Andrew Yang explains why he’s joining forces with opponent

New York mayoral candidate Andrew Yang tells CNN's Wolf Blitzer why he is joining forces with other candidates and campaigning alongside them.

#CNN #News

Andrew Yang explains why he's joining forces with opponent


  1. Eric Adams couldn’t keep Brooklyn residents safe… How is he going to keep the rest of NYC safe? Last year, he got a woman killed because he told Brooklyn residents to deal with illegal fireworks themselves, and stop bothering the police and 311. The woman took his advice and went to tell the people to stop shooting fireworks because there were too many little kids around… So they shot her instead.

    1. @Hyper Lil Pogchamp because im the president. Get your facts str8 jack. Ive been in the senate for 120 years..come on maaaayne

    2. @Miss Von im the president and yes im a fraud and no i cannot speak english. I drool and mumble

  2. Because they are the establishment. They have no values. They have no platform. Its whatever needs to be said to win elections and then enjoy the Ivory tower lifestyle and pretend to do something

    1. @Clevis Bernier ya. Everything they said he lied about now conveniently oh oops he wasnt lying. The media is a fucking disgrace to humanity. They’ve basically admitted to pulling stories out of their asses and completely fabricating them for click and rage bait

    2. @Clevis Bernier hes the only one to say out loud ” we r there for the oil. We r selling them weapons” trying to wake people up to the establishment extracting our wealth and the media covering for them

    3. @Swampypolitics hahah I love it. He was also like “we’re selling weapons to the Saudi’s because they’re paying us ALOT of money”…. and the journalists were like “did he just say that”? – But then he’ll exaggerate the size of his hands or something and the media will call him a LIAR!

  3. “get plain clothes officers to go into communities to get the guns out”. If a guy that doesn’t look like a cop comes after someone’s weapons, they’re going to have a bad time.

    1. Andrew yang. You are a good and decent family man. NYC needs you in this time of crisis…… You embody a rare spirit of optimism that is authentic and inspires many. Win or lose you will continue to inspire. I think this time is your moment Andrew

    2. @Harry
      Oh, thank you, I’m Yang, wanna grease up my Snookie balloon in the portopottie behind KFC?

  4. “The opponent.” Remember, kids – it’s all about hating the “other guys” and not doing anything useful.

    1. The word opponent is not the same as enemy an opponent opposes you there’s nothing wrong with that word. Trump called his opponents the enemy and he created a lot of them by saying it

    1. *You’re dealing with* *professional and you* *should not 🚫 be afraid as* *our reputation precedes us.*
      *You’ll find testimonies of how *it works as you proceed*

    2. *W•H•A•T•S•A•*
      *I•N•V•E•S•T ««» I•N ««»»* *C•R•Y•P•T•O*
      *Doge coin ≤≥ A•N•D ≤≥* *E•T•H•*

  5. The fact that Eric Adams jumped to the race card so quickly tells me he is most certainly NOT the person for the job.
    Not that I’m much of a fan of Andrew Yang. I guess he’s a better choice than Adam’s.

  6. I think a positive role model in the troubled communities needs to be more common. Yang may be onto something, he just needs to refine the idea.

  7. I’ve never herd of a ex cop not getting the police union’s endorsement. Red flags all over Adam’s. If the city elects another democratic lunatic its lights out for them. Wang is by far the best of the bunch but with low voter turnout anyone can slip though the cracks.

  8. Just imagine: Adams tried to make this contest about race while Yang seems to be making it about credibility and merit (which is anti-Critical Race Theory which is the religion of the left.). Ironically Yang is a minority but to the left he’s not the right minority. This should be interesting.

    1. Andrew yang. You are a good and decent family man. NYC needs you in this time of crisis…… You embody a rare spirit of optimism that is authentic and inspires many. Win or lose you will continue to inspire. I think this time is your moment Andrew…

  9. If Adams thinks the only reason why people should vote for him is the color of his skin then I think that’s pretty sad.

  10. The good thing about yang is that he goes by the Numbers and facts and goes through the data not emotions and political ideology, the violence needs to go down b4 NYC can get back to the city it once was

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