Watch Andrew Scheer's full resignation speech as Conservative leader in the House of Commons.
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Yup, he finally read the writing on the wall.
The writing was always on the wall…he just forgot his glasses and couldn’t see it…
@abcun17, just looked on my Google news feed, Scheer resigned because someone leaked that he was using Conservative-Party funds to pay his kids’ private-school tuition, what a hypocrite! Funny how that leaked now;)
@Art Dent In a way, and I’ll use this tasteless analogy here, Sheer jumped in front of the bus before being pushed…
Art Dent at least it was party funds not tax dollars. Like what we all pay for Justin’s nannies… plural
@garrett knecht yeah, but if Scheer’s misappropriating from his party’s limited funding, could he have been trusted with the tax-payers money? Del Maestro going to jail for election fraud, a Mulroney Cabinet Minister a month went down for conflict of interest or worse for a while there, some of them were convicted in court like Del Maestro. That’s the problem with Tories, they flip out about minor transgressions when they’re in opposition, then go to jail for major transgressions when they’re in power. Hypocrisy, thy name is TORY.
Pierre polviere
Next member of the LibCon brotherhood, please stand up.
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9
Carlos I bet you that guy didn’t predict GPS
Pierre for. Prime minister he waited too long cost them the election
lol the stands are so short
Really crappy sound quality.
no more life long politicians that goes for scheer and little justin
It is *either go commie or never win again* for the conservatives … and conservatism in general. And the latter choice is the right one. Politics are going to be a thing of history soon, and history is almost over !
End times, you know. The 666 is internationalist communism. Look around and go where the indicators lead.
All the best to you ! Thanks so much for your dedication and efforts!
Syrup . . . pure maple syrup
Not puppety enough
Bid deal who cares
You did your best Andrew respect always.
He can probably get the basement suite at Brian’s.
Harper is upstairs.
I wonder how Caesar felt with the knives were thrust.
Regardless, he knew he had a pretty sharp nephew.
What a sack of radishes
How is this guy a conservative?
Thank you Mr Sheer, this is the right move in your long career , great Canada
Peter Mackay for PC Leader and next PM of Canada.
He is going to continue as an MP because he has no skills.
Or brains.