New York Governor Andrew Cuomo responds to President Donald Trump's implication that personal protective equipment sent to New York City was "going out the back door." Aired on 3/30/2020.
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Andrew Cuomo Responds To Trump Accusation That NYC Is Letting PPE 'Go Out The Back Door' | MSNBC
How does Trump know so much about stealing stuff through the backdoor, personal finances?
Your old lady knows about the back door too.
Yup, you know he has his slimy hands on the 2.2 trillion stimulus package.
No BS because he did it
@Yen Cho Now all we need is actual PROOF, not stupid accusations based on bias and hatred….
No BS he just assumed it was the opposite operation, of how YOU take things INTO your BACK DOOR ! Lay off the bashing of our President, you brainless SNOWFLAKE
Trump is a thief, he just assumes everyone else is.
@Walt Schmidt true, every major thing they accused Trump, was the deflecting of one of there own .
Even still trying to prove who the players were on russian hoax and looking into Ukraine, they blame him when quid pro joe was cutting dirty deals.
@Maverick He hasn’t paid contractors for work they did years ago on his hotels and casinos. That’s documented that’s nothing FAKE about that.
I agree
Lets be honest: Trump didn’ t mention nurses. Headlines said he did. he himself didn’ t.
This was Trump’ s quote:
“Something is going on, and you ought to look into it as reporters. Where are the masks going? Are they going out the back door? How do you go from 10,000 to 300,000? And we have that in a lot of different places. So, somebody should probably look into that, because I just don’t see, from a practical standpoint, how that’s possible to go from that to that. And we have that happening in numerous places — not to that extent; that was the highest number I’ve heard.
To make sure he was understood, the president later underscored his claim by saying, “I don’t think it’s hoarding … I think maybe it’s worse than hoarding.””
Now, Cuomo’s quote was ” “Not just people taking a couple or three, I mean just actual thefts of those products,” Cuomo said at a press conference from the state capital in Albany. “I’ve asked the state police to do an investigation, look at places that are selling masks, medical equipment, protective wear, feeding the anxiety.” ”
They are both saying equipement is being stolen and Cuomo even in stronger terms uses the word “theft”
Trump says “worse than hoarding” and some media is translating it into ” Trump is making baseless attacks on New York nurses” .
There HAVE been reports even about theft:
and (“Hospital officials in Boston and elsewhere have reported similar thefts.” )
But Trump was not even mentioning “selling” , while Cuomo did mention “selling”
Apart of if we like Trump or not, lets be fair and just recognize Trump didn’ t mention nurses and Trump and Cuomo made very similar claims. I don’t like Trump, but I HATE underhanded media tactics.
When Trump suggests equipment might be going through the back door, you read “The president offered no evidence to back his suggestion of something nefarious.”
Then Cuomo states :”People are stealing masks and other medical equipment from hospitals, New York Gov. Cuomo says”
And there is no such accusation of Cuomo not giving evidence. He in fact never gave evidence.
Lets just be fair.
@Tremendo Hacker We must be watching two separate episodes of the same show. You go ahead with that nonsense .
Dopey trump has massive history of unpaid debts – is that not robbery?
@Bilbo Baggins Your handle says it all – fantasist like dopey trump!
@Ruth Crabtree Just like his marriages!
He has already in his 3 years added more debt to this country that Obama did in 8 years. And the federal debt is only 30 Trillion. The debt of every state, county and city is 100 Trillion.
@ATS_ That is a weighty fact – good one!
Nicely handled Cuomo. You can’t teach leadership.
Yeah you can .
Actually, you can teach leadership, often by example. You just can’t teach it (or anything really) to someone who deludedly claims that they are “the best” at everything “like you wouldn’t believe”.
@t mak contraire mon frere there are plenty a scapegoat along his trail.
Ivanka speads for Quincy Jones
If Cuomo knew anything about leadership there wouldn’t be a city of ten million people completely unprepared for such an event. The highest taxed state in the country and not prepared with material or concept of emergency hospitals. He’s a federal government welfare recipient.
And CUOMO cant lead a city.
this is what a president sounds and thinks like.
@Lawrence DeHarde Trump only closed the border “late” to score points with idiots like you.
@Lawrence DeHarde At least Cuomo can spell “border”. Trumpanzees
High taxes in NY
@Lawrence DeHarde If there was a big spread of cases I wouldn’t be going to the theaters. People can use there brains. Bet everyone wasnt out on march 11. Even then as soon as it caught on hes been working a month. Till a week ago it was a game to trump. Including needing thanks for doing his job,
@Lawrence DeHarde And after that his next line of defense is we should have no new cases as the USA should have seen a drop in numbers by easter. Can we say hot spots still exist? You act like one good decision negates all bad ones. And Cuomo works without a thanks pretty much. Looks exhausted tired and doesn’t have provisions that trump does of a car to drive him or a person to bring his meals prepared fresh and beautiful or a laundromat service
A conman and career criminal accusing others of stealing. Trump should be in Federal prison.
@j walsh No way. I don’t want an offer from Hillary to suicide my cellmate.
