In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang said racial epithets hurt, but in the case of comedians, words should be taken in a different light. This comes after Yang jumped into controversy on Twitter by responding to Shane Gillis', a new cast member on "Saturday Night Live," past racial remarks on a podcast. #CNN #News
Andrew Yang on SNL’s Shane Gillis’ comments: Racial epithets hurt, but it’s different with comedians

02:18 Yang crushed Jake Tapper: “To give million dollars to media is fine, but…..”.
@Paul Stallings The service that those families can render could just be informing the people around them about the candidate that gave them a 1000/mo. That is service rendered. It’s pretty similar to hiring staff members.It’s actually more risky for Yang since they don’t necessarily have to vote for him otherwise.
Oooooh Jakie boy was outta there after he said that. Watch it again. Jakie couldnt change the subject fast enough LOLOLOLOL
@Paul Stallings well i guess it’s true paying the media to “promote” my message
not paying the American to vote for you
Jake Tapper is a journalist, he is there is to ask questions based on other’s people feedback that has been circulating in the media, you’re making it sound like Jake Tapper is debating Yang based on his own personal views which is not how this works. In other words, Yang had a great answer but he didn’t crush anyone specifically because he’s responding to public opinion, not Jake Tapper’s opinion.
Jake: Let’s talk about another issue. XD
Yang is the most powerful democrat even the democrats know that’s and they don’t want that
Fear often works against common sense. The DNC needs to grow a Fearless Spine.
And seriously, what is wrong with Asian that likes math and knows a lot of doctors ?
@MobileMUTMan I think Andrew Yang gave an example that if an retiree get $400 ss check she would get $600 to make up to $1000.
@J. Ho Hi thanks for your reply but I totally disagree with your point of view on how to counter racism.
I am part of the #YangGang but that does not mean I am agreeing with him 100% on everything. I also have chinese heritage and living most of my life in Australia and Spain so I understand first hand the type of racism he still faces growing up in US.
For me the way to counter racism is education and more education on both sides the abuser and the abused. It is not enough for AY to just forgive that guy. He should have insisted on an apology and that he seeks professional counselling on why it is not OK to vilify a whole race publicly on radio. This is no longer a private matter between 2 private citizen. On one hand we have an idiot with a high profile media job on SNL and the other the first asian american presidential candidate.
Secondly I also think that AY needs to seek professional counselling himself to unlearn everything on how to deal with racism on the part of the abused that his brain has conditioned him to believe in. This is some sort of Stockholm syndrome in play. He is thinking that he is getting free publicity out of it so he could live with being vilified so publicly. Well I am sure AY could live with a lot of things but he is now in the public personas as the first american asian presidential candidate he is now the face of american asians. He needs to learn that no one whether an asian looking boy growing up in NY or a middle age asian american presidential candidate deserve any vilification at all period and the fault lies wholly with the abuser and not the abused.
Thirdly his comment on Twitter on the ‘degree of racism’ between racial vilification experienced by asian american and the ‘N’ word is just mind boggling. You really cannot grade degree of racial vilification online on twitter just like you cannot grade between the different types of vilification like nationality, sexuality, physical handicapped, etc. I totally understand why the african american community is pissed with his comment. Going forward as we all are hoping he will go all the way and the issue of racism will just come up again and again. I am thinking AY is mentally handicapped to answer any question effectively on this issue until he seeks professional help and deal with his past racism he faced. On this issue he cannot really move forward until he deals with the past first.
There is no such thing as a good stereotype, it’s called a microaggression when you make assumptions about a person’s performance because of their ethnicity even when it’s supposedly a positive assumption.
Do you seriously not understand the how racial stereotypes are negative even when you think it’s a compliment? Imagine a Black person and an Asian person applying for an accounting job. In this scenario, the Black guy is more qualified and has more education, and yet the Asian person gets hired for the job partly because of the misconception that all Asians are good at math. These situations do happen in real life and so there are obviously multiple things wrong with this stereotype. Biases affect Human decisions both consciously and subconsciously, so that is why it is unhealthy to groom yourself into thinking that “nice stereotypes” are okay because you’re causing more harm than you realize.
