf, New Yorkers are often too intense to be lame.
Rank choice is great. Yang breaks mold to find out of box solutions rather than regurgitating the same useless crap that many politicians do.
Hiring a billionaire from the outside is always a great thing! Woot!
I’ll give it to Yang, he’s polished.
This is also the artist’s his second cartoon using racist tropes. His first one was showing Andrew Yang literally invisible evoking the “invisible asian” trope
we need for people to be taught how to grow good mental health in yourself, how to have a satisfying life, in school. Build unity in the population at large with encouragement to exercise and eat well.
I immediately knew Yang was just like any other politician the day I realize he was being a regular on CNN panels days after withdrawing from the democratic primaries.
He had no further political aspirations at that moment and could make money for his fam whilst providing a bit of perspective some people were interested in. I see no issue at all
If the NYPD’s budget was a country’s budget, it would be the 23rd largest military budget in the world.
Politicians with thin skin always make great leaders.
It’s this kind of weak bs that turns off so many. I like his policies but weak sauce like this makes me unsure he can be trusted.
No matter what anyone does racism will never disappear it is always going to be a problem because today people act like it’s something that they grew up with but it’s something that we choose to be