@Rude One I don’t believe that Trumpist crap but if you are looking for a real murderer you don’t have to go any farther than Trump.To date, his stupidity and ineptness has caused many deaths.You know, people choking to death in hospitals right now.
@jeno826 Trump 2020 In Jail. Yay.
Trump is too slick to be jailed. He’s been dealing with New York gangsters for decades……..
@Denise Hall non of Trump’s cuts to the CDC have happened yet they were only supposed to take effect in 2021 so there’s no way he’s responsible for any of the current situations like shortages of ventilators and other things in regards to the people who were let go it’s a big company and needed to be trimmed and it didn’t affect anything differently you got to do your own research
Trump does what he does best, feeds poison to the simple minded. The trump virus is here, prepare.
@Drake Fire it’ll be in your mailbox in about 3 weeks.
@ifie ejiroghene Travel ban did what exactly?
And knowing of it’s existence at least by December isn’t being taken by surprise.
@Drake Fire Travel ban from china was to stop the spread of covid 19. However the mistake they made was to not quarantine people coming into the Country during that period. Every one wants to be an expert these period that’s the problem. Every one bashing on trump in every single thing. I just feel now is not the time for that. Get on his case later right now lets do everything we can to avoid the spread of this virus. I cant remember obama being accused of anything though. Even when he got it wrong sometimes. Pandemics situation are difficult to handle.
@ifie ejiroghene So, you still don’t realize it did nothing.
@ifie ejiroghene So how bad does dump’s butthole smell since you’re so far up it?
This governor is pleading and begging for his state. He will save lives
nand nicarrabla There is no spin. Simply stated New York politicians did not want the federal government in their sanctuary and now they’re begging for it. Trump tried to close the borders and the democrats called him an overzealous racist and a nationalist. It appears this virus originated outside of our borders and was brought to the US. You libs cry no matter what although Trump’s two steps ahead of you. I know we definitely needed Pelosi’s addendum to the coronavirus/ stimulus bill to throw $35 million toward the Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts and a green package for the airlines. Go clutch your Bernie dolly and build a toilet paper fort. You reap what you sew. God’s will shall be done. Enjoy.
nand nicarrabla There is no spin. Simply stated New York politicians did not want the federal government in their sanctuary and now they’re begging for it. Trump tried to close the borders and the democrats called him an overzealous racist and a nationalist. It appears this virus originated outside of our borders and was brought to the US. You libs cry no matter what although Trump’s two steps ahead of you. I know we definitely needed Pelosi’s addendum to the coronavirus/ stimulus bill to throw $35 million toward the Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts and a green package for the airlines. Go clutch your Bernie dolly and build a toilet paper fort. You reap what you sew. God’s will shall be done. Enjoy.
@Evil Dwarf it appears it originated at the borders? Why the hint of doubt? Is it because you wish it was China instead of Mexico right across the border to validate your reasoning?
pleading and begging – while keeping a stockpile while nyc hospitals are begging for supplies. make that make sense.
tommy d yup
Wow, someone in charge who isn’t evil, stupid or both
This guy axed 10k hospital beds in NY last year bruh
Cuomo himself also said that People are stealing masks and other medical equipment from hospitals on CNBD, march 6th.
@Greg Kombs the hospitals are empty becuause elective procedures and everything else medically has been cancelled in anticipation for the Apex. How fcking stupid can you people be. Hospital rooms that where once used for elective procedures are now floors ready in anticipation for this virus. You idiot’s have never opened a book yet you want to tell the American public whats real during a pandemic.
I love this guy. The ultimate straight talking New Yorker. What you get is what you see, so refreshing!!
@Seven Nine Three Useless is you.What you contribute? Zero
Gov. Cuomo is an excellent leader.
Trump 101 – Falsely accuse others of doing what you would do.
@Jon Thomas hey are you hating with Hannity? Because I hear they are gaslighting still and now people are dying.
Like the democrats do every day with every false narrative? Like that, you mean? Like voter fraud for instance? Trump 2020

Doug E what is your opinion of Dr Barbot and NOLA mayor laughing off virus and encouraging large events against CDC recommendations. Both port cities which makes it exponentially worse.
@Dara L Carroll They are criminals.
definitely convinced Trump has no clue what a virus vs a bacteria is…
The moronavirus is contagious. Just look at a Fox news post. They enjoy playing to the mentally challenged.
It won’t be that funny when they get sued after for all the misinformation and non – chalant attitude!!
@jazzy tootoo That is their fear right now.
Everything Governor Cuomo is saying in this clip is logical and sincere.
that’s what any industrial manager would say.
@eric marie no. That’s what a governor in the middle of a crisis watching his people die in desperation would say. He is planning to not have anymore deaths on his hands, because unlike a certain orange, he cares.
@Reen S and because he isn’t sitting in his business conference room talking about the “city he loves” off of a transcript. He walks the streets, he deals with avoiding his mom getting sick, he hears the ambulance, he worries about his kids and his mom and hes probably using every ounce of spare time trying to connect with Chris and Christines kids and stand in the gap for them.
guess I said mom twice. She deserves two mentions. Said in a clip where he was talking of trump talking like he was done with his part that cuomo would love to be done with his part as he could see his mom or spend time with kids or enjoy spring weather going fishing.
