Anderson Cooper chastised Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) for calling CNN's Manu Raju a "liberal hack" when asked about considering new evidence for President Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate. #CNN #News
Anderson Cooper roasts GOP lawmaker for ‘liberal hack’ jab at reporter

Hey McSally, if you can’t stand the heat get out of the Congress.
Yes yes yes
And yes
I hope she doesn’t return to her seat!!
She is panicking cause Mark is ahead of her in poll and fundraisers.
Mark mark!!!!!!
she has chosen her fate now…
She doesn’t have a chance in hell of beating Mark Kelly.
If she wins its cause of Russian hack. The recounts are too many with these GOP traitors.
Reporter: Will you consider the new evidence that has incriminating information on the accused
GOP senator: yOu LiBeRaL hAcK
smooth … real smooth.. I know which party ill be voting for 2020
@Chadillac The pooper scooper has got to be one of the worst. Don Lemonhead and Fredo are at the top.
I’m there with you. I was raised Conservative in a Conservative family. Thanks to Trump, we all voted Democrat in the Mid-Terms and thanks to the GOP’s recent actions, I don’t think I will ever vote for a Republican again.
@T Boned Better than the Party of Putin. Damn dirty traitors.
@Jeremy Backup Keep watching the fake news then. They love people like you.
@Jeremy Backup I guess you didn’t hear the news. Russian collusion was a bust and a lie. Keep pushing the Russian narrative and the bot narrative though. You people all seem to think the same.
If Trump did nothing wrong, then having his very own people testify shouldn’t be a problem…..right?
@Chadillac Poop chute, lol. Come up with that all by yourself did ya?
Goku Black Well, that is what all Trumptards think. Donald Trump is the smartest man ever lived, all Trumptards are just 10 IQ points below him.
@maddooggg Prosecutors don’t present evidence at indictment (The Impeachent hearings) those determine whether there is a case to answer. They present evidence at the Trial ( the Senate procedings).
bg mofo
Th e impeached * trump told them to ignore the subpoenas, and he ordered his admin to refuse handing over documents, emails, and any relevant information, Obstructing the congress from doing its duty, Stone walling in courts, and not upholding the laws of the constitution.
You know that’s wrong, don’t you? Or are you that ignorant and uneducated?
Who’s triggered? Sounds like he hit a nerve with you kid!
McSally, like others, has become twisted and mentally off-balance by a little taste of power.
Was her mind…HACKED?
Eventually greed and power will corrupt even the most righteous. Sad times.
Edward Pincus …. Power corrupts.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
She’s a *Senate SEAT FILLER* that’s angry her legacy will be in the garbage right along with the rest of her Republican cronies!
She’s a political hack!
All the GOPs are showing their real colors; RUDE & CLASSLESS.
Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) will lose reelection! Mark Kelly has a better record as a human being!
She’s temperamentally ill suited for the senate. SAD.
McSally has crossed over to the dark side.
Arizona get rid of Martha McSally!!!!!!!!! She needs to go!
McSally “was brave, she served in combat”. Now she’s just another Trump hack.
David V you know what, she said the best possible thing. CNN IS JUST PART OF THE PROBLEM.
Another corporate media.
When CNN treats someone horrible, they say, HEY this is fact. When people respond to cnn, they say, oh no they called me a hack.
What a joke
I’m living in AZ and am not a fan of her. She’s a hack!!job.
Any Congress member who is putting party before the people and scared losing their jobs are in need of removal!!!
She’s trying to show the dotard and his base she wants a endorsement from the sweaty lying cheating fat dotard #DonaldTrump
Don’t worry Martha McSadly you will be home for good before too much longer.
Voting all blue in 2020.
I just donated, again, to Mark Kelly, please help elect this great American,
The GOP shouldn’t be allowed to appoint our Senators.