Andrew Weissman: Trump’s Pardon Of Flynn Is ‘Another Nail In Coffin’ For The Rule Of Law | Deadline

Former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissman discusses Trump’s decision to pardon his former national security advisor Michael Flynn, and what future Trump pardons could mean for the sanctity of our country’s rule of law Aired on 11/25/2020.
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#AndrewWeissman #Pardon #MSNBC

Andrew Weissman: Trump’s Pardon Of Flynn Is ‘Another Nail In Coffin’ For The Rule Of Law | Deadline

Andrew Weissman: Trump’s Pardon Of Flynn Is ‘Another Nail In Coffin’ For The Rule Of Law | Deadline


  1. That’s it. I’m not watching, listening to, or even looking at another anything about Trump and his cronies. IDGAF anymore.

  2. No one is above the law! If they don’t hold EVERY law breaker accountable, what is the point in having laws?

    1. @sharon olsen listening to Democrats talk about justice and the rule of law is sad. If your side ever gets the power it wants it will be used against you soon enough. I’ll just refer to you as a future Robespierre and hope I am wrong since you are likely a good person.

    2. @sharon olsen makes you feel superior or something when you a lower case t in President Trumps name! Sorry excuse piece of Bull Matter…lmao

    3. @jake ragsdale none of the individuals you mention did crimes for President Obama. That is the big difference.

  3. Oh and by the way almost 75millon PEOPLE who are RACIST VOTED for TRUMP THE CHUMP. AMERICA has big problems.

  4. Andrew Weissman was about the only person to be honest about what he considered to be Bob Mueller’s dropping of the ball and disappointing the American people with the way the Mueller report was handled. I give him major props for that.

    1. I remember the flack I got when I said Mueller dropped the ball… I was ridiculed something fierce.. But I stood by my assessment then, and do so now.. Mueller was NOT the boy scout everyone wanted / expected / hoped for..

    2. @sharon olsen And don’t forget…Bob Mueller, along with Colin Powell, FALSELY certified that Iraq had WMD. That laid the foundation for launching an illegal attack on another country, resulting in crimes against humanity.

    1. Only convicted persons can be pardoned and there are very few federal misdemeanors. What an embarrassing post.

    2. @jake ragsdale did obama say law and order over 200 times in 10 months??? Did Obama run his re-election campaign on the fake fear of the suburbs being overrun with criminal minorities??? Did Obama pardon people that he conspired with??? No I didn’t think so.

    3. @Eric Willison I’d suggest you actually learn a bit about pardons before you post in the future.
      That way you will not prove that you have no idea what you are talking about like you have here.

    1. @JOSE Morass all those people that were pardoned already had years in jail served and they didn’t betrayed their country

    2. @Ranger Up those pardons that Obama did Grant those people had years in jail already and they didn’t betray their country like your boy Michael Flynn did

    1. He will be pardoned, get a TV show and become the idol of all right wing militias. He will inspire conspiracy theorists to do very bad things to America

  5. This is so important please keep on top of it. Don’t pressure Biden on his AG pick as we wait to see how Georgia Senate races play out. We MUST follow through on reinstating the rule of law or an even worse wanna be dictator will come along.

    1. Obama and Biden are dictators and you support tyranny. You are truly vile. You are the type that supported Hitler, Mao, stalin, pol pot

  6. The depth and breadth of the absolute vile corruption of tRump, his administration and the GOP is staggering ! There had better be a reckoning and these wrongs made right. THAT will be part of healing this country needs.

  7. Senator William Cohen:
    “Former Republicans used to believe in the Rule of Law. I don’t see that any longer.
    It’s now the Law of Rule.”

  8. As a Republican that have seen a party been hijacked in soul and thought.  We wish it was not this way. But, the Republican Party committed the error OF EVEN PERMITTING THAT TRUMP BE ITS LEADER IN 2016.

    The Republican Party WILL SUFFER IN THE HANDS OF USA that such evil penetrated inside the party. Still people like McConnell, Graham, Cruz , Rubio and more serve Trump.  The party needs to remove all this evil before USA will trust in it again.

    All racism, selfish greed biased to the rich, white supremacy, QAnon, hatred injected by Trump messages, even condoning groups such as the Proud Boys AND OTHERS, will linger negatively.

    SOMEONE IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY NEEDS TO CLEAN ALL THIS. We don’t even know how safe Joe Biden’s life is when people with guns in rallies have given approval to Trump. Those are white supremacists infiltrated on THEIR OWN AGENDA.


  9. Trump’s administration will be remembered as the most corrupt in American History! That will be the con man’s legacy!

  10. Trump must be held accountable for his crimes before and during his presidency. America has to maintain its integrity by upholding the Justice system!

  11. Why would they hesitate to pursue justice? There are two possible messages for future presidents: you can get away with it or you can’t. There can be no compromise.

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