1: By saying that Asians are good at math, you’re simultaneously implying that other ethnicity are not good at math, so it’s a racist thing to say because it implies genetic superiority when it comes to mathematics, which just is not true. Being good in academics is primarily determined by the quality of your educational institution, which isn’t based on race. Socioeconomic conditions and systemic problems in the environment is the biggest factor in whether or not someone does well academically…and not all Asian cities have high quality schools either so the stereotype isn’t even remotely close to being accurate in the first place because there are vast differences between Asian countries just as there are vast differences between Caucasian countries.
2. By saying that Asians like math, you’re pressuring all Asians to live up to this standard of being good in mathematics, which just isn’t true because not all Asians like math nor excel at it. Just like all Black people don’t play basketball and listen to rap music. People are individuals and it’s disrespectful to our autonomy when you make statements that implies that a person’s personality and academic potential is determined by their ethnicity.
3. The term “Asian” is such a broad demographic that you would sound ignorant in using that term for stereotyping to begin with. There are at least 48 different countries in Asia, so only an idiot would try to classify them all into a single racial category for being “Asian”, they don’t even speak the same languages.
@Mint Visto Please explain
Hopefully nothing is wrong with that, otherwise there’d be a whole lot of Asians needing fixing!!

Love how Yang points out corruption. If he gives $1 mil to consultants or media companies that’s totally cool. Give it to everyday Americans and that’s a problem.
Ubi isn’t just giving away “free money” but also a policy. There’s two ways of looking at “Ubi”. Supporters believe Ubi is policy. Non supporters of Ubi consider it “buying votes”. Welfare is a policy in America. Welfare is given to American citizens based on income. Welfare is given to the impoverished and the corporations (corporate welfare). Why can’t American citizens be given financial relief to improve their lives without needing to meet some form of income qualification? Do non supporters of Ubi believe that all American adults are drug addicts and will blow their Ubi money on booze and drugs?
@Auriflamme Really? He’s paying $12,000 per vote? You know that isn’t true.
@Tom Senft If you give millions to an ad company, you are paying for a service. You are paying for their skill in helping you deliver your message. They must provide a product for the money. If you give to a family, the only return you get is a vote. You are paying them to influence avote for you.
UBI is a dumb idea because not everyone needs the money and some will pay more than $12,000 in taxes. I paid $25,000 in taxes last year with my wife. So I would rather have a $12,000 tax credit than UBI. Most working professional families would rather have a tax break and this is heart of the electorate. Yang needs to target his $1,000 per month to the families that need it the most. I think he’s an idiot.
To go across the board with $12,000 will spike inflation. McDonalds can now charge $3.50 for a $1 hamburger because they know the consumers got the cash. Other industries will follow suit. Inflation will take away the value of the $12,000. If you give it only to needy families with no change at the top, they you have a real advantage to the needy.
How many stupid people can run for president at the same time? This is what happens when egos reach beyond intelligence. Nobody seems qualified.
@Jim Biden you and your wife paid $25000 dollars in taxes and you think that’s a lot of money. There’s single people who pay more than you and they’re not even complaining. Your argument doesn’t even make sense. You call Andrew Yang an idiot but he can afford to give several American families $12k per year out of his own pocket. I don’t know many idiots that have become so successful by his own merits and be able to give that kind of money away. You and your wife paid $25000 in taxes? I’m sure the idiot yang is more successful than you and your wife put together. That must really sucks that an idiot Andrew Yang is more successful than you. Lmao!
The ones complaining about taxes are the ones that need Ubi the most. Lol
Spending more on military than all allies combined without any audit- A-OK
Spending money on people in need- LolOLoLIL
the military budget should never be so high when there are people who can’t even get ANY healthcare! Let’s take $$$$ from the violent psycho jackbooted programs and give it to the healing, peaceful programs!
BosoxnationI972 so just because the “majority” of deaths in Iraq don’t come from the US military it’s okay that there’s a small minority that does come from the US? Ignorant fool
@Ryback Smith wrong
That’s why #yang2020 #yanggang
@Conor McTapOut hey dumbass @ me and tell me instead.
