Andrew Yang Drops Out Of 2020 Race | MSNBC

Andrew Yang, the businessman whose unusual presidential campaign centered on a promise to give every American $1,000 a month, dropped out of the Democratic race on the night of the New Hampshire primary. Initially seen as a longshot candidate, Yang garnered legions of devoted followers who referred to themselves as the "Yang Gang."

Andrew Yang Drops Out Of 2020 Race | MSNBC


    1. @Brent 21 Zucky made the rounds. Both joe and pete came out with their Yang style after zucky came to visit.

    2. I’m sure Bernie is paying attention to Yang’s concerns about future automation. Yang didn’t waste his time running for president. Everyone was listening.

    1. Plenty of time for Andrew to run! Please I’m the meantime do what you can to support the only other progressive candidate Bernie Sanders ❤️✊🌹✌️

  1. I hope Yang runs for Congress. Atleast stay in politics, then run for President. Just stay uncorrupted. I’d vote for him!

    1. @C S yes, all tragedies. But we must carry on their vision. A better country, a united America…where the same freedom is afforded to the least among us, not just the extremely wealthy. It’s overdue.

  2. With Yang gone, I’m kind of dispirited to be honest. I am not excited about any of the others. 😕 i especially couldn’t vote for a Bloomberg or Biden type.

    1. They are all bad candidates dude, they should have taken this election more seriously. None of these candidates have demonstrated that they could be any better than president Trump. Better luck next election

    2. 20to1Devotchka if Bernie is for UBI I am for him. But his ideas just won’t help me. It helps others. UBI would help everyone. Like Dave Chapelle said, if you went to any neighborhood and asked people if they want $12,000/yr or free healthcare they would take the cash.

    1. He is for gun control and abortion. He wouldn’t get any traction. All it shows is that UBI was such a powerful idea even Republicans were willing to give a Democrat a fair hearing.

  3. Dropped out before the results in Iowa and New Hampshire are in. This is the only coverage he ever gets on MSNBC.

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