Former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann explains that even though there is a lot of speculation behind Attorney General Bill Barr’s resignation, the real story is his lasting impact on the Justice Department. Aired on 12/15/2020.
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#AndrewWeissman #BarrsLegacy #MSNBC
Andrew Weissman Calls Bill Barr’s Legacy At The Department Of Justice ‘Horrific’ | Deadline | MSNBC
He was bad before Trump. “Cover up AG” Bill Barr in the Bush sr era
Trump just permitted him to pull his girdle off and show his REAL self.
BILL Barr is one slimy being that should have a very sad and humiliating professional life ending
Yes. Pardoned the Iran-Contra criminals.
@Lynda Koers Including Ollie “I’ll support terrorists with guns because I’m a patriot” North (Call of doodoo, NRA etc) and old dead bush
If he was BAD with Bush WHY Trump choose him he took money from Dem conroopt shame Barr you will geve ansor to God .if you have nolege about God.
Republicans are the new confederates
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
@RE BURD Now you are overthinking it! LOL
Yes it was retroactive though.
America is abandoning conservatism and moving toward the social democratic model that has been embraced by the rest of the modern free world. The writing’s on the wall, just as it was for the slave owners in the 19th century . The republican death spiral that we are witnessing is essentially the same doomed and desperate attempt of the confederates to postpone the inevitable . The American ego does not seem well suited to accepting change with grace or dignity, making Donald Trump an almost perfect Poster Boy of the syndrome.
@peter baxter The America you speak of must mean some powerful movement, or at least active voting majority, within the country. Number of citizens who voted for Biden: 81 million. For Trump: 73 million. Number of citizens who could have, but didn’t bother to, vote: 67 million citizens. It is not at all clear who will collect the remaining voters. What happened in the 2020 election is not at all encouraging and downright counter-intuitive.
Which constituencies shifted TOWARD Trump from 2016 to 2020? All of them but white males. White males shifted 10% toward Biden. On the other hand, Hispanics shifted 10% toward Trump. All other constituencies–white women, black women, black men, Native Americans, and Asians (particularly Vietnamese) shifted 5% TOWARD Trump. It isn’t racism for most voters. It is tribalism. Trump told people that some other group was holding back their success and that it was alright to hate them for it. Every constituency sees Trump fighting against the people holding them back, but each constituency has a different enemy. A leader like Trump, who has disparaging things to say about every group, has his bases covered.
We are a weak and broken people, we Americans. We care about ourselves, but we are not sure if we really care about others. Those of us who believe in equality and empathy are in the minority even among minorities, and we should not be fooled into believing in an alternate reality. The majority of Americans don’t believe in fair play; they believe in seeking their own advantage. We have a different culture than most Europeans.
HOPEFULLY, young people, who (hopefully) are better educated about social democracies, climate change, religious-gender-racial equality, regulated economies, etc., will provide the momentum to move ahead toward a more equitable and rational national consensus, but we should take nothing for granted.
So true. Its not united states is divided states. They drank Donald trumps poison.
Bill Barr is and never was the people’s AG. He was Donald Trump’s AG. I’d rather have Ali G.
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
@martin M Q is most likely a dude living in the Philippines named James Arthur Watkins along with his son.
Nobody in creepy Joes administration will be for “the people”. They are not America first. CCP China Russia etc.etc.etc America. Dementia Joes family gets richer from China than from America.
Hoh wow
oh yes
I wish.
Those so-called “legal professionals who have covered up trump’s activities and assisted in his attempted coup should be disbarred and rejected by society. There needs to be a price for knowingly aiding trump’s actions!
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
– *If you could reason with Trump supporters They wouldn’t be Trump supporters* –
Try me !
@Bob Davidson You know what they said about mud wrestling with a pig. Right.
@surewinner u just reasoned with him, went past his head, no response, nothing, like he has dementia lol and thats why hes a trump supporter
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
Uoh wow
oh yes
Has anybody asked Barr’s family about this? I’m guessing they are not OK with it. No sir, I guessing they think him being home more sucks.
