Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang said multiple presidential campaigns have reached out to him about potentially supporting their campaigns. Yang's comments come following a Wall Street Journal report that Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg's campaign had "floated" the possibility of Yang being his vice president. #CNN #News
Andrew Yang responds to report Michael Bloomberg offered him VP

Yang had Dave Chappelle warming up South Carolina for him before he suspended his campaign, might be why he wants Andrew’s endorsement beforehand.
1 week old comment? Bonkers
Sleepy creepy joe , threatens worker who points out that Biden is infringing on our 2nd amendment . Old slow Biden says let’s settle it outside .
Libtards ” please take away our right to defend against a tyranny .
We WANT communism .
Brain dead idiots .
@TheCoyote Please don’t tell too many my secret, I have to be back in January next week and I can’t afford to have my cover blown again.
Bloomberg is trying to buy off the smart Chinese guy, Andrew Yang.
He’s not Chinese.
American guy*
Bloomberg ” *TRIED* ” not trying as both Bloomberg & Yang is out of the picture now.
Your ignorance is not endearing.
At least he’s not black.
Finally interviewing yang after he dropped out.
Resident Evil like you and your whole cannibal eating family
William H Music 2020 hold up. What did I do to you?
And gettìng his name right to boot!
Socialism stinks
I really like Andy Yang
@John A Vallone Lol…Som mushu
Are you from the future?
Who’s Andrew Chang?
Future nonsensical comment
Sarah you got some explaining to do your comment a week old girl
I feel like i’ve seen the first part of this interview before weeks ago. This has to be a re-upload
Yuri Tardid I agree. Were you meaning to comment that to someone else I’m confused?
Who’s Andrew Chang?
Ryuj1n.SR20 yes I said that? Are you claiming to be a genius? Why can’t you have a civil conversation without resorting to childish cut downs? We’re all in this together as Americans fighting one another will solve nothing.
Socialism stinks
Bernie 2020
Sharon Kritz thanks comrade
How are there comments from a week ago when this was uploaded 5 minutes ago?
Droppin Bass. CNN is in the Twilight Zone.

Listening to BIDEN is like listening to Abbott and Costello ‘Who’s on first”.
Parallel universe!
Droppin Bass because CNN was building up to releasing Yang’s enforcement of Biden in time to try to destroy Bernie during the primary all because they don’t not want to pay their fair share of taxes. Money before country, that’s their motto .
Old garbage. Running out of fake news
Thorium Reactors
Thunder god going nuclear?
@Paul L. Munoz yeah
This had me confused
for a while. Why reload an old clip @CNN?
They reloaded the video because CNN knew you would watched the video again

You people aren’t known for your intellect.
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat HEY! Go Trump, The Chosen One! 2020 Landsl….AVALAAAAAANCHE!
@GreatWhiteBuckwheat racist libturd
This clip is OLD…. WTH? They’re talking about South Carolina like it didn’t happen yet. WTF is this???
CNN is going down with dementia like biden
yeahhhh i watched it live… it’s very old
CNN is fake news.
@William H Music 2020 This clip isn’t actually even a pretense of news, but thanks for playing anyway, better luck next time.
Andrew Yang is a breadth of fresh air. So glad to hear him finally getting media attention!
I really liked yang, really sad to see him drop so early.
Hopefully Coronavirus takes OUT thatSlope for good…
But have you tried Wang?
He love you long time.
Man do I hope Yang is a VP. That be great.
Maybe for Trump’s third term.
Who’s Chang?
@BradLee Jones no, Hu is not Chang.
@Blue Rascal Who’s Hu?
@BradLee Jones Yoohoo!!
Didn’t Jeffrey Yang try to run for president?
CNN is always “floating” a story.
SE Morgan
Creepy Joe: “Yeah, well heck, I remember back before Taco Bell invented the taco, Chuck.”
Chris Wallace: “it’s Chris.”
@Hildebeast Clinton *LISTEN FAT* leave your record player on at night and put your pants on head first.
@Yuri Tardid nice
@Hildebeast Clinton “we can even win back the House” – Sniffy
This comment paid for by Mike Bloomberg™
This is an old interview, when Michael Bloomberg hasn’t dropped out.
Who cares, Hong Kong Phooey lost already.
fuckoff. this guy, next to bernie is the only one not to be in politics for personal profit.
let me guess, he brought whip cream with him just to spray in Coopers hole
Well get ready for 4 more years of Trump. Thank you corporate media.