Andrew Yang Explains His Healthcare Plan | All In | MSNBC

2020 Democratic Candidate for President Andrew Yang discusses his healthcare plan with Chris Hayes. Aired on 12/27/19.
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Andrew Yang Explains His Healthcare Plan | All In | MSNBC

Andrew Yang Explains His Healthcare Plan | All In | MSNBC


    1. @Nicholas Allen You might be right. If people would slow down and think they’d understand how socialistic the U.S. is now, e.g., enormous subsidies for oil giants, farmers, pharma, S.S., Medicare, Medicaid, govt. funded U.I. extensions, etc., etc. Propaganda is a killer, but it’s a staple in Trump World.

    1. @Tristan Brezovsky just report it and move on. They are posting the same kinda content everywhere. They have nothing better to do than pretend to/be racist online. Giving them attention is what they want.

    1. My forgiveness has to be bought by repaying Yang’s campaign all they stole from it. Until then, it’s #boycottMSNBC and #boycottComcast

    1. @Sammy B no need to harp on him man. We are positivity first. Were supposed to be better, not meeting at their level. Light the way with positivity. Humanity first.

    2. @Scooter Smith thanks for the reminder. My defensiveness is not one of my admirable qualities, and media landscapes such as the one we inhabit certainly dont bring out my best!

    1. @Bryan L’Oiseaux-Ximello Ok, I suspected that was part of it. But what drives you politically? Why do you support Yang?

    2. @Day Time I AGREE.. Yang is like an Asian standup comedian.. He is not a serious candidate and its amazing how many idiots take him seriously

    1. How about they stop fawning over Corporate Joe Biden? They’re de facto campaigners. They’re as yellow as can be in that regard.

  1. I watched the entire 7.5 minutes interview, Chris sounded very nervous and very uncomfortable, it looked like his boss forced him to do this dreadful interview, what a spineless POS.

    1. Agreed. The tone was aggressive too. They definitely attempted to stump him. Too bad Yang is unstunpable 😄

    2. He sounds so stressed out. Stumbling over words, breathing fast, squeaking at one point. Somebody had a knife to his throat lol.

    1. Deborah Freedman how does Yang butt in where he doesn’t belong? He belongs in the Oval Office more than any of the other democratic candidates.

    1. @gerard collier not at all I am known by the authorities the Zionist occupied government of the USA tend to keep up with radical American nationalists

  2. I know you are going to show more than this so I’ll be waiting patiently. You have one job so dont f@*k it up!

    1. @PR Fitness No. The people saying that Bernies VERSION of m4a is the only valid one are lying. He didn’t even coin the term… it comes from a news article in the 70’s. Lot’s of different versions around the world and Yang’s is similar to what is done in Taiwan or Australia. The lies aren’t working anymore.

    2. @independentCog Medicare For All is called that because it’s expanding Medicare. It’s the NAME of Bernie’s bill. Also, a recent article from the Huffington post shows Yang has the most conservative healthcare plan in the race. He isn’t expanding Medicare.

    3. @PR Fitness Yes and he named it after a term that predates it. AGAIN the term medicare for all comes from the 70’s. It doesn’t originate with Bernie. And Yang’s plan is to expand medicare to all ages instead of the elderly. Hence the medicare for all term being used. No lie there. Feel free to verify what I’m telling you if you don’t believe me. I’m not falling for this dumb term war though.

    4. @independentCog dude I just told you it’s called Medicare for All because it’s an expansion of medicare. Yang’s plan is not an expansion of medicare. Single-payer would be a better name.

    1. @Nicky yes it does youre wrong about that but you probably already know that. Thats why you are writing one sentence falsehoods instead of actually backing your bs up with sources.

  3. A genuine and brilliant person who just wants to solve problems and make his country a better place to live. 🇺🇸💕 Yang has made me believe that politics can be uplifting rather than toxic. Yang is a breath of fresh air in a field of candidates and an incumbent that would otherwise make normal Americans disappointed, skeptical, cynical, depressed, or angry.

  4. Yang’s calm and relaxed temperament despite the obvious hostile tone of the interviewer shows the quality of a true leader.

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