Oh I think they know what is going on, since some of them work in the administration
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
@martin M IMHO the Quackernons are Russian, since the Quackers are all over the world. They have interfered in Brexit, they shown up in the UK and we have some in Canada. I’m pretty sure Stephen Miller is a follower,
Bill Barr is dirt himself
Job 1 for Biden’s AG: indict Barr.
Well at least you got one lol
@moneyrunnr This coming from the cling-on that supports a “man” who can’t walk down a ramp or drink from a glass unless it’s a sippy cup! Joe rides a bike and runs regularly, you’ll have to get help to get off your mom’s couch to see if you can see him from your trailer though.
He would answers the questions to the law abiding to the law abiding citizens and after 4 years of this
We will need our allies and the rest of the world to lock up the trump cult
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
Freddy Flintstone needs to be prosecuted for crime against American people , He lied time and again about the corruption of his mob boss
name one time..I double dare you
What policy’s do democrats have that you like that will benefit all hard working Americans and retirees?
@Bob Davidson Anyone who is fully aware, informed and honest (..and not at the minimum a multi-millionaire), will state unequivocally that the policies of Reps & Dems are equally toxic, destructive and/or counter-productive to a healthy society.
@Bob Davidson Medicare at 60 instead of 65 no taxes raised below 400k a yr
Cleaning up after trump’s administration is going to be a lot like picking up my dog’s poop everyday. Gee, I hope I haven’t damaged my dog’s legacy.
More like cleaning up after a dog show. Disgusting.
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
Bill Barr angling for a pardon – he knows he can’t really get one as A.G.
The demorats are the worst what are u talking about u voted for a fake someone that does not no were he is half of the time u guys stole this election so don’t worry karma is a mother Ffffff
@Sandra Paredes what nationality are you?
@Danthe360man why should that even matter?
@Juli Gotshal who says no instead of know? Do you know any American who says that?
Next Independent AG will have to restore the world’s faith in USA by simply proving “NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW”; and also #DisbarBarr
Barry needs to be investigated.
Barr needs to be investigated when he quits. He helped trump lie and let criminals free.
@Helen Williams who was freed ?
Did Barr resign or just leave early to avoid traffic?
that’s funny!!!
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
Every law school’s Ethics classes will be teaching Barr’s actions for decades.
So far he has raised(taken?) his supporters for $200,000,000+ by declaring he needs it to challenge his “LANDSLIDE LOSS” to Joe Biden. Keep donating to this con man. He really appreciates it and do not stop. He will be hitting his supporters up for years with more lies, lies and lies.
@nick78447 Power, raw political power. He enjoys having power.
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
Yoh wow
oh yes
@nick78447 yes, what was in it for him? Keep asking until the answer comes. It will become very evident.
Barr doesn’t want to be associated with Trump’s upcoming pardon spree.
He wants to be pardoned by Trump.
The individual who brought him to the dance,the one he dropped his drawers for,grifted for,etc…
Barr is a poisonous toad..treasonous to his own department.
A legacy of obstruction, equivocation and soiling the Constitution.
That is WHO he is.
Barr wasn’t brought to the dance. He was a topless wallflower and Trump loved it.
Toh wow
oh yes
Like Trump, Barr’s legacy is he lied and betrayed America. They are both TRAITORS!
Barr trying to shake the crap off his shoes and bounce early but when you hang out with grifter and chief your part of the grift.
@ursula mittmann If I’m a bot how do I know where you are right now?
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump
Irma Rivera lol
freedom must accompany with the responsibility.

Don’t just spell out anything which is you don’t proof like wrongdoer trump. Please!
The worst President in US history appointed the worst Attorney General in US history.
Layers upon layers of loathsome legacy.
Agreed, when obama appointed eric holder that was balls deep in loathesomeness!
@TheFacistCensors at YouTube hate Freedom of Speech ruski bot
Just making the swamp swampier what he does best!
Bill Barr is unconcerned with his legacy. “I’ll be dead,” his own words.
BILL BARR I think could be the head of QAnon.
And BILL BARR has a lot of dirt on Quack Quack Trump