I hope poor working class Trump supporters take a closer look at Andrew Yang. After all you can’t feed your families with racism but cold hard cash is accepted virtually everywhere.
Most Trump supporters do very well,Guaranteed better than libtards
Trump is not a racist
Trump is not a racist in any way brother. He is actually doing a pretty good job in my opinion, however I think Andrew Yang could be an even better president as a whole.
Kool aid is strong in this one
Josie Whales that’s not what they’re saying at the trailer parks boy
“ trying to get you on for awhile . .” Yeah. Right.
Bout time!
I literally laughed out loud when he said that.
Their way of saying it ain’t gonna happen again.
It’s all fun and games until Andrew Yang passes you in the polls.

If he doesn’t get nominated I will go independent and he didn’t give me a penny.
And when will that be actually? So. you statement is false.
@War N Peace like the poor and working class- if giving money to the poor isn’t a disqualifier for president then I dont know what is. That jerk.
@Christopher Mango Why doesn’t he have a chance? Lmao! If you’re talking about the dnc pulling a Hillary Clinton, then I agree with you. There’s a guy named Donald trump and he’s America’s president. This Andrew Yang guy is over qualified for being America’s president. He should be the president for the world instead.
Kamala is a terrible liar. “I laughed because I admire his innovative ideas ”
That doesn’t make any sense.
Just like her saying she’s proud of her prosecutorial record, when she with held exonerating evidence to keep a man on death row, and upheld mandatory minimums for non violent marijuana offenders, but laughed about how she also smokes pot.
Yang is the only true leader in the race.
@BishBaroniee Which remind me of Hillary… Please , go away…
Obvious Captain she said “that’s crazy” after she laughed, turn up volume on phone
I dont trust her. Cant quite put my finger on why…. There’s something about her that doesn’t fit. Sometimes her smiles come across as ‘smarmy’. And her answers! They go nowhere.
MAGA = Make America Google AndrewYang
@YesterYear Dude
For the exception of U.S. Representative from Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard, the rest of the Democrat candidates are communist and worth crap.
I like it….I like it Alot
@Diva Den thanks, fellow patriot!
that’s MAGAY
That’s a reach!
Hard for the rich to see automation when all these see people as, is automation. YangGang2020
Andrew Yang is a class act. I can’t wait for vote for him in the primaries.
F the system, it’s time for real change! #yanggang2020
Trump changed it…already been done.
If you decide to criticize Yang, you better come with both guns loaded, because he’ll shred your argument with facts and statistics.
I thought that was Shapiro’s thing. Then again we would say “no please your facts and logic and hurting us”
@No-Brainer Unfortunately Shapiro only knows how to speak quickly…while it is true that sometimes the evidence supports his viewpoint, most of the time, when held to scrutiny, he’s merely presenting his opinions as fact, just look at his interview with Andrew Neil(Who is a Conservative) and what Mr Shapiro said regarding climate change. He would have been better off staying as a musician.
On point!!!
@Suspicious Samuel Bwahahaha…
I love how he actually answers the questions. Yang2020

The more i hear him talk the more i love him. So much clarity, none of the bs from this man.
Gotta flex that brain muscle!
Kia Sinclair Actions speak louder than words. It doesn’t matter if he answers all the questions or not. It matters if he ACTUALLY does it and takes action if he gets elected. That is the REAL question!
@Hoops ….I believe he will.
Keep in mind CNN is big corporate media just like all the rest. What? Do something nice for working people? Why that’s impossible!!
The give away is clever – It got a ton of people to sign up for Yang’s email list and to visit his website. Bravo !
Indeed…while all these career politicians spend there money on corporate TV ads, Yang giving money to the ppl whether they vote for him or not. And he generated so much buzz, he is a smart guy!
Every time I listen to him I’m filled with hope and happiness for our future. #yang2020
Keep dreaming idiot.
Andrew Yang will answer all your questions with fact and logic not talking point. Wow love it 100+
Every question EXCEPT how he’ll actually come up with the money to pay for the Freedom Dividend to every American over the age of 18.
Andrew Yang has to be the candidate. Real solutions, forgiveness, humility, ideas.