Andrew Scheer’s full keynote address at UCP meeting

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer delivers a keynote address at United Conservative Party annual general meeting in Calgary.

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Andrew Scheer's full keynote address at UCP meeting


    1. @Richard S Torontonians LOVE him no matter what!!! And the Bloc has surged! These places attract the most immigrants…totally not beatable!

    2. @Lynn Johnston he has had his chance. He ran a very poor canpaign and didn’t beat Trudeau. He is an appeaser like Neville Chaimerlain. In other words a liberal in disguise.

  1. the eastern voters have spoken they don’t want unity or think that Canada is a resource country. the election was over at the Ontario and Manitoba boarder . the west will never have full representation the way things are set up

    1. Then open your minds to green new energy and start training for the 20 million jobs that the industry has already created.
      Folding your arms and getting angry that the oil industry just isn’t what it used to be and refusing to see the abundance of opportunities in green energy while oilc companies close their doors one by one isn’t going to help.

      the rest of the world is moving away from fossil fuels and working on lowering their dependancy to them. Whether the oil industry likes it, or not. All we need to progress into a newer, cleaner future is a bit of re-training and education..

  2. Gee Andrew Scheer May have a tougher job than Justin Trudeau. One month ago he was the saviour of the Conservatives and now one “senior” person in the party said he should step down so everyone on the internet has joined that bandwagon.

  3. The country is divided not by the West but by the East. The notion of somehow uniting the country only means one thing, pandering to the East for votes. That up and down round and round carousel is worn out! Either the PC Party shores up the support they have in the West and leads the cause or someone else will! There is only one fix WExit! Either be part of the solution or part of the problem.

  4. WEXIT is the KEYstone to what the Original makeup was! East never was part of the West! Hell was never in any plan! Hudson Bay company was original COSCO ! OH and Alaska Never went anywhere Still there! The WEST Shares way more border With USA than the “East”! WEXIT PERIOD!

  5. STEP DOWN, you grinning fool.
    Conservative politics in Canada is in a mess, even splitting between two parties, Conservative party and People’s party. Needs to be a united front to win.

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