CNN's Anderson Cooper examines President Trump's fixation on proving that Hurricane Dorian threatened Alabama, a claim that was refuted by the National Weather Service.
#CNN #News
CNN's Anderson Cooper examines President Trump's fixation on proving that Hurricane Dorian threatened Alabama, a claim that was refuted by the National Weather Service.
#CNN #News
My grandpa was like this so we had to put him in a secure nursing home.
@William H like uranus?
@michaelthemovieman Funny, because I haven’t seen a single fact from you yet.
@michaelthemovieman And you can’t seem to get through a single sentence without spitting out some racial slur. Why should anyone take you seriously.
Kevin almost stumbles over himself to obey Trump by setting up the doctored chart. That speaks volumes about the suffocating hyper vigilant state of the environment inside the Trump bubble world. Don’t say or do anything to get on his wrong side. Otherwise, he will turn on you in an instant, shouting at you & demeaning you. This according to those who have left the White House or anonymous sources still there.
Sid Manchester This is the result of a lying nutcase in office…just one of many many examples
so did he save Alabama? That’s what he tell the people of Alabama he alone can protect them from fake weather. Lol!!

@The Truth Channel Niiice bold text there imfuckingpressivve! AND those caps WOW WOO WEE YOU GO!
@Kelly Morgan Merly I like cream soda a little bit more then I like orange crush.
Ignore the so called truth channel, he is a lonely troll with nothing but a bottle of hand lotion to keep him company.
@Kathy Weis what’s wrong with masturbating
The toddler in chief doesn’t like to be proved wrong! A screaming narcissist like Trump is always right and never wrong.
Graham Paterson
Trump 2020!
Dan oh gee Harrison Ford? He did Star Wars or something he must know everything.
@Evan DeaverAnd Trump did Celebrity Apprentice! What’s your point?
The Dotard was hoping to have a nuclear war with a hurricane. Lol
Trump will always waste his time of things he thinks that will show people he is correct in what he posts on twitter. He does not like to be corrected by any means by any official. So he brought out his sharpie and tried to make his point clear.. LOL… Idiot honestly…. And don’t you love how this other guy who is an official is okay with this. Just say Trump is correct when he knows that he’s not right. This storm was never going near Alabama…. He’s not worried about what wtf that is going on but honestly to only make a point to appear that he is RIGHT…
Imagine if Trump spent as much energy focusing on where the hurricane hit, rather than where it didn’t. You have a president that lies so much that he ran out of things to lie about, and now started to lie about the weather.
Looking in from abroad, your president seems much more focused on excusing and justifying his own lies than about bothering himself with the hurricane victims or damage.
Gustavo Rodriguez You’re the type of person the president called a rapist and thief and wants to get rid of, and yet you’re supporting him? Need to get your priorities straight, hombre.
Anders he lied about the weather on inauguration day, ….. and Gustavo Rodriguez, … you’re the reason Trump loves the uneducated.

@RuBaron715 Right, I actually forgot that. It feels like it was 15 years ago…
@Ver Coda What great country are you from? And how much did the Ameica give to your Country? Nothing nice to say then STFU… Worry about your own country….
Corrupt goverment hurts everybody. Need investigations on all in Washington.
Alabama is filing for disaster relief funds just in case they can get some money out of this.
*Your mother did the same thing for half her life but you were fine it with then*
The Truth Channel Very weak. That other guy’s comment was amusing, but your attempt at trolling is very poor.
@Ver Coda; Childish, inept ad hominem – so trump like.
@North Guy Umm… same?
what happened to the new green DEAL, more like the art of the government steal? now it’s a 7 point climate plan=#TAX #$$ Cooper your OLD.
Home Security Advisor still went out to bat for the guy who lied .. c’mon man!
Remember when social media was just for college kids? Can we go back to that?
That’s all we need a bunch of privileged people complaining and whining about wokness
Trump steals airtime. You people simply comply with his wishes?
It cant be one one hundredth of the time your network spent lying to your audience for ratings about the Russiagate Hoax. So what’s your point?
Dear Lord, please send lightning and thunder
In rebuttal to Mr. Anderson Pooper:
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Kevin fumbles but retains his “grown up scowl”. Good boy Kev….. Play football much?
Lets cover bills many trips to epstein island
bro, let’s talk about how much time CNN has wasted on horseshit since Trump entered into the political scene.
Is this a newscast or an Op-Ed? Walter Conkrite, we miss you!