The fact that he has to explain that to a President tells me how far America has fallen
The United States is no longer what the world always wanted to see in the United States. The descent then started with an actor as president. Clinton did a good job, but unfortunately let himself be blown out of the way
Obama was still doing a good job. So actually it was just these two Democrats in the past 4 decades.
Until America meets the standard of the real great countries of the planet, ti will always be a shithole 3rd world country. No real healthcare, no real public education, poor environmental regulations, too many guns, nazis on the police force etc. It didn’t fall far at all, it was always really low.
I thought we were being greaterererer. Darn.
Amen !!
@Obviously True I totally agree with Nazis on the police force and that statement is the reason we all must have guns..if not those nazi cops will totally rule us as their servants
Always liked Cuomo, but now I have mad respect for him. He is honest, and admits when he doesn’t have an answer. He will defer to the professionals. That’s leadership.
It’s better than saying nonsense like your clown at the white house.
This is how a normal politician( person) talks.
Yeah thats what we need politicans who talk well and do very little. He is a coward trump 2020
@a.m Trump talks too … mostly about himself. Perhaps if he’d acted sooner instead of thinking he KNEW everything the country would be in a better place right now. Trump cries every time somebody hurts his tiny ego. Most politicians on either side are generally full of crap half the time. But with Trump it’s most of the time. And those who don’t see it willfully choose not to.
@DyesubDave snowflake he was the first to close the borders so he did more than any other leader
We almost forgot!
Then run for prez
Trump makes the accusation because it’s what HE would do. It’s all projection.
@SamSurplusSales nobody is prepared for this….nobody….you might want to ask this administration where they were when they were getting briefed on the virus back in nov.
Cuomo himself also said that People are stealing masks and other medical equipment from hospitals on CNBD, march 6th.
Doctor Thirteen bad mindset
@Terence John That article makes no mention of nurses.
Trump is embellishing. Again.
@Doctor Thirteen Hi Doctor Thirteen, lets be honest: Trump also didn’ t mention nurses. Headlines said he did. he himself didn’ t.
This was Trump’ s quote:
“Something is going on, and you ought to look into it as reporters. Where are the masks going? Are they going out the back door? How do you go from 10,000 to 300,000? And we have that in a lot of different places. So, somebody should probably look into that, because I just don’t see, from a practical standpoint, how that’s possible to go from that to that. And we have that happening in numerous places — not to that extent; that was the highest number I’ve heard.
To make sure he was understood, the president later underscored his claim by saying, “I don’t think it’s hoarding … I think maybe it’s worse than hoarding.””
DrThirteen, If you require the article I sent you to include nurses, you have to be honest and require Trump’ s statement to include nurses.
Cuomo’s quote was ” “Not just people taking a couple or three, I mean just actual thefts of those products,” Cuomo said at a press conference from the state capital in Albany. “I’ve asked the state police to do an investigation, look at places that are selling masks, medical equipment, protective wear, feeding the anxiety.” ”
They are both saying equipement is being stolen and Cuomo even in stronger terms uses the word “theft”
Trump says “worse than hoarding” and some media is translating it into ” Trump is making baseless attacks on New York nurses” .
There HAVE been reports even about theft:
and (“Hospital officials in Boston and elsewhere have reported similar thefts.” )
But Trump was not even mentioning “selling” , while Cuomo did mention “selling”
Apart of if we like Trump or not, lets be fair and just recognize Trump didn’ t mention nurses and Trump and Cuomo made very similar claims. I don’t like Trump, but I HATE underhanded media tactics.
When Trump suggests equipement might be going through the back door, you read “The president offered no evidence to back his suggestion of something nefarious.”
Then Cuomo states :”People are stealing masks and other medical equipment from hospitals, New York Gov. Cuomo says”
And there is no such accusation of Cuomo not giving evidence. He in fact *never* gave evidence.
Lets just be fair.
Has this guy even slept? I believe he has aged dramatically while dealing with the crisis in his state. Stay healthy Governor, NY needs you.
Right. And tRump looks fresh as a daisy because he hasn’t done anything but blame shift, Tweet how great his ratings are, and accuse health care workers of essentially stealing equip.!
The country needs you!
Love from socal
Thank God for our entire Administration’s of NYC.l pray for them all for our worker in hospital who are in first line with no supply in hospital.Now in this crisis when we don’t have a president just a fake one who take no responsibility of anything only benefit at all.We want this circus to end from white House.3.5 yes.was more than enough.
Are you working for this guy on CNN?
Oh wait…no his brother is
It is 04 14 20
Need more ventilators from china guvna?
Trumps next interview when an interviewer quotes him on this exact topic.
“I didn’t say that, that’s a nasty question you should be ashamed”
Fake news even though he’s on tape in plain view of the world

Hi there, 3M Mask in Stock for Sale. Go to:
Bless you, Governor Cuomo. Wish that you were President instead of the orange crust.
Shows how stupid you are.
@Walt Schmidt if you voted for that orange peel, then you’re that stupid !
@Walt Schmidt …no, it ACTUALLY shows how stupid YOU are!!!