Andrew Scheer says he has nothing more to add regarding a photo that showed him not wearing a mask.
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You do – you commented
The dead?
Corrupt Media…I want to see them ask these questions to Trudeau.
They don’t need to because Trudeau wears a mask.
@Denis Goguen They can not because Trudeau is always hiding or running away somewhere to avoid answering questions.
Dr. Tam and liberal govt. said masks are not necessary, not helpful cause ppl touch their eyes etc…
Turdeau is more of a threat he gave 10s of millions to terrorists and let’s them back into the country and then wants to disarm Canadians what a complete moron he should be in Guantanamo
where are you getting your info. Can you provide some reputable links. Thanks.
Trudeau is the best PM we’ve had in a very long time.
@Richard C hahahaha in the time he has been in power hes doubled our national debt
Richard C

je eleftheria you really think he has any facts? The guys is clearly stupid and failed school.
Liberals care that their $600,000,000.00 is going to get value for them
The press in this country is a laughing stock around the world they are not journalists just leeches
you must be a world traveler ? Are you really BORIS ? are you drinking gas / vodka and beating your wife ?
You are a laughing stock and an embarrassment to whoever bore you
Yet Justin was out protesting not performing physical distancing. Can you at least pretend not to be biased.

how so? scheer’s leader of the opposition during an epidemic. please explain. thanks.
If Your Going To Tell LIES At Least Wear a Mask , This Way They Can’t Tell !!
Not a lie hahaha check out the Mexican news paper
Go to school. Its free. You’re dumb, and you need it.
R K when one gets that defensive he’s wrong lol
300 billion! That works out to 10k per Canadian, and its only month 3 of covid payments. That is unrecoverable losses from the quarantine.
Lol, these reporters are awful
Is that the same airport that had flights from China coming in non-stop, didn’t hand out masks to passengers, didn’t do temperature checks, but created a covid info pamphlet destroying trees wasting tax dollars???
I really don’t like Scheer, but this is a non story. If you are allowed to pull the mask down to eat or drink, why can’t you use your phone?
great come back….
This is a non story……a complete waste of a question.
talk about a nervous voice
Out of madness.
Not news
A better headline would be. “Trudeau tries to give his buddies at We a billion dollars of our money”.
Great answer! What a dump question?